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Sandrone Dazieri Books In Order

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Sandrone Dazieri is an Italian author of crime novels. He is famously known his Gorilla series which also adapted into a television film. Dazieri was born in Cremona, studied at San Pellegrino Terme and worked as a cook for ten years. He relocated to Milan and started working in some jobs, from porter to seller and also actively participated in the movement of Milan social centers.

In 1992, he worked as a proofreader for Telepress editorial service, and after half a decade he was appointed as general manager of Milan branch. Dazieri worked as a freelance journalist for several years and also collaborated with Manifesto as an expert of genre and counterculture fiction.

In 1999, he achieved success with his first book Attenti al gorilla, the first book in a best seller series where the lead character is a double copy of Dazieri himself, living the crazy nightlife in the city of Milan with all the present troubles.

Dazieri novels are renowned for the rocambolesque adventures in which the main character, Sandrone is continuously involved in an unstoppable but never fatalistic destiny. It is Sandrone’s personality that drives him to assist the derelict and weak, people who have lost all the hope for help but only hope for the Gorilla’s saving hand. Against all the odds, Sandrone’s confronts all sorts of dangers and get involved in many hairising and chilling situations.

Dazieri wrote two other noir books, a book for kids (Disney Aventura), several short stories and scripts for comics. The author is also a scriptwriter for many of his books that have been adapted into movies. With the help of an Italian producer Maurizio Totti and film director Gabriele Salvatore, Dazieri founded in 200 the publishing house Colorado Noir. From 2000-2004, Dazieri was the chief editor of Gialli Mondadori (Mondadori Thrillers).

Kill the Father (2017)

In this captivating and thrilling thriller, two people, both haunted by their pasts team up to solve a series of abductions and killings. A well-planned escalation turns out to be a more visible surface of something far much eviler.

When a woman is brutally murdered in a park just outside Rome, and then her six-year-old son vanishes in the thin air without a trace- the cops assigned to investigate the two cases opt for the easier way out. They arrest the dead woman’s husband and wait for his confession. However, the chief of Rome’s major crime’s unit doubts that things might be more complicated than they’re simple. Secretly, he lures into the case two of the best analytical minds in Italy- Deputy Captain Colomba Caselli, a ruthless warrior-like operative still healing after having survived a catastrophic event from his past. On the other hand, there is Dante Torre, a man who spent his entire childhood trapped inside a concrete silo. Taken care by the gloved hand of his kidnapper, Dante emerged from this horrifying ordeal with a crippling claustrophobia but also with hyper-observant capacities and an unquenchable thirst for knowledge.

All the evidence available suggests that Dante’s captor- “the Father” is back and active after many years of dormancy. Furthermore, he leaves behind telltale signs that indicate that he is looking forward to a reunion with Dante.

Kill the Angel

Kill the Angel is book two in Caselli and Torres series by Sandronze Dazieri. It is a multilayered thriller, complex, full of twists and turns and a satisfying dark novel for those who love to read late into the night.

A high-speed train from Milan makes its first stop in Rome; a horrific discovery is made in one of its carriages. The initial investigations are placed in the hands of DPC Colomba Caselli. The police then received a message from a group of Islamic terrorist assuming the responsibility for the act. However, Dante Torre does not believe that the Islamic terrorists were responsible, for him he feels like there is a smokescreen hiding the actions of a killer with more evil intentions. The trail of investigation leads him from Berlin then to Venice where the crystal clear waters of Venetian inland will turn blood red.

Attenti al gorilla

Sandrone Dazieri, a retired Leoncavallo, and a former private detective was hired to take care of the security service at a party. Apparently what seemed like a simple job to yield easy money turned out to be quite the opposite. In the middle of the reception, the daughter of the landlord flees and is found brutally murdered later. As the cops rush to imprison a young bum, Sandrone finds himself unable to ignore his guilt and doubts as he is the man who will investigate the truth in a city that is not so accommodating towards the “different” put everything he owns at risk including his very own life.

Attenti al gorilla is a delightful and exciting book. The author vividly describes the Milan underground, made up of high middle class, social centers, cops and many others. The writing itself is smooth, while the plot itself is well crafted to the right point to be a noir.

La Cura del gorilla

Once again the gorilla is back and its double trouble, especially for the only schizophrenic detective in the world. La Cura Del Gorilla is a fuzzy novel filled with lively rhythm where comedy and violence intertwine on every page.

Still holding on tight like a Bruce Willis from the Tears of the Sun movie, Sandrone was also known as Gorilla finds himself caught in a swirl of murdered Albanians, serial killers and the maiden dark ladies of the East.

To survive the hyper-reality of the 21st century in which things appear to be interlocked, and also get answers to his investigations, Sandrone will be forced to the resources of the two personalities that dwell inside of him- the impulsive sentimental vitalist and a very lucid and elegant strategist. Moving from city to city Sandrone, aka Gorilla embodies a dark soul never represented in the eighties, nineties and far beyond.

The characters, both primary and supporting, and the plot of La Cura del Gorilla are well crafted and promises to grab reader’s attention from the first to the last page.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Sandrone Dazieri

2 Responses to “Sandrone Dazieri”

  1. Teena: 1 year ago

    I love his books, they’re so interesting and satisfying. I would love to know if there will be a new book after “Kill the king.” I love his books and would love to read more about CC and Dante 🙂

  2. George Harvey: 3 years ago

    A wonderful, fascinatiing and enthralling book. Rather dark and thought-provoking, but totally worth reading. Am really glad I found the book, and wil happily search for his other books..Thank You, Sandrone!


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