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Publication Order of Warriors Books
Publication Order of Warriors: The New Prophecy Books
Publication Order of Warriors: Power of Three Books
Publication Order of Warriors: Field Guide Books
Publication Order of Warriors Super Edition Books
Publication Order of Warriors: Omen of the Stars Books
Publication Order of Warriors: Dawn of the Clans Books
Publication Order of Warriors: A Vision of Shadows Books
Publication Order of Warriors Short Stories/Novellas
Publication Order of Warriors Collections
Publication Order of Warriors: Graystripe's Adventure Graphic Novels
Publication Order of Warriors: Tigerstar and Sasha Graphic Novels
Publication Order of Warriors: Ravenpaw's Path Graphic Novels
Publication Order of Warriors: The Broken Code Books
Publication Order of Warriors Graphic Novels
Publication Order of Warriors: SkyClan and The Stranger Graphic Novels
Publication Order of Warriors: A Starless Clan Books
About The Warriors Books:
Erin Hunter is the author of the acclaimed best selling junior fantasy books for young adults called the Warriors series. There are six books total in the primary series. There are over 80 books featuring the tales and adventures of a group of Warrior Cats. The series is published by Harper Collins and is written by the three authors, Cherith Baldry, Kate Cary, and Tui T. Sutherland as well as editor Victoria Holmes, who develops the story for the books. Harper Collins asked Victoria Holmes to develop a story about a group of feral cats.
Holmes used classical themes of love, politics, war, and religion and soon had enough material for a first novel. Harper Collins decided to green light for a six book series. All four use the collective pen name of Erin Hunter.
Into The Wild
Into The Wild is the first novel in the Warriors series. It tells the story of wild cats whose ancestors passed down the tradition of sharing the forest among the four clans. The Four Clans are called the ShadowClan, ThunderClan, WindClan, and RiverClan. The clans live within the forest and by water and pursue their own type of prey in addition to having or being taught special skills relevant to their clan and territory.
The story follows a domestic cat who leaves his house to join the wild cats in the woods. He joins the ThunderClan and is trained in their ways. However, the law and peace of the forest and ThunderClan may be threatened by the suspicious ShadowClan. The ShadowClan grows ever more threatening with each day. The fifth clan, SkyClan, was driven out due to humans building on their home and find shelter in the gorge but quickly disappear.
Meanwhile, some of the respected noble Warriors are dying, and it’s up to the clans to stop it. The book opens up into a fight between the ThunderClan and the RiverClan over a piece of land. Cat Redtail calls for the Thunderclan to retreat. Once they have forfeited the battle, Spottedleaf, the tribe’s medicine cat receives a prophecy from the spirit ancestors, the StarClan. The ancestors tell Spottedleaf that fire alone can save the ThunderClan.
BlueStar, leader of the cats, says that it will never be possible. All cats are terrified of fire. The novel also utilizes a combination of a cat and human language English lexicon that uses more cat like works in a fashion that has been compared to Harry Potter and the Redwall series by Brian Jacques. The pseudonym Erin Hunter was specifically chosen for the proximity to Jacques’ in a library as they believed followers of the Redwall series would also be open to the fantasy world of intelligent animals in their own, unique domain.
The language uses the word “twolegs” to mean humans, “kittypet” to describe a cat who was not feral or wild but human owned, and “mewed” or “purred” to mean “said”, when the cats are talking. The cats also name each other with two words, each of which describes the cat in terms of personality or appearance. Rusty, who is a “kittypet”, runs into Graypaw from the ThunderClan in his backyard and fights with him instead of running away.
Two cats, Bluestar and Lionheart, see the fight between Rusty and Graypaw and invite the domestic cat to join their clan. After another fight with a cat, Rusty is given his new name: Firepaw. Firepaw becomes fast feline friends with Graypaw and Ravenpaw but is shocked when he finds out that Tigerclaw has murdered the Warrior Redtail and wants to be the leader of the clan. Tigerclaw plots to kill Ravenpaw to keep his murder of Redtail quiet.
Firepaw and Graypaw move Ravenpaw to a safe area where he stays with a cat named Barley. No one has detected that Tigerclaw is a traitor. But when the ShadowClan moves to attack the ThunderClan, Lionheart is killed, and it’s more important than ever to expose Tigerclaw and defeat the ShadowClan to keep the ThunderClan intact.
