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Ty Hauck Books In Order

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Publication Order of Ty Hauck Books

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Well say hello to another tough guy who has taken upon himself to reply the wrong doers with an eye for an eye. Add police detective to it and the combination becomes deadly, and that is what Ty Hauck is all about, a unique tough cop character created by the imaginative mind of Andrew Gross. Earlier, Andrew Gross tested his thriller writing skills when he churned out books like Jester, in collaboration with James Patterson, a hardened fiction writer himself. In the three series which forms the part of Ty Hauck trilogy, our tough cop Ty Hauck has to grind axe with the law breakers, and he being committed to do all the rights things at the right time, manages to come out as the winner all the time.

The Dark Tide

Andrew Gross’s Dark Tide episode begins with an explosion which rips through New York Central Station one fine morning. And one of the unfortunate ones, among either being dead or missing, happened to be Karen Friedman’s husband, a hedge fund manager. The same day a tragedy stuck at Karen’s hometown in a suspicious hit-and-run accident which left a young man dead, and Ty Hauck with a knack for detecting flaws suspected foul play and ended up getting emotionally charged to avenge his death.

The plot thickens when a fund scam investigation is instigated, and it leads the investigators to come knocking at Karen’s door, as her husband, Charles’s involvement is suspected. With hundreds of millions of dollars at stake, Andrew Gross takes the readers on a rollercoaster ride with script laced with international scams, and murder. The plots also brings together two unknown strangers, bound together with the turn of events, and with arousing emotions they join hands to fight the odds, and decode the puzzle.


By the time “Reckless” began, our hero Ty Hauck is no longer a cop, but it no way means that he has lost his panache; Andrew Gross puts him up against bunch of diehard terrorists. In spite of him being handicapped without a badge, he did find it a different ball game, but Ty being himself, was still a force to reckon with, and he exhibits his witty detective skills to unfold the mystery. Ty Hauck follows up series of leads, even though is no longer officially entitled to it, and escapes some hair-raising moments to finally accomplish his objective. Though, being tough does not translates to Ty being without emotions, and his character is shown going through emotional turmoil, as he weighs his own benefits against the vow he took before his dead friend whom he had promised that he would avenge her death.

Don’t Look Twice

After the bestselling “The Dark Tide”, it was turn for Ty Hauck to make his way into another Andrew Gross novel “Don’t Look Twice”, where a shootout at the posh suburb Greenwich, Connecticut leads to one of the innocent bystander dropping dead. This gets Ty hot on his heels, and he takes up the investigation. He follows the leads which unfold the involvement of a dubious gambling scheme behind the killing, and it takes him to a casino joint, den of crime. Andrew Gross then spins another thread where a young restaurateur is in the process of rebuilding her life, but she finds herself at the wrong place at the right time, and witnesses something which could not keep it to herself. She goes running to Ty Hauck to give him the information, and something to chew on in his ongoing investigation. Her revelation is instrumental in kick starting a storm, and opens up the Pandora Box which revealed the involvement of the rich and the powerful Greenwich’s citizens, neck-deep in corruption. The turn of events did not leave Hauck’s own family unaffected, and the plot gets dense with emotional domestic thrills.

The Plots

The genre of suspense has been around for too long, and it has never lost the magnetism to attract readers. Furthermore, if you have crime, unexpected twists and turns, and high voltage drama, the chemistry of the ingredients will produce a dynamic storyline. And if you have the explosive writing skills like the author, Andrew Gross, the end result will be a bestseller. That is what Ty Hauck series from Andrew Gross is.

Ty Hauck series involve life and death situations, and spins out crisis which are practically applicable, and mentioning of which are frequently found in headliners across the world. Andrew builds up plots where he makes common people transcend their limit and do acts of heroism. Ty Hauck plots are thick with suspense, and the stakes are very high which tend to bring the world down to its knees unless the threat is neutralized. The readers get hooked to the plot, with the adrenaline pumping, and blood pressure rising as they read on. The plots are captivating, and pure fun to read.

Ty Hauck

Andrew Gross has managed to carve out a great character in Ty Hauck. He is dedicated investigator who has heroism written all over him. He is a person of honor and ethics, and he always believes in doing the right things. He is a reasonable person who sacrifices his benefits to honor his words. Being a man of sound character, he puts the interest of the community on the fore, and thus turns out to be a true savior of the world. Apart from courage and strong character which Ty Hauck possesses, he is also shown as a sensitive and emotional person who has a soft corner. He does not manifest a zombie like character of a terminator, or a man-cum-machine combination, instead he is shown exhibiting emotional concerns towards his friends and fellow humans. We do need more Ty Hauck characters in our real world today to make it a much better place.

Andrew Gross books have been written in more than 25 languages, and if you want to get the glimpse of the author’s engrossing narrating skills, Ty Hauck series is the one for you. Don’t miss out on it.

Book Series In Order » Characters » Ty Hauck

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