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Wendell Berry Books In Order

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Publication Order of Port William Books

Nathan Coulter(1960)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Wild Birds(1986)Description / Buy at Amazon
Remembering(1988)Description / Buy at Amazon
A World Lost(1996)Description / Buy at Amazon
Two More Stories of the Port William Membership(1997)Description / Buy at Amazon
Jayber Crow(2000)Description / Buy at Amazon
That Distant Land(2002)Description / Buy at Amazon
Hannah Coulter(2004)Description / Buy at Amazon
Andy Catlett(2006)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Place in Time(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Port William Membership Books

A Place on Earth(1966)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Memory of Old Jack(1974)Description / Buy at Amazon
How It Went(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of New Patriotism Books

with Terry Tempest Williams
In the Presence of Fear(2001)Description / Buy at Amazon
Patriotism and the American Land (By: )(2002)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Open Space of Democracy (By: Terry Tempest Williams)(2004)Description / Buy at Amazon
Citizens Dissent(2006)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Publication Order of Short Stories/Novellas

The Discovery Of Kentucky(1991)Description / Buy at Amazon
How Ptolemy Proudfoot Lost a Bet(1992)Description / Buy at Amazon
Whitefoot(2008)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Collections

Broken Ground(1964)Description / Buy at Amazon
November Twenty Six Nineteen Hundred Sixty Three(1964)Description / Buy at Amazon
Openings(1968)Description / Buy at Amazon
The rise(1968)Description / Buy at Amazon
Findings(1969)Description / Buy at Amazon
Farming, a Hand Book(1970)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Country of Marriage(1973)Description / Buy at Amazon
Sayings & Doings and an Eastward Look(1975)Description / Buy at Amazon
Horses(1975)Description / Buy at Amazon
Kentucky River(1975)Description / Buy at Amazon
Clearing(1977)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Salad(1980)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Wheel(1982)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Part(1983)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Collected Poems, 1957-1982(1985)Description / Buy at Amazon
The wild rose(1986)Description / Buy at Amazon
I go from the woods into the cleared field(1987)Description / Buy at Amazon
Sabbaths(1987)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Landscape Of Harmony(1987)Description / Buy at Amazon
Traveling at Home(1989)Description / Buy at Amazon
Fidelity(1992)Description / Buy at Amazon
Watch With Me(1994)Description / Buy at Amazon
Entries(1994)Description / Buy at Amazon
Three on Community(1996)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Timbered Choir(1998)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Selected Poems(1998)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Gift of Gravity(2003)Description / Buy at Amazon
Given(2005)Description / Buy at Amazon
Window Poems(2007)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Mad Farmer(2008)Description / Buy at Amazon
Leavings(2009)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Poetry of William Carlos Williams of Rutherford(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
New Collected Poems(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
This Day(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Terrapin(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Small Porch(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
The World-Ending Fire: The Essential Wendell Berry(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Peace of Wild Things(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Farm(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Down in the Valley Where the Green Grass Grows(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Another Day: Sabbath Poems, 2013-2023(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

The Long-Legged House(1966)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Hidden Wound(1970)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Unforeseen Wilderness(1971)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Continuous Harmony(1972)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Agricultural Crisis(1977)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Unsettling of America(1977)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Gift of Good Land(1981)Description / Buy at Amazon
Recollected Essays, 1965-1980(1981)Description / Buy at Amazon
Standing by Words(1982)Description / Buy at Amazon
Preserving wildness(1986)Description / Buy at Amazon
Why I Am Not Going to Buy a Computer(1987)Description / Buy at Amazon
Home Economics(1987)Description / Buy at Amazon
From the Heartlands(1988)Description / Buy at Amazon
Harlan Hubbard(1990)Description / Buy at Amazon
What Are People For?(1990)Description / Buy at Amazon
Standing on Earth(1991)Description / Buy at Amazon
Sex, Economy, Freedom & Community(1993)Description / Buy at Amazon
Another Turn of the Crank(1995)Description / Buy at Amazon
Life is a Miracle(2000)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Art of the Commonplace(2002)Description / Buy at Amazon
Citizenship Papers(2003)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Way of Ignorance and Other Essays(2005)Description / Buy at Amazon
Blessed are the Peacemakers(2005)Description / Buy at Amazon
Conversations with Wendell Berry(2007)Description / Buy at Amazon
Bringing it to the Table(2009)Description / Buy at Amazon
Imagination in Place(2010)Description / Buy at Amazon
What Matters?(2010)Description / Buy at Amazon
It All Turns on Affection(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
Distant Neighbors: The Selected Letters of Wendell Berry & Gary Snyder(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Our Only World(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
Roots to the Earth(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Conversation Between Wendell Berry and Wes Jackson(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Art of Loading Brush(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
The World-Ending Fire(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
The City and the Farm Crisis(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
What I Stand On(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Wendell Berry: Essays 1969-1990(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Essays, 1993-2017(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Think Little(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Need to Be Whole(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Contemporary Literature and the Life of Faith Books