Fire And Ice
Fire And Ice is the second novel in the Warriors series. It begins with Firepaw and Graypaw standing vigil after they have been promoted to Warriors. Firepaw’s new name is Fireheart and Graypaw’s Warrior name is Graystripe. They then set out to help the WindClan who have been attacked and driven away by the ShadowClan. The two Warriors find the clan hiding under the “Thunder paths”, the feral cats’ term for human built highways.
Graystripe gets assigned an apprentice, Cinderpaw, and a cat named Brackenpaw becomes Fireheart’s new apprentice. Graystripe then falls into a pond after chasing a vole onto the ice, but is rescued by a Warrior from the RiverClan tribe named Silverstream. Silverstream and Graystripe fall in love which violates the rules of the Warrior code but Fireheart discovers their relationship and attempts to persuade them to stop it without success.
Graystripe agrees with Fireheart to only meet with Silverstream at the full moon and the Gathering, where the four clans meet monthly to discuss issues. Fireheart finds out that Graystripe has been routinely breaking this promise and sneaking away to see Silverstream. Fireheart takes over training on Graystripe’s apprentice in addition to his own. Meanwhile, Tigerclaw has set a trap for Bluestar by the human made Thunderpaths.
Instead of killing Bluestar and bringing Tigerclaw closer to being the leader of the ThunderClan, Cinderpaw the apprentice is injured by the blast. Cinderpaw learns she will be handicapped for life and thus cannot be a Warrior. She goes into training as a medicine cat, training under medicine cat Yellowfang. Fireheart becomes reunited with his sister, a kittypet living with humans in a twolegplace. Princess gives Fireheart one of her kittens, called kits.
Cloudkit is accepted into the ThunderClan as an apprentice. The rest of the clan is reluctant to accept Cloudkit because she has domesticated kittypet blood. Bluestar ultimately decides Cloudkit will stay and be part of the ThunderClan. The Clan must be strong to fend off the attacks of Brokenstar, a rogue ShadowClan Warrior who is trying to drive out the ThunderClan forever. As the clans clash and the fur flies, Fireheart must find a way to keep the Clan safe and try to expose Tigerclaw once and for all.
Book Series In Order » Characters » The Warriors
49 Responses to “The Warriors”
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These are very good books
LOVE THIS! I have a cat named Smudge, just like Firestar’s kitteypet friend. No, it was not intentional.:) On Dawn, almost done. Favorite characters so far: Firestar (of course), Sandstorm, Leafpaw, Squirrelpaw, Brambleclaw, pretty much all of ThunderClan. I almost cried when Feathertail died. 🙁 So excited to read the the rest of the books!
Me too. Totally in luv with this!
I am new to this series since a friend has recommended it to me and so far, I love it.
I want all the warrior cats books in the world they are the bestttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh sssssssllllllaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love this series so much!!! I’m on Thunder Rising and I love these characters. I kinda don’t want to finish this arc because I likely won’t hear from the character for a long time
I love all of the books in The Prophecies Begin. I have all the books at my house they are all awesome.
cats BOOKS SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Erin Hunter is such a good author!!! I suggest that you guys read Wings of Fire, made by Tui. T Sutherland. Hunter helped Sutherland make it
same i’ve only read 2 but i’ in love with them
I’ve read Wings of Fire and it’s the BESTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WARRIORS ARE ALSO THE BESTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!
Oh my gosh, this series is so good! Im on The Broken Code series, and on the last book.
are they going to make more? They are amazing I can’t get enough of them!and I also have a ginger cat named Firestar.
That is so awesome and adorable! I have a cat called Cloudtail. Because he’s 99% white
I was thinking about stopping reading them and im not sure now but it kinda triggers my emotions I am on the second series on book two. Should i stop reading? I love the books but i just don’t know… Also are Brambleclaw and Squirrelpaw going to mate?
Yes they do mate
Oh jeez i just started the 3rd book in that series
Don’t stop reading I have read every series multiple times they never get old.😺😸😸😸🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈😸😸😸😽
I’ve read all the Warrior books and am waiting for the new release on April 5th. Biting my nails in anticipation. Can’t get enough of them. This new series is A Starless Clan and the first book is River. Have fun reading all of these books.
