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Sara Gran Books In Order

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Publication Order of Claire DeWitt Mysteries Books

The City of the Dead(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Bohemian Highway(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Infinite Blacktop(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Saturn's Return to New York(2001)Description / Buy at Amazon
Come Closer(2003)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dope(2006)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Book of the Most Precious Substance(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Short Story Collections

Little Mysteries(2025)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Anthologies

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Sara Gran is a writer of books and for television. She has written for television’s Southland.

Sara was born in 1971 in Brooklyn. She has since lived in many different locations. Gran currently resides in California.

Gran became a published author in 2001. That was when her debut fictional novel came out. Two years later, she came out with another novel, Come Closer. Her third novel Dope came out in 2008.

The author has had a lot of jobs before becoming a published author full time. Before that was her career, Sara did have a variety of positions– mostly located in fields that have to deal with books. She worked at various bookstores located in Manhattan.

These include Housing Works, The Strand, and Shakespeare & Co. She has also composed pamphlets as well as missives and stories along the way. At one point she made money by buying and selling rare and used books.

Sara Gran is the creator and writer of the Claire DeWitt series of fiction. The series kicked off in 2011 with the publication of the debut novel, City of the Dead. The sequel came out two years later and is titled The Bohemian Highway. The third book came out in 2018 to make it a trilogy and is titled The Infinite Blacktop.

City of the Dead is the first novel in the DeWitt series. Pick up this novel from your local library, your local book store, or go online to see if it is available!

In this mystery novel, Sara Gran brings a private investigator character to life. Meet Claire DeWitt, a private eye and a young woman that seems destined to take the job on. Fate has picked her out and wants her to fill those gum shoes of being a detective– or is that just how it appears?

There’s no other real way to explain the reason why she stumbled upon a book as a teen that would change her life (other than mere coincidence, of course). The book Detection happened to come across her path at just the right time in her life and just like that, her course was forever altered.

Now she has taken hold of a destiny tightly, clinging onto it as tightly as she can. Even though she’s gripping it with both of her hands, it seems that destiny does not always have an easy road in store for certain people. Regardless, it’s been two decades. In that time, the art of being a detective is basically her religion. The same book that she found in her teen years has become something of a Bible to her.

The detective is now being called to a distant city. Summoned quickly to the city of New Orleans is now her gig. That’s because she has overheard that someone thinks that she’s the best private eye in her field and wants to take her services on.

The case would be searching for a citizen that has become lost in the chaotic mazes of Katrina. New Orleans has been beaten up by the storm and now that it has been impacted, there’s a lot going on. Claire is going to have to navigate a city that is one of a kind in the attempt to locate the missing person and give their client what they want.

Everyone knows that the longer that you are missing, the more likely it is that no one is going to find you. Claire has to get in gear quickly if she is going to have a hope of tracking down the missing citizen. They are no where in sight in this city, and there is a spooky quality to the area that is giving the detective a strange feeling.

This private eye is no stranger to strange situations, and her calling has taken her to a town known for beads and partying and Mardi Gras and history and ghosts in addition to those beautiful airy puffy donuts covered in powdered sugar known as beignets. Claire has never been more dedicated to her craft, but will same blind devotion to what she does going to help her or hurt her in this place?

This is one adventure that the detective is sure never to forget– if she gets through it, of course. Check out this novel to find out what happens in the end and see whether everyone’s favorite sleuth can find her man or will come up short.

The Bohemian Highway is the exciting sequel written by Sara Gran, the second installment in the DeWitt series! Check out this awesome story that picks up where the last one left off.

Claire is dedicated to the job, and you could say that is her boyfriend. But it doesn’t mean that she hasn’t had fun in the past. She’s had a date and a boyfriend or two. However, the last thing in the world that she ever expected was for her ex to turn up dead.

Paul used to be her old flame, but it appears that unfortunately that flame has gone out. Paul has been discovered in his home in Mission District, and there’s no doubt about the fact that he is dead. The police don’t even think that anything suspicious has happened; they’re writing it off as a basic robbery.

Claire doesn’t buy that explanation. It’s all too neat and also makes everything all tidy and very simple. It would be a case closed without any follow up, but having personal feelings invested in Paul’s death, Claire is not about to let it go that easily.

Determined to follow up on the various clues that she does have, Claire assigns herself to the case. Claude is her new assistant and now she finally has some help when it comes to her sleuthing. Eventually she finds out that incredibly, other cases that she took on in the past may be hiding clues as to what happened to Paul.

Could an East Village missing girl case from the eighties and the theft in Marin of a miniature horse have anything to do with it? Anything’s possible. Claire’s on the case– pick up this novel to find out whether she gets the answers she’s looking for.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Sara Gran

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