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Wings of Fire Books In Order

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Publication Order of Wings of Fire Books

The Dragonet Prophecy (2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Lost Heir (2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Hidden Kingdom (2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Dark Secret (2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Brightest Night (2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Moon Rising (2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
Winter Turning (2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
Escaping Peril (2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Talons of Power (2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Darkness of Dragons (2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Lost Continent (2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Hive Queen (2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Poison Jungle (2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Dangerous Gift (2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Flames of Hope (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Wings of Fire: Legends Books

Publication Order of Wings of Fire: Winglets Books

Publication Order of Wings of Fire Graphic Novels

The Dragonet Prophecy (2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Lost Heir (2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Hidden Kingdom (2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Dark Secret (2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Brightest Night (2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Moon Rising (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
Winter Turning (2023)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Wings of Fire Companion Books

Wings of Fire: A Guide to the Dragon World (2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
Wings of Fire: The Official How to Draw (2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Ever since “Lord of the Rings” came out in the fifties, epic fantasy literature took the world by storm. Many writers were inspired by Tolkien’s work and tried to succeed him, some of them successfully (see G.R.R Martin), some of them failed miserably, and numerous copycats emerged. It is no mystery as to why this genre is so incredibly popular- readers simply adore reading about the world in which much simpler rules are followed, where terms such as honor and glory mean something, the world in which valiant knights stand up for what is right and defy evil in its many horrendous incarnations, the world in which the adventure is a lifestyle and fantastic beings are met at every corner. Among these beings, there is a particular sort that has always caused awe and respect among the readers- dragons. Is there a person who does not like these fire-spewing intimidating, yet magnificent creatures? With that in mind, it comes as a surprise that dragons are rarely given a lead role in novels. They are usually reduced to the powerful villains and imminent threat to the (mainly human) world. Tui T. Sutherland is an author who changed this. She wrote the series in which dragons steal the show. This series is called “Wings of Fire” and this is a story about it.

So what is the deal with “Wings of Fire”? Well, to put it shortly, imagine if “Game of Thrones” with the human character replaced with… well, dragons. The novel is set in the mystical and magical world called Pyrrhia. This dragon-shaped continent has many of the characteristics of the Earth, with one major change- dragons are the dominant force. Humans are out there too, but they are not key players. They exist under the name “Scavengers”. Once they were rulers of the Pyrrhia, but then the dragons rose in the upheaval called the “Scorching” and took over the control of the land. However, the aftermath of the rebellion brought along inevitable fight for power among dragons themselves. All seven tribes went into the absolute war that has been on for years. These tribes are characterized by their different abilities and habitats, such as MudWings, SeaWings or IceWings.

These tribes form and break alliances in the everlasting struggle for dominance. In the midst of this conflict, a new, unexpected hope appears. Namely, an organization called “Talons of Peace” is formed in order to stop the war between the tribes. How they are going to do that? The members of the organizations work on the fulfillment of liberating prophecy that will bring peace to Pyrrhia at last. As a part of this prophecy, they train five little dragons, or dragonets, to stop the war. The existence of the dragonets is kept as a great secret, and their training is hard and rigorous. They have never seen the light of the day, they never met their parents, they have only one objective- to put an end to the war. This group is made of dragons from different tribes. Clay is a MudWing and de facto leader of the group. He is joined by Tsunami, a female SeaWing; Starflight, a clever male NightWing; Sunny, a female hybrid of SandWings and NightWings, and Glory, a female RainWing. Together, they form “Dragonets of Destiny” and try to bring peace to Pyrrhia. The task is not going to be easy as they are going to meet many enemies who are corrupted by the power play, such as Queen Scarlet, Princess Burn, Blister and others. This series may as well break the records when it comes to the number of the active antagonists.

“The Lost Heir” is the second novel of the “Wing of Fire” series. It was published in 2013 and continues the story of the “Dragonets of Destiny” as they endeavor to end the war between seven tribes. This novel centers on Princess Tsunami, as she finally manages to go back to her native SeaWing Kingdom. As she rushes to the depths of the ocean in order to meet her mother, Queen Coral, Tsunami expects a period of serenity and rest. However, this is not to be, as the SeaWing Kingdom is threatened by the appearance of the mysterious hitman who keeps on murdering all of the heirs to Coral’s throne. Tsunami has to fight her way through the shady world of deceit and intrigues, where general interests are neglected in favor of petty feuds and personal interests. She reaches out to Dragonets of Destiny. They are on their way, but is that going to be enough? Will they stop the assassin?

“The Hidden Kingdom” is the third installment of the “Wing of Fire” series. It was released in 2013. This time, the story is told from the Glory’s point of view as she deals with her tribe of RainWings. RainWings form a relatively peaceful tribe and are proverbially described as lazy. They spend their time in the treetops of the rainforest with little to no interest in the war, the other tribes, and Pyrrhia in general. This is the state in which Glory finds them as Dragonets came across the rainforest. Nonetheless, things are from perfect in the tribe- the RainWings are diminishing day by day. The tribe chiefs are not likely to investigate where are the missing dragons, and it is upon Glory and Dragonets to solve the mystery. As she performs the task, Glory has to tackle her unique position in the team, as she was the only one who was not meant to be a part of Dragonets- she was a replacement.

Seven tribes, one continent. Too much crowd, at least that is what majority thinks. Fortunately, Dragonets are there to try to fix the situation. “Wings of Fire” takes the advantage of the fact that dragons are a relatively unexplored area. This is why a reader gets elaborate accounts of the history of the tribes, a unique universe in which people are perhaps for the first time on the margin, and more powerful beings call the shots. And it seems to work- “Wing of Fire” is a series that possesses a devoted fanbase whose members know all secrets of Pyrrhia and its residents. Epic fantasy has never been stronger.

Book Series In Order » Characters » Wings of Fire

4 Responses to “Wings of Fire”

  1. lilly: 10 months ago

    I enjoyed the books very much. they were really interesting, but I heard of a new dragon type. It was called the Glaeryus. the dragons included Ricewing Aacewing Bladewing Bonewing and Hivewing 2. the Hivewings of Pantala were called Hivewing 1. I saw this in a picture on a trusted site and I am going to write a letter to Sutherland and see what is up with these dragons

  2. Wade: 12 months ago

    I Loved The Books!

  3. no: 2 years ago

    There is no power struggle over land or anything like that, it is over who will be queen of the sandwing tribes. the rainwing queens are not “chiefs” they are queens, and the talons of peace are not “a new hope,” they are more of an organization of a few dragons who were banished and still want to help. they are not very good at it.

    • Bryce: 7 months ago

      I can never stop reading these books no matter what!!! I will do anything to read them. Im on book 7, winter turning. I LOVE IT!!


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