I know right and the onestar super addition. And shadowclan exile’s and sky! So many books I wonder if there will be a new novella as well?
Can’t wait for wind in the starless clan!
Sammmeee. All the books are amazing! My fave series is A Starless Clan
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS SERIES!!! I haven’t read all of the arcs, and I’ve been skipping around but STILL!! It is my MOST favorite series. I have read most of the original arc but I need 2 more, and I have read some of the other arcs and super editions. Whoever just found out about Warriors, you are going to fall in love with all of the characters. Especially FIRESTAR!!!
Yep, my all-time favorite books to read. I’ve only missed a few and looking forward to River. And I actually have a “real cat”, an Orange Tabby {Ginger Cat} named Firestar too.
And I’m 65 and enjoy these books immensely.
I would definitely love to see a Movie made from them. That would be so awesome!
SAME!!! My cat looks like raven’paw so I named him Raven’paw
Dude i have read them all lol
I read Into the Wild through A Light In the Mist.
Can’t wait to start on River!!!
i have read the first 3 series and 5 super-editions and i have read all the guides.
i am 12 i have bean reading for 2 years.
it took me 1 week to finish a series and a
day and a half to finish a super-edition
That’s awesome. Great job! 🙂
One thing I don’t really understand is, are you meant to read the whole “main” series first, then go back and start through “super editions”? Where do the “novellas” fit in? Maybe publication order makes the most sense? That’s would be tough though because most places only list the year, but counting all the various formats, some years have 5-6 releases…
that’s what im trying to figure out. I don’t know what to read first. I think ill just read them in publication order, but skip over the super editions and go back later. its very confusing- can anyone who has read them all please help some people out???
I also am wondering if I should read the original series (into the wild, fire and ice, forest of secrets, etc) and THEN read all the other series in order. helppp
You read the series in order, and their not called original series, the super editions, and novellas fit in when you are reading a book related to it, like when you are reading the book when Firestar saves SkyClan you could also read Firestar’s Quest as well but I’m my recommendation you just do the order of the series and lastly read the Special Editions and Novellas,
P.S. I’m a warrior cats fan
– ☼ Blossomberry ☼
To be honest, ive only red the first 3 books, but i still love the series so far.
@Blossomberry Me too, and I’m 64 years old! LOL
Exactly how I’ve read them. I found the series quite a few years ago, and quite by accident, after the first book, I just had to read more and more of them.
I started with th first series and read the Super Editions when they coincided with the book I just finished, it kept the continuity of the series flowing smoothly.
Plus, the SE’s also give some additional info on how the clans function and a few other details that you may not find in the series books.
Definitely recommend reading them when they coincide with one of the series books just read.
Would love to see a movie made from the series of all these books, that would be the best made cat movie ever, providing Hollyweird doesn’t take liberties with changing things that just don’t match the books characters, looks or storylines, as they so tend to do!
Nice to see more of us older adults enjoying some positive young reader lit. I think the books, with minor writing exceptions, are delightful!
I think you are supposed to read Bluestar’s Prophecy, then start with the original arc, and the other novellas and super editions will fit in between. I also think that you kind of have to backtrack into the super editions.
So i searched this on google with “how many books are in the warriors series” the answer was six. No that’s extremely wrong, there are 89 if you count novellas and manga, and 62 if you don’t (at the time of this writing). You have to wonder how long a person can write about cats
How many feral cats are there in the world.. that’s how long you can write about cats, each one having its own different personalities, each one a follower or leader, a healer or worker, a contributor or a politician, a fat cat or just destined for a military lifestyle.. then u have blue collar, theives, rich and poor, sickly and child bearers.. the list goes on and on.. need i go on?
When it says there are six, it probably means there are only 6 books in the first series because you only typed series not specifying which series or if all together
When it says there are six, it probably means there are only 6 books in the first series because you only typed series not specifying which series or if all together
P.S. I’m a warrior cat fan!
– ☼ Blossomberry ☼
are they still making warrior books
Yep! They will continue for a long time. They just began a new series, called A Vision of Shadows. The first book is The Apprentice’s Quest.
they’re starting the broken code now. lost stars, i believe.
I am so happy I just completed all the super editions.
i wish i could say the same. but i still have to complete the main series first.