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Sean McFate Books In Order

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Publication Order of Tom Locke Books

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

The Modern Mercenary(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Building Better Armies(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
The New Rules of War(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Mercenaries and War(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Goliath(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
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An American professor of strategy as well as a well-regarded author of fiction, the writer Sean McFate has a unique insight into his subject matter unlike any other. Largely writing about military operations and intelligence, he has been able to convey themes and ideas that are entirely his own. Understanding and knowing what he’s writing about has allowed him to fully articulate himself as an author and novelist. With an intense writing style and a penchant for edge-of-the-seat character driven narratives, he really is a master of grabbing the attention of the audience and keeping them hooked.

Early and Personal Life

Growing up Sean McFate would always have a strong passion for both reading and writing, something which he harnessed from an early age. Constantly learning and educating himself, he would continue this education throughout his life, continually working on his ideas and material. It was this that he would also put back into his novels, as he was always on the lookout for inspiration and new ideas.

Concentrating on strategy and national defence, he would gain a highly focused and very specific educational background. This would provide him with the in-depth knowledge needed when writing his novels and creating his ever unique stories. It would also give him the foundations required for much of his writing, as he would also go on to finish a PhD in the subject as well.

Working as a professor of strategy in Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service, he’s a well regarded academic on the subject too. This is backed up with his position at the National Defense University as well, something which lends him a certain degree of authority. In the past he has also gained first-hand experience in the field, as he has served as a paratrooper in the army, along with working for a private security corporation too.

Still putting out work on a regular basis, he maintains a strong profile as a writer and as a professor of strategy. Combining the two he does them both simultaneously, keeping himself busy continually, as he’s one of the leading voices within his field to date. Not showing signs of stopping anytime soon either he still has many books planned on the horizon, as his writing career grows from strength-to-strength.

Writing Career

Bringing out his first fictional title in 2016, Sean McFate made his debut into the literary scene with the title ‘Shadow War’. Prior to that he’d brought out the non-fictional title ‘The Modern Mercenary: Private Armies and What They Mean for World Order’ in 2014. This would help give him his analytical and highly factual style, something which was to stick with him throughout the course of his career.

Currently he has one series to his name, which is that of his ‘Tom Locke’ series of novels following their eponymous protagonist. Moving in a similar vein to that of Tom Clancy style suspense novels, they see Tom Locke working for a private contract firm as an elite operative. Doing the dangerous and difficult jobs that need to be done, he always aims to do the right thing even if it isn’t the most easiest.

Garnering a lot of attention because of his work, he is seen as one of the foremost voices and leading figures currently working within his field. With his academic background and his history of academic writing too, he has a wealth of knowledge with which to draw from. This has seen him gain praise from his many peers and contemporaries, as he garners applause from both his critics and the general public alike.

Teaching and imparting his knowledge of the defense industry, he manages to bring a strong understanding of geopolitics to his work. This enables a wide sense of scope, allowing his narratives an ever expansive global stage in which the action can take place. It also provides his characters plenty of room to manoeuvre within, letting him really flesh them out and comprehend who they truly are.

Attending numerous events nationwide, McFate remains as one of the leading figures and voices of authority on his area of expertise. With his PhD in international relations as well, he is well versed in his subject matter, something which is clearly reflected within his writing. With plenty more to come he is all set to carry on into the foreseeable future, as a lot more is set to follow soon.

Shadow War

Initially published through the ‘William Morrow’ publishing house, this was first released on the 10th of May in 2016. Not only was it the first book to herald the arrival of Sean McFate as a new writer, but it also established to series of ‘Tom Locke’ novels. Setting up a suspense action thriller, it manages to take in a whole range of geopolitics on an international scale.

Operating as an elite warrior, Tom Locke works for the private contracting firm ‘Apollo Outcomes’, it being one of the most successful of its kind. Sent on a black-op in the Ukraine, he has been pulled out of Libya for a top-secret mission of the utmost importance, as he’s sent in to rescue an oligarch’s family. It’s his boss Brad Winter, though, who’s planning a high-stakes game of political chess with some of his biggest enemies. Will he complete the mission? How will he deal with his old flame Alie MacFarlane turning up on the scene as a war correspondent? What are the true stakes of the shadow war?

Deep Black

Brought out through the ‘William Morrow’ publishing label once more, this was set to continue directly on from the first title. First published on the 8th of August in 2017, this was released little over a year after the first, it being the second in the ongoing ‘Tom Locke’ series of novels. Called ‘Deep Black’ it manages to convey a lot of what made the first novel work so well, giving both action and excitement.

Now on the run from ‘Apollo Outcomes’ and the traitor Brad Winters, Tom Locke is all set to rescue a Saudi prince from ISIS. Unbeknownst to Locke though, is the true intentions of the prince’s father, as it may be the case that the prince has details of a top-secret 1960s deal with Pakistan. Trying to find out the real agenda of the man who hired him and his team, Locke finds that he may be in a deep state conflict with more conspiracies than he could’ve ever imagined. Who hired them? Can Locke save the prince? What will become of him as he finds himself in deep black?

Book Series In Order » Authors » Sean McFate

2 Responses to “Sean McFate”

  1. Amelia: 2 years ago

    Just finished reading High Treason and couldn’t put it down.Wish I would have read them in order. When is the next one coming out!?

  2. VenUM: 5 years ago

    A true visionary for the present and future times w/o a doubt. Don’t bypass this author, if this is your genre combined with what awaits us all.


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