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Samantha Greene Woodruff Books In Order

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Publication Order of Standalone Novels

The Lobotomist's Wife(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Trade Off(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Samantha Greene Woodruff is a suspense and historical fiction author who grew up in New Jersey. Like many American children, her parents got divorced when she was two and she would spend one weekend a week with her father in Manhattan before he remarried.

She was a latch-key kid and an only child living with her mother and from very early on, she used to come home to make herself a snack and do her homework in an empty apartment.

Even at that very early age, he was a little nerdy precocious and decidedly artsy child. She had an unexplained love for the theater and could sing and hence she spent much of her free time singing with bands and singing in musicals.

At this time she loved writing even if it was for the most part bad poetry and journaling. Luckily for her, the school she went to used to let learners do senior projects rather than course work for the last several weeks of the school year.

She took advantage of that opportunity in ehr last year to write her first work of fiction which was illustrated by her best friend.
Later she wrote “How the Owl Became Wise,” a fable that she submitted as her Wesleyan University admission essay.

At Wesleyan, Samantha Greene Woodruff wrote a thesis that explored Eastern Europe as a history major. However, when she graduated from college, she could not find anything useful to do with her degree and did all manner of odd jobs during this time.

After a variety of jobs, she got a job working in the media business at the Nickelodeon Kids and Family Group, where she did consumer research.
At some point, Smantha thought she needed a break so that she could get an MBA. Even though she had never been interested in finance or business, she had many colleagues at the workplace whose work she thought was so interesting.

Given that she had never worked in corporate, she believed that having an MBA could open doors to get into many corporate verticals. She also wanted to have some flexibility in her career and life.

After her graduation, she worked in cosmetics marketing for L’Oreal but found it too boring. She ultimately went back to Nickelodeon as the head of the Business Development and Strategy group.

Samantha Greene Woodruff reinvented herself in the second chapter of her life by accident. She had moved with her husband to the outskirts of Manhattan when their daughter was just about to turn a year old.

She never liked that she had to leave every day to go work in the city and hence when she got pregnant with her son, she sought a part time arrangement at work. She was lucky enough to have her immediate boss grant approval.

But just as she was about to come back from her maternity leave ,senior management rejected the plan. She was thus forced out of her job as she could not bear being away from her children just to commute to work everyday.

Now that she no longer had an office job, she got into all manner of things just so she would not go insane. She has come to appreciate the work stay at home mothers do but it has never been for her. Samantha wanted something different and so since she was a certified yoga teacher and practitioner, she got back into teaching.

It was one of her friends, a retired lawyer and yoga teacher that would introduce her to The Writing Institute. It was there that she learned that she loved to write fiction and things evolved from there on.

Unlike other authors, Samantha Greene Woodruff does not remember a particular moment when she took the plunge. It was something of a slow buildup as he discovered her love for writing.

She started penning a manuscript and always felt that her work had legs even if the fact that hundreds wrote and never could get published. She was very lucky in that she had all the time to write her novels since her husband had a very good job. As such she never dwelled on the fact that she might fail and kept writing away.

She was also going to Sarah Lawrence’s first person essay course and had written several humor essays recounting her suburban life as a mother. She loved essay writing as she found it a quick fix and fun way to express her ideas.

It was during this time that she also started writing a monthly column titled “Seriously Sam” for Suburbs101 that had been set up by her friend.
Things started moving fast when she submitted her manuscript to an agent to whom she had been introduced to by a friend. It was the luckiest day of her life as soon enough she published “The Lobotomist’s Wife” which would become a blockbuster title.

Samantha Greene’s novel “The Lobotomist’s Wife” is a gripping historical fiction work featuring a relentless and compassionate woman. She is a nightmare in the making that is also at the cutting edge of innovations in psychiatry.

Ever since her brother committed suicide after coming back from the Second World War, Ruth Emeraldine has been determined to help anyone with a mental illness. She has fallen in love with brilliant and charismatic doctor Robert Apter, who is championing lobotomy, a radical new medical procedure.
Ruth is convinced that Robert is a genius that has innovated the miracle p[rocedure. But then her man becomes a deluded megalomaniac and Ruth is increasingly growing suspicious of him. He is often reckless with his surgery patients resulting in horrific outcomes.

His next patient is Margaret Baxter, a vulnerable young woman hardly able to take care of her infant let alone get out of bed. When Robert says he needs a lobotomy to cure her baby blues, the only person that could save her is Ruth.

She intends to save not only Margaret but dozens of others that may be permanently damaged by her megalomaniac husband.

It is a brilliant story that explores the fight of one woman against a most egotistical man whose good intentions have turned deadly.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Samantha Greene Woodruff

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