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Simon Scarrow Books In Order

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Publication Order of Berlin Wartime Thriller / CI Schenke Books

Publication Order of Eagle Books

Under the Eagle(2000)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Eagle's Conquest(2001)Description / Buy at Amazon
When the Eagle Hunts(2001)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Eagle and the Wolves(2003)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Eagle's Prey(2004)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Eagle's Prophecy(2005)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Zealot / The Eagle in the Sand(2006)Description / Buy at Amazon
Centurion(2007)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Gladiator(2009)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Legion(2009)Description / Buy at Amazon
Praetorian(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Blood Crows(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Brothers in Blood(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Britannia(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
Invictus(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Day of the Caesars(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Blood of Rome(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Traitors of Rome(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Emperor's Exile(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Honour of Rome(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Death to the Emperor(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
Rebellion(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
Revenge of Rome(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Gladiator Books

Publication Order of Invader Books

with T.J. Andrews

Publication Order of Invader Short Stories Books

with T.J. Andrews

Publication Order of Pirata Books

with T.J. Andrews

Publication Order of Revolution Quartet Books

Publication Order of Roman Arena Books

with T.J. Andrews

Publication Order of Warrior Books

with T.J. Andrews
The King in Rome(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Druids' Lair(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
The War Prince(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
Brothers of the Sword(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
Lord of War(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
Warrior(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
Warrior is a collection of the 5 novellas.

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Sword and Scimitar(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
Hearts of Stone(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
Playing With Death(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Short Stories/Novellas

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Simon Scarrow is a popular novelist from the United Kingdom, who is best known for his novels based on the Historical Fiction genre. Till date, he has written a total of 5 novel series’ and the most notable novel series written by him is the Eagle Series.

In all, he has written over 30 novels in his career spanning 15 years. Simon was born in Nigeria, but spent most of his growing years in the UK. Before trying his hand at writing novels, he completed his education from the University of East Anglia and obtained his master’s degree.

Prior to that, he had to work at the Inland Revenue in order to pay for his graduation. After completing his graduation, Simon began working as a lecturer in the East Norfolk Sixth Form College and later, shifted to City College Norwich. The Eagle Series written by him is based on the Roman Military fiction and is set in the fictional territories of the Roman Empire.

The main historical event described in the series is the second invasion of Britain in the Roman Empire and the resulting campaign undertaken by the Julio-Claudian dynasty to resist the Britishers from doing so. The series consists of a total of 13 books with the 14th one about to be published soon later in the year.

Other than the Eagle Series, Simon has also written a few other notable novel series’ including the Revolution series, which is based on Napoleon and Wellington. Apart from the novel series’, Simon has also penned down a couple of standalone novels.

As of today, he lives happily in Norfolk, United Kingdom along with his wife Caroline Scarrow and two sons. In the year 2006, Simon was selected as the Writer in Residence at the Simon Langton Grammar School for Boys. He says that he was honored to have been accepted for the prestigious post. As a part of his job, Simon is required to visit the school regularly and hold several creative writing sessions in which the students participate to showcase their writing talents.

Simon also judges the annual Scarrow Award in the Fiction category held in the school. The family of Simon has one more author in the form of his brother, Alex Scarrow, who has written a number of novels himself. Simon says that his passion for writing had begun at a very young age.

As his childhood was spent in traveling from place to place because of his parents, he got the time to finally write something worthy only after his graduation. Firstly, he pursued his love for history by becoming a teacher and then went on to become a full time writer from 2005 onwards.

Every year, Simon manages to publish at least one book based on the adult Roman and historical fiction novels. The house in which he lives in Norfolk is a 400 year old mansion which was built by the Romans in the 1st century A.D. In fact, the major portion of Norfolk was colonized by the Romans.

He gains tremendous inspiration for writing his novels while walking with his dogs around the ruins of the Roman town situated on the outskirts of Norwich. Apart from writing novels, Simon also keeps himself busy in developing projects for film and television along with his brother Alex.

The Eagle Series written by Simon Scarrow is based on the life of the two main protagonists, Lucius Cornelius Macro and Quintus Licinius Cato, often referred to as Macro and Cato. The two are depicted as Roman soldiers in the series. Macro is described as a veteran, who has the experience of 15 years of service in the Roman Army at the beginning of the series and later gets appointed as the Centurion.

