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Tracy Rees Books In Order

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Publication Order of Pennystrand Village Books

The Little House by the Sea(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Amy Snow(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Two Lives of Florence Grace(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Hourglass(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Darling Blue / The Love Note(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
The House at Silvermoor(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Little Book of Secrets(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Rose Garden(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Little Christmas House(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Tracy Rees is a British author from Swansea who is best known for her excellent romance and historical fiction novels. The 43-year-old Cambridge graduate of Medieval and Modern Languages made her debut into the writing world with the 2015 novel “Amy Snow”. She made a huge splash in the publishing world when her novel was the winner of a blockbuster £50000 publishing deal and won a Best Historical Read Award, beating thousands of entrants and a seven person shortlist. As expected, Rees was over the moon as she had always had a dream of becoming an author for as long as she can remember. Winning the competition just reaffirmed her determination to become an author and proved to her that writing is what she should be doing. Her debut novel is a 19th century family mystery about a young Victorian woman that discovers coded letters that provide clues about the life and times of a deceased childhood friend. The novel was published by Quercus, and after the almost immediate success of the title, entered into a two book deal with the author.

Before Tracy Rees become an author she had worked in publishing and counseling and believes she is third time lucky to find that she is a very good author. As a psychologist, she worked with cancer patients and their families, mostly based in her hometown of Swansea. Even as she was in publishing for nearly a decade, it did not occur to her to publish a novel, as she for the most part was involved in nonfiction. Nonetheless, even as she never ventured into writing for herself, she had always loved stories and was always beguiled and intrigued by the unfolding fortunes, larger than life characters, and intriguing scenarios of fictional works. Still, she had written a ton of poetry over the years though she never did it as a literary pursuit. For the most part, her poems would fall into either very depressing or marginally less depressing category, and she never thought anyone would want to read them. In fact, a month prior to being shortlisted for Best Historical Read Award by Quercus, she wrote a poem reflecting on her difficulties in her work, finances, home life, and relationships. Despite her troubles, she was determined to make something of a writing career and would do anything to make something of it. As such, she was getting into a lot of poetry and literary competitions during this time. One of her very popular poems that she submitted to a “New Beginnings” themed competition was titled “Ash”. Nothing came of the contest, but a few weeks later she was overjoyed to receive a phone call from Richard Madeley of Quercus, informing her that her story had won the competition, and a two book publishing deal.

Tracy Rees’s novels such as the “Amy Snow” and “Florence Grace of novels are Cinderella style stories full of mysterious happenings that will keep one guessing right from the first page to the last. The novels tell of a heartbreaking character whose circumstances sets them on a course towards tragedy. However, before their tragedies they are involved in all manner of Victorian pleasures that include whirlwind tours of the country, attending country, and city balls and getting admiration from the most eligible of bachelors. But even in writing classical pieces, Tracy Rees makes her story line and character different from those of her contemporaries. Even as the struggles of the leads are current, they are still in the historical timelines and settings of history. The narratives provide insights into the women’s difficulty of life choices, self-worth, issues with image and also explanations on the nature of men and desire. Overall, the novels are about the endurance and strength of women who lived a life of trying to break out of the Victorian mold of women as just arm candy for men. Inevitably the lead protagonists find themselves engaged in mysterious quests. These quests are akin to real-life treasure hunts that unravel the mysteries of their lives that result in a better understanding of themselves. By undertaking these life changing journeys, they finally change their fortunes and their whole lives irrevocably, even as their resolve is tested to their limits.

“Amy Snow” is Tracy Rees’s debut novel that is one of the best combinations of historical fiction with a mystery plot. Amy Snow is an unknown child who is adopted by the Vennaways, who bring her home to become the best friend and companion to Aurelia their daughter. Unfortunately, the young Aurelia is diagnosed with a fatal heart defect and soon dies leaving army with a mysterious task. She has left behind a bunch of coded letters that will send Amy on the hunt for mysteries in different locations that will ultimately bring to light one of the biggest secrets that Aurelia had kept. The novel is a narrative of becoming what one was meant to be and overcoming obstacles. Written about the life of women in an era when women did not have the luxury of being taken seriously, it is the ultimate story of triumph against all odds. Amy the orphan with no name comes to find her sense of self even if at first it is only the deceased Aurelia who sees any value in her.

