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Shari Low Books In Order

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Publication Order of Hollywood Thriller Books

with Ross King
The Rise / Taking Hollywood(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Catch / Breaking Hollywood(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Fall(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of One Day With You Books

One Day With You(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
One Year After You(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of What If? Books

Publication Order of Winter Day Books

One Day in Winter(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Another Day in Winter(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Last Day of Winter(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Why Not?(2002)Description / Buy at Amazon
Double Trouble(2003)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Motherhood Walk of Fame(2007)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Brand New Me(2008)Description / Buy at Amazon
My Best Friend's Life(2008)Description / Buy at Amazon
Temptation Street(2010)Description / Buy at Amazon
Rock Chicks (As: Ronni Cooper)(2010)Description / Buy at Amazon
Friday Night with the Girls(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
Manhattan (As: Ronni Cooper)(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
From Essex to Chelsea With Love (As: Millie Conway)(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Moment of Truth(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Other Wives Club(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Story of Our Life(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Life Without You(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
With or Without You(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
This Is Me(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
My One Month Marriage(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
One Day In Summer(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
One Summer Sunrise(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Story of Our Secrets(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
One Last Day of Summer(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
One Day With You(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
One Moment in Time(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
One Christmas Eve(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
One Long Weekend(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon
One Midnight With You(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon
One Day and Forever(2025)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Because Mummy Said So(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Hollywood Books

as Shari King
Breaking Hollywood(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Shari Low
Shari Low was born in a town close to Glasgow in 1967, where she spent her teen years dreaming about the day she would follow Jackie Collins’ footsteps all the way to a life of decadent glamour and a kidney shaped swimming pool in LA.

The combination of nocturnal predisposition and bills altered her course, and she opted instead for a career in hotel and nightclub management in Scotland, Hong Kong, and Shanghai.

At the age of sixteen, she left school and started her career in sales, selling fire extinguishers to clients in the UK, Amsterdam, and Ireland. Shortly after her stint as a sales person, she went back to her native Glasgow and began working as a manager for nightclubs all around the city. She went on to manage nightclubs in some Sheraton hotels in Hong Kong and Shanghai.

At the age of 23, she returned to Glasgow and found work as a sales manager for some UK company.

At some point in the nineties, she was back in Glasgow, when a guy that she hated on sight walked toward her. She changed her mind after just thirty seconds. A week later, they moved in together and threw an engagement party. They’ve now been married for twenty-five years and thankfully he still hasn’t made an effort to escape.

Shari always harbored that writing dream, and eventually acted on it once she hit thirty, had a mid-life crisis, and wrote the first three chapters of her book “What If?”. She shipped it off to two agents and five publishers and just crossed her fingers.

On March 18, 2000 she got her first ;publishing deal at 3 pm. At 4 pm, she learned she was pregnant.

She still spends her nights and days writing in a very professional and mature manner. Which roughly translates to ‘type, panic, eat a biscuit, type and panic, eat another biscuit, type and panic’, then repeat for ninety thousand words.

Her work is sold in numerous countries around the world, including Russia, the US, Poland, Germany, Malaysia, and Australia. Shari has also written as Shari King, Ronni Cooper, and Millie Conway.

“What If?” is the first novel in the “What If?” series and was released in the year 2001. 1999. Carly Cooper is single, thirty, and after getting close to saying ‘I Do’ to six different guys, she is wondering if she accidentally said farewell to Mr. Right. However there’s a problem: Her ex-boyfriends are scattered all around the world and Carly lives in 1999: an era before Google, Facebook, smartphones, Broadband, and 4G, when it wasn’t possible to track folks down with just a few clicks of a mouse.

On a mission to learn if she walked out on her ‘happy ever after’, she quits her job, her flat, her entire life, and goes off on a quest to track down all the guys that she’s ever loved.

Hey Mr. Right’s out there, however can she actually find him? And what if he’s moved from the ex-girlfriend that said goodbye?

“What Now?” is the second novel in the “What If?” series and was released in the year 2021. Twenty years back, Carly went on a rather epic quest to find all the guys she had ever loved and lost in the hope one was her Mr. Right. Now, two decades and two teen sons later, she believes she may have gotten everything all wrong. While the years have gone by, a ton has changed, leaving her asking “What Now?”

With an empty nest and an empty nest on the horizon, she goes off once more to Los Angeles with her group of trusty girlfriends, in order to find that wild, carefree, and adventurous Carly she once was. On this newest quest, she finds a few home truths and must figure out if her marriage is actually worth saving or could there be a new happy ever after out there, just waiting for her.

“With or Without You” is a stand alone novel that was released in the year 2018. Two stories, two lives. One decision is going to change it all. Have you ever made a life altering choice before wondering if you had made the right one?

When Nate and Liv walked up the aisle, she knew that she was marrying the one, her best friend, and soul mate. Six years later, it just feels like friendship and routine is all they have got left in common. What happened to the excitement, fun, the love, and lust?

In the final moments of 1999, they decide they’ll go their separate ways, however at the last second, she wavers. Should she stay or should she go? Over the next twenty years we follow the parallel tales to learn if Liv’s heart, life, and future have been better with him. Or without him?

Shari delivers a highly entertaining novel throughout and one that readers enjoyed reading, even the sections that had them sobbing.

“The Story of Our Secrets” is a stand alone novel that was released in the year 2021. Colm O’Flynn was loved by his close circle of friends and family, but his death came much too soon for everybody to make peace with their own past.

Shauna, his second wife, adored the man. However one night she broke their marriage vows, and never got the opportunity to ask for his forgiveness.

Jess, the first Mrs. O’Flynn. Her heart’s set on somebody new, however will the last one night stand that she shared with Colm return to haunt her?

Dan, Colm’s best friend, has recently gotten divorced. Can he take another chance at happiness even if it means he will have to betray the one person that always had his back?

What nobody knows is somewhere out there Colm left messages for them that could set them free and allow them to start over once more. Can divine intervention help them out to locate Colm’s last wishes before it becomes too late to love again?

Readers found this to be an utterly hilarious read that is more fun than a girl’s night out.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Shari Low

One Response to “Shari Low”

  1. Cheryl Wamsley: 6 months ago

    I just wanted to say how very much I love Shari’s books. The characters are so memorable and I am dreading the last pages of the book I’m currently reading because one of my favorite characters, Josie, now has a terminal illness. Shari has a remarkable talent to make her stories intriguing, thoughtful, hilarious and sad all at the same time. I always look forward to climbing into bed if I have a Shari Low book on my kindle! Cheers from the USA!


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