On the other hand, Cato is just a teenager, who previously grew up as a slave in the Imperial Palace. At the start of the series, he joins as Macro’s Optio in the Eagles. The first book of the series is set in 42 A.D. Throughout the series, author Simon Scarrow has shared the experiences of Macro and Cato.

They are first described as taking part in the battle in Germania and against the invasion of the Britishers by Claudius. In the later of the series, the two soldiers are described as serving in the Imperial Navy in the east of Italy.

Then, they take part in the eastern provinces of Rome as the agents of the secretary of the Emperor named, Tiberius Claudius Narcissus. Macro and Cato are then seen as shipwrecked on the Crete Island. After that, they are described by Simon as serving in Rome and trying to save the Emperor from the Liberators. The time spent by Simon Scarrow in the Officer Training Corps, has inspired him to do the earthy descriptions of the characters.

With the aim of attracting more readers, the publishers of the series had decided to drop the word Eagle from the title of the series in the year 2007. However, the idea seemed to be quite absurd and they decided to continue with the same title.

The first novel of the series was titled ‘Under The Eagle’, which was published in the year 2000 by the Headline publishing house. The plot of the novel deals with the exciting adventure of Roman Army, set in the first century A.D. The plot of the novel starts in the year 42 A.D.

One of the protagonists Quintus Licinius Cato has just arrived as the new young recruit in the Second Legion, which is considered as the toughest Roman Army. Initially, he finds it difficult to adjust to the rigorous military life and he also has to face the disgust from his colleagues as he gets appointed at a higher rank because of his connection with the Imperial Palace.

Cato joins as the second-in-command to the other protagonist of the series, Macro. Cato is described by the author Simon as a fearless and battle-scarred army man. The two are ordered to go along with their army on a difficult campaign in the land of Britain.

After that, they take up a mission which is full of conspiracies and threatens to endanger the life of the Emperor. The second novel of the series was published in the year 2001 by the Headline publishing house. The novel was titled ‘The Eagle’s Conquest’.

In the novel, plot describes the time of the year 43 A.D., when the British soldiers try to invade the Roman Empire, led by the Emperor Claudius. The novel deals particularly with the life of the experienced soldier Macro, who has been appointed to the rank of a Centurion in order to lead his army in the tough battle against the difficult army of the invading Britishers.

He is aware of the risks involved in the mission, but does not fear about the outcome as he has already been involved in a number of missions like this in his battle-scarred career.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Simon Scarrow

6 Responses to “Simon Scarrow”

  1. Patrick George Willis: 6 months ago

    I forgot that i had bought a couple of Simons novels from a charity shop. i one day ran out of WW2 onwards books, so went into my book shelves to see what i could find. After reading the 2 Cato?/Macro novels i was well and truly hooked. Since the i have read all the Roman novels and i am in the process of re reading them

  2. Gary: 9 months ago

    Have read both Blackout and just finished Dead of Night. Strongly recommend both, great WW2 mystery/thriller series, great character development. Presents another side of life in Germany during that period that wasn’t part of the madness but just trying to make their way through it. Looking forwarded to the release of the 3rd volume.

  3. yvonne legore: 2 years ago

    just finished Blackout for the second time. How abouta followup novel to that?

    • Graeme: 2 years ago

      Actually Simon just released a sequel to it this month called Dead of Night 🙂


  4. Franziska M Vetter: 2 years ago

    I fell in love with this series about our man Macro and Cato, wonderful stories that pull you right in to what must have happened in Rome and it’s surrounding provinces. I have loved reading about Rome since I was 8 years old! Back in the day long ago. Thank you for providing such amazing stories so I can feel like I’m there too, watching and listening and experiencing all the sights, sounds and smells even!! I highly recommend these books to anyone who wants to learn about Rome !!

  5. Gerald Lee: 3 years ago

    I have just finished Blackout!a great read that I found brilliant.just didn’t want to put it down.Certainly one of those books I wanted to keep reading. full of twists from the first chapter. One to pass onto my son.Certainly recommend to anyone else who enjoys a historical thriller


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