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The Man from O.R.G.Y. Books In Order

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Publication Order of The Man from O.R.G.Y. Books

The Man From O.R.G.Y. (1965)Description / Buy at Amazon
The 9-Month Caper (1965)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dr. Nyet (1966)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Real Gone Girls (1966)Description / Buy at Amazon
Back Home at the O.R.G.Y. (1968)Description / Buy at Amazon
Come Be My O.R.G.Y. (1968)Description / Buy at Amazon
Here's Your O.R.G.Y. (1969)Description / Buy at Amazon
My Son, The Double Agent (1972)Description / Buy at Amazon
Hard Day's Knight (1972)Description / Buy at Amazon
Around the World is not a Trip (1973)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dial O For O.R.G.Y. (1973)Description / Buy at Amazon
Room at the Topless (1973)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Tight End (1981)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Man from O.R.G.Y. Series by Ted Mark
Ted Mark penned the “Man from O. R. G. Y.” series of thriller spy novels. The series featured fifteen books in total, starting publication in the year 1965, when “The Man from O. R. G. Y.” was released.

Steve Victor’s a guy that studies sex from all angles, both right-side-up and upside-down. Not only does he study it, he loves it and that makes the research he does that much more fun.

He is the one-man organization called O. R. G. Y. It stands for, according to Steve, the Organization for the Rational Guidance of Youth. He calls it that because having a name that indicated the real purpose of studying sex would most likely get way too many doors slammed close in his face. For Victor, the open doors meant a lot more opportunities for cash and the true meaning of Obtaining Research Grants for Yours truly.

Even though Victor admits freely that he works hard for grant money to continue his wonderful lifestyle, grants aren’t his sole source of income. While traveling the world, he also does some odd jobs here and there for some ‘most secret of American spy organization’. This unnamed agency, which for sure isn’t the CIA, may send him off to different action spots in the world however it’s his lust that makes the spots get their activity.

Lancer books, with the Bond craze at its peak, with Goldfinger recently released and Thunderball starting production, started publishing a series of semi-spoofs of the Bond genre with a heavy focus on the sex. The lead character wouldn’t just be a secret agent that loved having sex, but would be an expert and making love that happened to sometimes be a secret agent.

The unabashed audacity of the plots as well as wildness of the love making clicked with all the randy readers and the spy sex romps sub-genre was born. There were many copycats that followed, even though the lasciviousness of the series got decried from every direction. None enjoyed the same success as this series, however.

In the year 1970, a movie was released based off the series, called “The Man from O. R. G. Y.” or it was also known by the title “The Real Gone Girls”. Robert Walker Jr. starred as Steve Victor.

“The Man from O. R. G. Y.” is the first novel in the “Man from O. R. G. Y.” series and was released in the year 1965. While Victor continues his sex studies, he walks a path from Damascus through Calcutta and Baghdad into Tokyo. Along the way he gets involved with the theft of Soviet nuclear secrets by the Chinese as well as the downfall of Nikita Khrushchev.

“The Nine Month Caper” is the second novel in the “Man from O. R. G. Y.” series and was released in the year 1965. While in Miami, Victor gets accosted, as only he is capable of, by some beauty that wants to know why he would leave Tokyo so fast. The answer leads him into the Caribbean where he butts heads with Castro on the one hand and the whole Santo Domingo army on the other.

“The Real Gone Girls” is the third novel in the “Man from O. R. G. Y.” series and was released in the year 1966. This rich man dies all of a sudden and leaves all of his vast fortune to the madam of his very favorite establishment. When she too dies and leaves her inheritance to her best three ‘girls’, somebody abducts the girls and Victor gets assigned to rescue them.

“My Son, The Double Agent” is the fifth novel in the “Man from O. R. G. Y.” series and was released in the year 1972. Even spies have moms. And Steve Victor’s mom worried, and Steve just could not understand why. Everything was normal, after all. Well, normal for Steve Victor.

He had a new top-secret assignment from the top levels of the American government. As per usual, it was on a “take it or else” basis, the enemy’s goal was the typical world domination, and he was on his own, without even a whiff of help if he goofed. What else was new though?

The foe had fantastic weapons and greater resources than it usually did. Even more women were giving him the runaround than usual. Then, he was facing a murder rap that he wasn’t guilty of. There seemed to be some clever Romeo that was his exact double committing all kinds of dastardly acts which he was being blamed for. Oh and PS, Mom: Steve lost his pants.

“Room at the Topless” is the seventh novel in the “Man from O. R. G. Y.” series and was released in the year 1967. Steve Victor was dead. For sure. International villains finally murdered him. The bumbling, hapless, yet fantastically successful super spy was definitely stone-cold. Yeah, right. But just as long as there was some warm female body around, Steve just couldn’t act like a carcass. He had far too much else to do.

He had his most important assignment to date: To eliminate the free world’s most evil and sinister foe. All of those swinging chicks in Hollywood looked like they were something to live for. Trouble was that Steve’s special skills don’t really seem to count for a lot on the swinging, yet distracting and totally dangerous, Sunset Strip. Topless? You ain’t seen anything yet.

“Come Be My O. R. G. Y.” is a novel in the “Man from O. R. G. Y.” series and was released in the year 1968. That yummy Tibetan (Ti Nih Baapuh) has returned, however Steve Victor does not have her. Steve is all caught up in Papa Baapuh’s outta whack, busy grappling with the gorgeous beauties from other eras, and dodging their pissed off men.

All Steve’s able to do about Ti Nih is tune into his wrist radio and hear all the sound effects that spring from her games and fun with the mysterious Charles Putnam, the American “diplomat”.

Being a man from O. R. G. Y. is backbreaking work, for sure. It barely gives this guy any time to save the world from its own folly, Steve believes, panting. Come along for the ride, you will not be at all sorry.

Book Series In Order » Characters » The Man from O.R.G.Y.

One Response to “The Man from O.R.G.Y.”

  1. Karen Holland: 2 years ago

    loved your daughter Juli. We were good friends when you were doing the Civil Rights meeting, right in you living room. I look back on those
    days a lot. I hope you are Well.

    sincerely, Karen Liit


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