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Traitor Son Cycle Books In Order

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Publication Order of The Traitor Son Cycle Books

The Red Knight (2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Fell Sword (2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Dread Wyrm (2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Plague of Swords (2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Messenger's Tale, Part 1 (2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Messenger's Tale, Part 2 (2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Fall of Dragons (2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
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The Traitor Son Cycle is Miles Cameron’s first series in the fantasy genre. He has written many other series under the name Gordon Kent in the historical fiction genre. Each book in this series is a hefty doorstop, with the shortest being 603 pages.

The series was originally meant to be a trilogy but it has been extended to a five book series with the release of the forth and fifth books yet to be determined. Readers who always want more from a series they are enjoying will not be disappointed with the Traitor Son Cycle.

It is hard not to compare Traitor Son Cycle to George R. R. Martin’s Game of Thrones not only because of the fantasy but also because they both change the point of view to different characters chapter to chapter. Some readers may find this a weak spot in the series; however, it works quite nicely and is easy to follow along.

It may take some time to get into the series and beyond a few chapters to start seeing the different point of views and stories start to intertwine. Cameron’s character development is laid out strong so you can really connect with the characters and follow their stories throughout the series.

Cameron is not afraid to skim over the violent parts of the books. He describes everything in gory detail so the reader can imagine themselves right on the battlefield with the characters. This is one fantasy series about knights and warfare that does not leave out the grizzly, blood filled accounts of each battle and war fought.

The setting of the series is in a medieval kingdom walled in from The Wild. The mythical, magical and scary creatures that have come over from The Wild to torment the people dominate the world in which the kingdom is set. This is the basis of the series, with the humans of the kingdom being at war with The Wild trying to regain control of their kingdom.

Within the walls of the kingdom, life is good for people, it is civilized with peace and daily business functioning. Though the creatures come over from The Wild occasionally to interrupt it. Beyond the walls of the kingdom, men are easy prey for the creatures and very vulnerable. It takes special hunters to drive the creatures out of the kingdom.

Throughout the Traitor Son Cycle you will notice that there are many strong female characters that do not take the background supporting roles to the male characters. This is a fresh point of view in fantasy series that usually focus on the men, war and the kingdom.

The Red Knight is the main character in the series. He is the captain of a mercenary company of a variety of people that have been enlisted by the Abbess to defend the abbey from The Wild after a vicious attack has left the area quite vulnerable. The Red Knight has all the qualities you expect a medieval knight to have – chivalrous, honorable, powerful and mysterious. The mysteriousness of the Red Knight leaves the reader eager to learn more as the character is developed throughout the series. The Red Knight also enlists women into his mercenary as equals.

The Abbess is another mysterious main character and the strong female lead of the series. The reader learns more and more of her secrets throughout the series, but they know she is intelligent and witty enough to keep up with the Red Knight.

The villain of the series is the powerful sorcerer Thorn who is not on the men’s side. Thorn is the type of villain readers love; he is truly terrifying with his ruthless plotting and domination. While Thorn was not born in The Wild, he is a true power source for The Wild and an important character for the battles.

The first book in the Traitor Son Cycle is The Red Knight. The Red Knight was released in 2012 and is based on the Red Knight being hired by the Abbess to protect the abbey since the King is unable to send protection. The area around the abbey was under attack by the monsters from The Wild and the abbey needed protecting.

The Red Knight thinks this will be an easy job for his mercenary company, however, they soon find out this is not the case as they go to war with the creatures. Thinking this will be a small battle at the abbey, the mercenary company soon realizes that the battle is part of a larger war throughout the entire realm.

The book is filled with bone crushing, blood curdling, grizzly accounts of the war between the men and The Wild. The action of the book is fast and intense. The reader sees the Red Knight come of age and grow into a powerful and skillful leader.

The second book in the Traitor Son Cycle is The Fell Sword that was released in 2014. It starts of right where The Red Knight left off, flowing seamlessly between the two books. The Fell Sword takes the reader to a new world with points of view from new characters. There are numerous new stories and locations in The Fell Sword to keep readers on their toes. Again, there is a lot of gory violence described in each battle throughout this book, leaving nothing to the imagination.

The basis of war with the elements of magical fantasy are really showcased in this book. The reader will see Thorn come back with brutal plots, The Wild will rally and try to overcome the kingdom, and will learn even more about the politics and relations between the different locations and people. The Red Knight becomes the focus of men, magicians, creatures and the highest of powers as the book focuses on his story. There are several stories running in parallel that will all be tied together as the book progresses.

As Miles Cameron continues the Traitor Son Cycle series, the plot twists get bigger and more complex. The characters are revealed more and more as you grow to care for them through all the bloody battles.

Book Series In Order » Characters » Traitor Son Cycle

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