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Valeria Luiselli Books In Order

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Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Faces in the Crowd(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Story of My Teeth(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Lost Children Archive(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Publication Order of Anthologies

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Valeria Luiselli is a published author. She holds a bachelor’s in philosophy from N.A.U. of Mexico and a Ph.D. in comparative literature from Columbia University. She has appeared in two films as herself.

Luiselli was born August 16, 1983 in Mexico City. Even though she was born in Mexico, she ended up growing up in South Africa. She has since lived in many places. She resides with her husband and children in New York City.

Many of her essays as well as her novels have been translated into different languages for publication. Her work has also been featured in a number of esteemed publications. Valeria became a published author in 2012 with the release of her first fiction novel.

Valeria does not just write but also has composed ballet libretto that was put on in 2010 at Lincoln Center. She has flexed her creative muscle still further and participated in a sound installation in London for Serpentine Gallery. She has also composed a book in installments with the help of juice workers in Mexico (Teeth, featured down below).

Faces in the Crowd is the first full length fictional published novel from author Valeria Luiselli. The setting is a place that this writer knows; Mexico City. Deep in the teeming heart of this city lives a woman that does not know what to do.

She lives a desperate life where she remains in a house feeling trapped in that structure and her marriage. The union is one that she feels that she cannot be a part of totally, but at the same time, she cannot bring herself to abandon it. In the middle of it all, she starts to think over her past.

She ruminates on the experiences that she has had and the places that she has been. She decides that she will sit down and compose a book that goes over her time in New York working at a publishing house there as well as other things. This woman thinks that she will write about lovers that were once strangers as well as the ghosts and the poets that resided in the neighborhood that she grew up in.

When she was young, she always had this distinct fascination with artists. One of them was a Mexican poet named Gilberto Owen. Owen was a poet in the twenties and was part of the artistic movement that became the Harlem Renaissance. Even though he was a small part of it, he also led an interesting life in other ways. He performed on the subway platforms of Manhattan as a busker and was an enemy and a friend to Federico Garca Lorca.

When she starts to put the words down about her life, she finds that something happens that she does not expect. The author find that on paper, Owen is coming to life. This faceless man that tended to keep to himself lives on the outside of the drinking and writing circles of Harlem, right at the start of the deep time of despair that hit the United States known as the Great Depression.

She writes of a man that is haunted to the core of his soul by the ghost like image of a lady that is travelling on the subway in New York. The woman in Mexico City feels a connection to this man that lived all of these years ago. The two of them have lives that are able to make contact even though there exist many decades in the way of their individual existences.

This story of loss as well as love is a uniquely poetic debut from an author that you may not have heard of, but will certainly be interested in reading more of her work once you have gotten to the very last page of this book. A fresh voice in the world of literature, this compelling tale is one that you are going to have to pick up for yourself to find out what it is truly about and how it ends for the writer as well as the people that she is writing about.

Following in the stunning footsteps of her primary debut, author Valeria Luiselli brings readers yet another fascinating tale with the release of The Story of My Teeth.

This story is where readers get to meet the character of Gustavo Sanchez, nicknamed Highway. He is a man that has his very own mission in life. It is the thing that drives him. Unlike people with a fondness for rock and roll that might want to follow a band around the country or someone that lives for antiques, his obsession is a bit of a strange one.

Gustavo wants to replace every single tooth that he has. All of the unsightly teeth in his mouth must go, as far as he is concerned. He was born in a windy city called Pachuca and when he was young he came out with his body covered in a fine layer of fuzz and having four teeth already in his mouth prematurely. This is, as you can imagine, a bit unusual for a baby.

It was a strange start in life and many would say that he was objectively an ugly baby. His uncle said that ugliness builds character, and Gustavo thinks that it was good that he got that start. Now he goes by the name of Highway and certainly has a lot of personality and character to go with the name.

He is a collector as well as a traveler of the globe. He is known for his work as an auctioneer and even spins yarn. He owns teeth of famous people like Virginia Woolf and Plato. He also can do other things, like interpreting fortune cookies, imitating Janis Joplin when inebriated, floating on his backside, and standing an egg on the table upright.

He just wants to raise the money to get the perfect teeth. Even if it means selling his collection to get them. Can he part with some of his most valued treasures in order to achieve what he so longs for? Read this witty book by Luiselli and some enterprising co-authors to find out!

Book Series In Order » Authors » Valeria Luiselli

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