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Tina Hudak Books In Order

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Publication Order of Children's Books

Publication Order of Collections

Friday Afternoons(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Eden(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
Poetry from the Porch & Other Writings(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon

Tina Hudak is a transplanted Pennsylvanian who moved to the Washington, D.C. metro are in 1975 to attend graduate school. Although she was born and raised in a steel town, she has lived in a more bucolic setting in Takoma Park, Maryland in an old farmhouse. Working as a calligrapher, hand papermaker, and book artist, she eventually obtained M.L.S. and was fortunate to be a school librarian at St. Albans School in D.C. for thirteen years in addition to working in the public library setting.

Recently she has returned to art and writing in her studio, A Blue Bunny. Prints and artist’s books, that include her writings, have been exhibited through several arts organizations and art libraries, such as The National Women’s Museum of the Arts and The World Bank in Washington, D.C. Her prose and poetry can be read online and in print by several Indie publishers in the United States and overseas.

Her first book, Sweet Potato (1988) was an editioned artist’s book and is housed in several private and public collections Her recent books of poetry and writings are included in the General Collections at the Library of Congress, the Enoch Pratt Free Library of Maryland and several local libraries.

During COVID and the years following, she wrote three books in response to the pandemic. Friday Afternoons: Brief Writings During a Pandemic (2021) pays tribute to the online writer’s group she joined the previous year which met weekly. Eden: At Home During a Pandemic (2022) was written in gratitude to nature and its sustaining force in her life. Last in the series, Poetry from the Porch (2023) a celebration of the women in her life who inspire her.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Tina Hudak

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