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Suzanne Wright Books In Order

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Publication Order of Dark In You Books

Publication Order of Deep In Your Veins Books

Publication Order of Devil's Cradle Books

The Wicked in Me(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Nightmare in Him(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Monsters We Are(2025)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of The Mercury Pack Books

Spiral of Need(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
Force of Temptation(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Lure of Oblivion(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Echoes of Fire(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Shards of Frost(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of The Olympus Pride Books

When He's Dark(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
When He's An Alpha(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
When He's Sinful(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
When He´s Ruthless(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
When He’s Torn(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
When He Dares(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of The Phoenix Pack Books

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Publication Order of Short Story Collections

Wear Something Red(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Suzanne Wright may have been born a writer but it was not until the birth of her first son that her passion become her full-time career. UK-based, Wright describes herself as both a wife and full-time mother. She is an avid reader and animal lover too. And yes, a writer of romance novels with a touch of fantasy, a sprinkle of dark arts and an infusion of vampires and wolves.

Significantly, Wright is a member of a growing international community that chooses to self-publish her own works. For authors such as Wright, eschewing a traditional writer-publisher relationship comes with defined benefits. In Wright’s case, the author retains full creative control of all transcripts and drafts, works to her own schedule, and acts as editor and creative director.

According to Wright, there are drawbacks to self-publishing though. “The biggest problem I have found with it is that it takes a lot of time away from you that you could have spent on just writing. I did not realize just how many things there were to consider, but I am too grateful for the way things are turning out for any of it to bother me. There are many pros and cons to both avenues, you just have to find what works for you.”

The rise of the electronic book (eBook) provided the obvious catalyst for Wright to move into the realms of self publishing. She started using Amazon’s Kindle Publishing Direct service. For aspiring writers, Publishing Direct is accessed at the bottom of Amazon home page, denoted by the tab Independently Publish With Us’. According to Wright, the process is simple and without too much hassle. Firstly, you upload your book, fill in an online form where you specify details like title, synopsis, name your price and upload a cover. The rest is left up to Amazon, who upload and market the title to customers.

Clearly, the approach is working for Wright. As of June 2016 she has published 14 titles in eBook format and has two additional books in the pipeline slated for a second half release in 2016.

Wright’s publishing journey came to the public consciousness in early 2012. Within two days, Wright had established a presence on Amazon’s eBook marketplace with the release of her first two books, From Rags and Here Be Sexist-Vampires, which serves as the first book in The Deep In Your-Veins series Book 1.

It was the release of the latter that saw the beginning of Wright’s emergence as a writer of several distinct fantasy romance series, which in 2016, are the hallmarks of her canon.

The Deep in Your-Veins series is now title five titles strong and counting. The premise of the series focuses the various trails and tribulations of Sam Parker. Parker s a vampire with a gift so strong and substantial that she is invited to partake in a test for a place in the Grand-High Master Vampire’s private legion. Adding an element of post-feminist literature, Parker faces opposition from all corners given the fact she is the first women to serve in this elite fighting force. Along the way she encounters misogyny, steamy encounters and romance with her adversary turned lover, and all manners of challenge to her status and power within this elite vampire fighting force.

Not one to pigeonhole herself into one sub-genre of the paranormal romance space, Wright explores a different area of the fantasy arena with her Phoenix Pack series. As the title suggests, the co-existence of humans and wolves is the focus, complete with shape shifting and forbidden love. The series chronicles the relationship between various female wolf shifters and the males they desire, fear and challenge their notion of self and love. Unlike the Deep in Your-Veins series, Wright switches the protagonists and plots in each of the anthologies four titles.

Staying with wolves, the Mercury Pack series differs from the Phoenix Pack series. The protagonist of the series is more than a wolf shifter, but as a seer provides an extra element to sorted tales of forbidden lust and broke loyalties. The hero’s ability to foretell future events is put to the test on several occasions as rival forces circle the Mercury Pack, where the trust of her beloved is put to the test. Wright plans to draw out the saga in future editions of the series, which will start arriving in eBook format in the coming months.Unlike the Deep in Your-Veins series, Wright switches

Her fourth and most recent series, The-Dark in You series, marks a spin off from Wright’s Deep in Your-Veins chronicles. The first part in the series picks up the story of Knox-Thorne, who featured-briefly in ‘Consumed’ — the fifth in my-Deep in Your-Veins Series.Compelling of full of the secrets plus armed that is with raw-sexuality, the series has already won over new and exciting fans of Wright’s work, eager to see her resist the vampire romance genre. The release of the second edition is already whetting fans appetite for the same intensity found in the first installment.

For fans of Wright’s work, the UK mother of two is planning to expand her repertoire to include romance novels of the more traditional variety. According to her blog, she is currently exploring several ideas that would move her fiction away from the paranormal romance genre. However, as she attests, her existing series will remain the immediate priority for the time beings with several existing characters poised to receive their own dedicated sagas.

Given her prolific nature, expect to see Wright further establish herself as one of the world’s preeminent fantasy romance writers in the years ahead. Her writing and yes, self-publishing career, continues to go from strength-to-strength, with Wright finding a broad audience for her paranormal romance novels. As of July 1, Wright has ranked in Amazon’s top 25 paranormal romance charts, itself a genre that has seen its appeal grow with several high profile film adaptations. A direction that for Wright would undoubtedly be a future and welcomed possibility. As the title suggests, the co-existence of humans and wolves is the focus, complete with shape shifting and forbidden love.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Suzanne Wright

One Response to “Suzanne Wright”

  1. Becky McCain: 3 years ago

    Dear Suzanne, I feel as though I am losing good friends from the Phoenix & Mercury packs as it seems that the stories are coming to an end. Maybe there is hope that there will be more in a “second” generation storyline. I am also finding great joy in the Deep in your veins, and the Dark in You series and I hope to read many more stories in the Knox Thorne Universe. I’m moving forward onto the Olympus Pack & anticipate great enjoyment there too. I know all good series must come to an end but I wish you many more years of writing in the paranormal genre!


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