Listening for God Reader, Vol. 1 (By: Flannery O'Connor,Raymond Carver,Alice Walker,Garrison Keillor,Annie Dillard,Richard Rodríguez,Patricia Hampl,Peter Hawkins,Frederick Buechner,Paula J. Carlson,Peter S. Hawkins)(1994)Description / Buy at Amazon
Listening for God, Vol. 2 (By: Anne Tyler,John Updike,Tobias Wolff,Gail Godwin,Henry Louis Gates Jr.,Kathleen Norris,Paula J. Carlson,Peter S. Hawkins,Carol Bly,Andrew Dubus)(1996)Description / Buy at Amazon
Listening for God, Vol. 3 (With: Tillie Olsen,John Cheever,Louise Erdrich,Mary Gordon,Tess Gallagher,Reynolds Price,Oscar Hijuelos,Paula J. Carlson,Peter S. Hawkins)(2000)Description / Buy at Amazon
Listening For God, Vol. 4 (By: Robert Olen Butler,Allegra Goodman,James Baldwin,Kent Haruf,SueMiller,Doris Betts,Paula J. Carlson,Peter S. Hawkins,MichaelMalone,Alice Elliot Dark)(2002)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Publication Order of Culture of the Land Books

Frog Pond Philosophy: Essays on the Relationship Between Humans and Nature (By: Frederick L. Kirschenmann,Strachan Donnelley,Ceara Donnelley,Bruce Jennings)(1970)Description / Buy at Amazon
Religion and Sustainable Agriculture: World Spiritual Traditions and Food Ethics (By: Norman Wirzba,Vandana Shiva,Pramod Parajuli,Pankaj Jain,A. Whitney Sanford,Todd Levasseur,Mark H. Dixon,Ragan Sutterfield,Maximilian Abouleish-Boes,Yigal Deutscher,Leonor Hurtado,Tristan Reader,Eston Pembamoyo,Michael Lemons,Terrol Johnson,Jagannath Adhikari,Anna Peterson,Raymond F. Person)(1970)Description / Buy at Amazon
Living Sustainably: What Intentional Communities Can Teach Us about Democracy, Simplicity, and Nonviolence (By: Whitney Sanford)(1970)Description / Buy at Amazon
Wendell Berry and Higher Education: Cultivating Virtues of Place (By: Jeffrey Bilbro,Jack R. Baker)(1970)Description / Buy at Amazon
Virtues of Renewal: Wendell Berry's Sustainable Forms (By: Jeffrey Bilbro)(1970)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Soil and Health: A Study of Organic Agriculture (By: Albert Howard Sir)(1972)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Violence of the Green Revolution: Third World Agriculture, Ecology, and Politics (By: Vandana Shiva)(1991)Description / Buy at Amazon
Stolen Harvest: The Hijacking of the Global Food Supply (By: Vandana Shiva)(2000)Description / Buy at Amazon
From the Farm to the Table: What All Americans Need to Know about Agriculture (By: Gary Holthaus)(2006)Description / Buy at Amazon
Ents, Elves, and Eriador: The Environmental Vision of J.R.R. Tolkien (By: Tom Shippey,Jonathan Evans,John Elder,Matthew Dickerson)(2006)Description / Buy at Amazon
Agrarianism and the Good Society: Land, Culture, Conflict, and Hope (By: Eric T. Freyfogle)(2007)Description / Buy at Amazon
Wendell Berry: Life and Work (By: Jason Peters)(2007)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Mother of All Arts: Agrarianism and the Creative Impulse (By: Gene Logsdon)(2007)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Virtues of Ignorance: Complexity, Sustainability, and the Limits of Knowledge (By: Wes Jackson,Bill Vitek)(2008)Description / Buy at Amazon
Learning Native Wisdom: What Traditional Cultures Teach Us about Subsistence, Sustainability, and Spirituality (By: Gary Holthaus)(2008)Description / Buy at Amazon
Beyond Biotechnology: The Barren Promise of Genetic Engineeringby Craig Holdrege (By: Craig Holdrege)(2008)Description / Buy at Amazon
Narnia and the Fields of Arbol: The Environmental Vision of C.S. Lewis (By: David L. O'Hara,Matthew Dickerson)(2008)Description / Buy at Amazon
Wendell Berry and Religion: Heaven's Earthly Life (By: Norman Wirzba,L. Roger Owens,Joel Shuman)(2009)Description / Buy at Amazon
Cultivating an Ecological Conscience: Essays from a Farmer Philosopher (By: Frederick L. Kirschenmann,Constance L. Falk)(2010)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Agrarian Vision: Sustainability and Environmental Ethics (By: Paul B. Thompson)(2010)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Environmental Vision of Thomas Merton (By: Monica Weis)(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Achievement of Wendell Berry: The Hard History of Love (By: Fritz Oehlschlaeger)(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
Fields of Learning: The Student Farm Movement in North America (By: Frederick L. Kirschenmann,Laura Sayre,Sean Clark)(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
Growing Stories from India: Religion and the Fate of Agriculture (By: Vandana Shiva,A. Whitney Sanford)(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Vandana Shiva Reader (With: Vandana Shiva)(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Building a Healthy Economy from the Bottom Up: Harnessing Real-World Experience for Transformative Change (By: Anthony Flaccavento)(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Building a Healthy Economy from the Bottom Up: Harnessing Real-World Experience for Transformative Change (By: Bill McKibben,Anthony Flaccavento)(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Publication Order of Anthologies

