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Wingman Warriors Books In Order

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Publication Order of Wingman Warriors Books

Grayson's Surrender (2002)Description / Buy at Amazon
Taking Cover (2002)Description / Buy at Amazon
Under Siege (2003)Description / Buy at Amazon
Anything, Anywhere, Anytime (2003)Description / Buy at Amazon
Private Maneuvers (2003)Description / Buy at Amazon
Strategic Engagement (2003)Description / Buy at Amazon
Joint Forces (2004)Description / Buy at Amazon
Explosive Alliance (2005)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Captive's Return (2005)Description / Buy at Amazon
Awaken to Danger (2006)Description / Buy at Amazon
Fully Engaged (2006)Description / Buy at Amazon
Out of Uniform (2008)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Catherine Mann is a New York bestselling author and also a Rita Award Winner who mainly specializes in contemporary romance for Harlequin, Sourcebook, Berkley and Tule. With more than 60 books already published under her name and distributed in more than twenty countries, Catherine Mann has been featured in more than 6 Rita Awards finals, RT Reviewer’s Awards, and Three Maggie Awards. Before she became a full-time writer, Catherine Mann was also a theater director and a college instructor. Mann has a Master’s in Theatre from Charleston College. After moving throughout the country, while raising her children, Catherine eventually decided to settle down in South Carolina. Due to the fact that Catherine is also a member of Sunshine State Animal Rescue; she has several pets. From time to time, Catherine also volunteers with the area’s service dog therapy organizations. Mann also loves to hear from her readers. Thus she can always be found on her Facebook page.

Wingman Warriors Books

The first book In the Wingmen Warriors book series is Grayson’s Surrender, which introduces the reader to one, Grayson Clerk. Grayson Clerk is a surgeon and an Airforce pilot. The book begins as Grayson is in charge of a medical team that is on a rescue mission of orphans in one of the war-torn countries of Eastern Europe. When he was awaiting take-off, Grayson lands his eyes on a person that he did not expect to see on the trip, one Lori Rutledge. Lori Rutledge is an exceedingly beautiful woman who works as a social worker. Lori and Grayson had dated for more than three months in the previous year. All Lori wanted was to get married, while Grayson, on the other hand, was not ready to be tied down. He wanted to follow the free and nomad life of a military pilot.

According to Grayson, Lori was not supposed to be on this exceedingly dangerous mission. Having Grayson Clerk by his side, when so much is at stake is not good timing. Grayson does not want Lori to see how he take care of kids and also the type of man that he is. When one of the kids is rescued but does not find a family to take him in, Grayson decides to keep the baby, until a new home is found. However, he knows that Lori Rutledge will not be ready to let the baby go, once they get attached to the baby.

Taking Cover is also another excellent read from Catherine Mann. In this book, the author introduces the reader to Tanner Benet and Kathleen O’ Connor. The two have known each other ever since they were still in the Airforce Academy. During their years in the Academy, the attraction simmered between them. Several years down the line, the attraction between the two is still present. As a doctor, Kathleen insists on performing her doctoring duties and also taking Tanner Benet off duty. However, a back injury flares up once again. If she had not taken Tanner off duty, then they would not have been given the investigation together. Being given the investigation means that Tanner could concentrate on winning the Kathleen over. With that said, Catherine Mann, she has managed to pen down an awesome Airforce hero that is exceedingly interesting. Tanner Benet is a wounded hero, which makes Kathleen O’Conner an ideal heroine.

Catherine Mann Has indeed found both her rhythm and voice. Thus it is indeed pleasurable to read her books. Furthermore, she is also very talented, has a unique writing voice and style. In the third book in the Wingmen Warriors book series, she manages to deliver a sensitive and unique story from her heart. In this book, Catherine introduces the reader to Lt. Col. Zach Dawson, a father of beautiful girls. Zach feels responsible for the pregnant and widowed Julia Sinclair. Lt. Col. Zach had been investigating the exact cause of the accident that claimed the life of Julia’s husband. Because her husband died under his watch, Zach not only feels responsible but he also feels that he should lend out a helping hand. He also believes that Julia is not going to keep his son’s special conditions from him and was not going to refuse his support and aid. of was a question about honor and attraction to him.

However, Julia Is not ready for assistance from anyone else, irrespective of how bad she needs the assistance. Julia believes that she is a free spirit. She grew up in a community, and after an exceedingly problematic marriage, she truly loves her independence. Just like all the other installments, the author manages to deliver another outstanding heroine, who is exceedingly brave and spunk. As the story progresses, Zack requires assistance with the girls. Thus he turns to Julia. Zack is not comfortable with offering Julia,, a job as a nanny. Thus he asks Julia to say yes to a marriage of convenience. With an explosive and caring first kiss, Julia says yes. Despite the fact that Julia said yes, things did not become easy instantly. Apart from the typical problems associated with raising young girls, the investigation into the crash was still continuing, and also an ex finally makes a return. Feelings eventually get into the way,, and the consideration is dealt with.

Zach is not only a hero but also a great dad. He has learned from the mistakes that his father made. There is nothing about Zach that will prevent both Julia and the readers from falling in love with him. The author, Ms Mann has managed to create an outstanding story, which gets exceedingly hard to resists with every scene. The author’s deep understanding for the life of military servicemen together with their spouses is clearly evident with her knowledge and considerable background. In the process, the author manages to assist the readers to believe and trust in her stories, her facts, and her characters. With that said, the Wingman Warriors is a fantastic series that is highly believable and full of well-developed characters. Under Siege is a perfect book for those individuals who may want to familiarize themselves with this outstanding book series.

Book Series In Order » Characters » Wingman Warriors

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