“Florence Grace” the second novel of the series is a moving and haunting narrative of a girl that roams uplands of Cornwall, contemplating her past and present life in consort with the beautiful nature of the land. What follows is a narrative of discovery and transformation and above all singular determination and courage. The story takes one from the melancholy highlands of Cornwall to the crowded and bustling streets of Victorian London, where Florence gets to have a new life, family and name. She goes from a rural poor girl to attain unimaginable wealth though she is not sure it is wealth she needs or wants. As a girl used to the tranquility of rural Cornwall could the new riches and splendor of a new life prove too much? It is an intriguing story that soon tests her inner strength particularly when dark secrets come to light sending the girl into a tailspin of emotion.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Tracy Rees

6 Responses to “Tracy Rees”

  1. Annette Gibson: 4 months ago

    Have just finished reading Rose Garden and have found it to be one of the best books I have read recently.Did not want it to end and can’t wait to experience another one like it. Thanks for the whole lost in the moment of another life.

  2. julie fromont: 1 year ago

    Love this author. I came across her book Amy Snow in a second hand shop here in New Zealand. I loved it so much i went on line to see what else she had written. I brought three more of her books. Have just finished Florence Grace, and carnet wait to start The rose garden,then The elopement.After that ill try and buy the other books she has written. Keep the books coming you are amazing. Julie Fromont

  3. Dale Adler: 2 years ago

    Tracy—I love your book, Amy Snow, and would very much like a sequel. I use Audible as I listen driving or lying down. Thank you for this wonderful story! Dale

  4. Bill Silver: 2 years ago

    I divide me reading time into 5-year periods. On a birthday that ends in 0 I read classics for 5 years, On a birtday that ends in 5 I read crime, adventure, etc. novels for 5 years. I started this 50 years ago. I am now near the end of my “5” five-year period. But, this summer I was just looking at some used books outside of a local bookstore and I picked up this book titled Amy Snow. I read the first and last page, and then went inside and bought it. I was amazed, and I loved it. I now have new copies of all the other Tracy Rees books, and I just finished the Hourglass. I intend to read them all again when my 0 5-year period starts this summer. If you told me that these books were written by Austin and Dickens collaborating centuries ago, I would believe you. To Tracy Rees I can only say 3 things: Thank you – Keep writing – Do a book tour that takes you to Cape Cod.
    Bill Silver, Harwich Mass.

  5. Linda Pinheiro: 3 years ago

    I have just finished reading my first book by Tracy Rees – “Amy Snow”
    I thoroughly enjoyed it & can’t wait to be able to go to the Library to hunt for more of her novels! The only complaint?? My housework is rather behind as it became book first – housework second!! Now to catch up!! COVID19 permitting I’ll hopefully be able to go to the Library soon!
    Just a note for the Author – she says she likes good red wine preferably from Chile or Argentina. Please Tracy try our rather famous wines from South Australia, the Hunter Valley and of course Victoria’s Yarra Valley – where I live!! This recommendation from a non drinker! But many of my friends say it’s equal or vastly better than anything else!!
    Thanks again Tracy for a truely wonderful book – Amy Snow – I can’t wait to read more of your work!!
    I’m a 74yr old lady – recently returned from 2 months in hospital after critical surgery – I survived thanks to my wonderful young surgeon – he’s allowed me many more hours of reading – I’m devouring books at a great rate and now I’ve a new Author to follow!!!
    Thanks again. Linda

  6. Deborah Hubbert: 3 years ago

    Message for Tracy: I just finished my first book by your good self, Hidden secrets at the Little Village Church and absolutely loved it. The Mitford Novels by Jan Karon are my fave of all time and I’m constantly on the lookout for books in the same vein — charming, heartwarming, dear characters you can love, memorable settings and without all the “open door” scenes and cursing that seem to be obligatory, even in otherwise good works. So THANK YOU, and . . . when is the next installment! 🙂 One tiny little suggestion: Early on when we meet Jarvis, you use the abbreviation FFS (which I had to Google and was sorry I did) as coming from his thoughts. It seems so out of character with the rest of the book. I know we want to see the character grow and bloom, so we need to see that he’s in a not-so-great place at the beginning. But that really didn’t seem to fit in with the rest of the story. I’m not the author, I know, but it would be an even greater book without that reference, in my simple opinion. I’ve ordered Amy Snow and can’t wait for that one to arrive, and will be working my way through the rest of your catalog as time goes on. Thanks for the special treat of taking me to Kent, just like I love to head off to Mitford! Blessings and keep writing please! Deborah


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