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Born on August 5, 1934, Wendell Berry is a well known and highly respected 82-year old novelist, environmental activist and poet. He also has made his impression in the field of farming and also as a cultural critic. He is certainly a prolific writer and has written a number of short stories, poems, novels and also essays on a variety of subjects. He has over the last few decades been able to leave behind a rich treasure of writings which according to critics will continue to inspire and interest generations of readers for many decades to come. It would also be pertinent to mention here that Berry has rightly and deservingly become a member of the Fellowship of Southern Writers. He also is the recipient of the famous National Humanities Medal. Additionally he also was the Jefferson Lecturer in the year 2012. Additionally he also was the 2013 Fellow of The American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Hence it would not be out of place to mention here that his talent has been recognized far and wide. He is the first writer who was inducted in to the famous Kentucky Writers Hall Of Fame and this award was presented to him in the year 2015. The Richard C Holbrooke Distinguished Achievement Award was also presented to him in the year 2013.

His Early Life

Berry was the eldest of four children of J. M. Berry who was a tobacco farmer and lawyer in Henry County, Kentucky. His mother’s name was Virginia Erdman Berry. After his primary and high schooling, Wendell Berry got his B.A and M.A degrees in English from the University Of Kentucky. In 1956 he met Gurney Norman who also would become a writer over a period of time. He got married to Tanya Amyx in the year 1958. His first novel was published in the year 1960 and it was named Nathan Couiter. This was the starting of the journey of Berry, as a writer. Help came from many quarters for this budding writer and author. With the help John Simon Guggenhelm Memorial Foundation Fellowship Berry was able to move to Italy and France along with his family.

In these two countries he was referred by his pen name Wallace Fowlie. He took an active part as a translator and critic of French literature. He spent the year 1962 to 1964 as an English professor in New York University at their University College in Bronx. During these years started honing his writing skills apart from developing their faming skills in a farm which he purchased. He has had a very wide and highly successful writing career and during the 1970s and early 1980s. He wrote for the Rodale Press which included writings and editing for its publications named Organic Gardening And Farming and also The New Form. This was because of his attachment and liking for farming in general and preservation of the environment in particular.

Books Written By Berry

Berry has written more than forty books covering fiction, poetry and essays. The list is quite big and it certainly would not be possible to list down the name of each and every book. However, he had a distinct and unique style of writing and touch based on subject matters which are of concern to us as far as our day to day existence and survival is concerned. Many of his books espouse a strong cause for environmental protection and preserving the diversity of flora and fauna across the globe. It also would be pertinent to mention that he has taken part in many movements against activities which perhaps are detrimental to the cause of preserving of our environment. These thoughts find strong reference in his fictions, poems and essays. We will have a look at two such books from the big list of books which he has written.

Andy Catlett: Early Travels

This book is a part of his Port William Series and is centered round a character called Any Catlett. He is seen visiting a place where he has been many times before. Andy is a nine year old lad and therefore the trip for him is an adventure and he is very serious about it. He strongly believes that this trip will be a learning experience and perhaps will take him to the first stage of transformation from childhood to adulthood. The entire book is written against the backdrop of the Christmas season of 1943, and his experiences and learning during this trip have been well brought out in this book. The book wonderfully brings out the way in which the old is giving way to the new. The books moves on and Andy become an adult and looks back poignantly over the years which he spent visiting this new place. Superbly written, there is hardly any doubt that this is one of the best books of Wendell Berry.


This is another wonderful book of Berry and it revolves around a mouse which is famous for its elegant whiskers and the reddish tan skin. She is happy living in the edge of a wood and for her this is well and truly the center of the world round which she survives and moves from one day to another. However, she is unaware of the fact that not very far from her house is a big river. It is so big that she as a rat is not able to fathom its size and magnitude. A flash of flood one day uproots her from her house and she is thrust into a world of adventure. She has to use all her skills at her disposal to survive and stay alive. It is a superb depiction of survival against all odds and the fact that it comes with original drawings by famous artist Davis Te Selle makes it even more interesting and unputdownable to say the least.

The above are just two of the many books of Berry. Each of his books is unique and different from the others and deals at different aspects of life. His poetries and essays are also amazingly well written and make very interesting reading to say the least.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Wendell Berry

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