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Ruth Galloway Books In Order

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Publication Order of Ruth Galloway Books

The Crossing Places (2009)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Janus Stone (2010)Description / Buy at Amazon
The House at Sea's End (2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Room Full of Bones (2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
Ruth's First Christmas Tree (2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Dying Fall / Tomb of the Raven King (2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Outcast Dead (2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Ghost Fields (2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Woman in Blue (2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Chalk Pit (2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Dark Angel (2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Stone Circle (2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Lantern Men (2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Man in Black (2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Night Hawks (2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Locked Room (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Last Remains (2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
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The Ruth Galloway Series is a one of a kind piece of art. The pieces of writing are interesting and intriguing and they will touch the heart and mind of any individual that decides to dive into them.

The Ruth Galloway Series is based around none other than Ruth Galloway. Ruth is an archeologist that lives in the land of Norfolk. Norfolk is considered some to be land and it is considered by others to be sea. It is a land that dates all the way back to the Iron Age and all the people there treat the land with the utmost respect.

The series start off with a book called: ‘The Crossing Places.’ This series begins with a detective by the name of Harry Nelson calling Galloway. Bones have appeared from the waters and Nelson believes these are the bones of a little girl that disappeared many years ago. Nelson has a bucket of writing concerning this little girl; these writings state that the little girl was killed through rituals that take place within the land.

After much research by Nelson and Ruth Galloway, the bones appear to be bones from thousands of years ago. However, Ruth is interested in the story of Lucy Downey, which is the girl whom disappeared. After reading the sick writings, Ruth is also interested in finding out what person wrote the sick letters and how to start an investigation to find this person.

While this is all going on, another little girl disappears out of nowhere. This makes matters even more complicated because now Ruth desires to throw everything away and go after this new missing girl. She will stop at nothing to find this innocent girl before another girl comes up missing.
Ruth Galloway lives in the peaceful land she has known all of her life and the peaceful land she enjoys everyday. However, at this point she feels as if she is in a land she has never been to. Ruth is getting closer to this sick writer, but she finds herself further away from the girl that has disappeared. As Ruth gets closer to this writer she also finds out that this writer knows more than she does on the subject of archaeology. She also discovers that this writer has some kind of psychic powers. Ruth Galloway is in danger and, for the first time, she may even be scared.

Ruth is a woman that wants to be a hero and do whatever she can to solve all crimes that come before her. It kills Ruth when she cannot solve a murder or some other mystery. She loves her peaceful life but she could never give up the rush of fighting crime, bringing all clues together and discovering things from long ago. Ruth Galloway is the type to never give up until she is the winner but she is also the type that does not know when she has met her match…
Another great book featuring Ruth Galloway is The Janus Stone. The Janus Stone is a book going forward in the Ruth Galloway Series. After not being killed from searching for a missing girl, Ruth is back in her home safe and sound. She is ready to take a break and ready for peace.

However, after a construction project within her city, bodies of a child are found. There is just one problem and that is that the head of the child is missing. This makes all specialists afraid and they do not know which way to turn. So, Ruth Galloway is called on again. After studying the bones, Ruth comes to the conclusion that these bones are from years and years ago or this is the sick writer. One thing is for sure and that is that the bones have a direct connection to sick rituals.

Ruth Galloway teams up again with Harry Nelson and they do some deep and extensive research. They find out that the house where the construction project took place was once an orphanage. Going forward, Ruth and Harry get in touch with the priest that was in charge of the orphanage. The priest does in fact remember the disappearance of two children.

Ruth Galloway then becomes pregnant but continues on with the case anyway. However, things do go a bit downhill when the bones of the child found under the house date back farther than the orphanage; this complicates everything. Furthermore, Ruth Galloway is thrown off course every chance she gets and she tries her hardest to find out whom is against her.

The books mentioned thus far are the main tow books in the Ruth Galloway series. These are the first two books and the highest rated books, too.
Some other books include: The House At Sea’s End, A Room Full Of Bones and Ruth’s First Christmas Tree. These are only a few books among many within the Ruth Galloway Series.

The Ruth Galloway Series is a great read for anyone interested in the crime and mystery genre. These books are filled with great action, great dialogue and, most of all, great characters. Another great thing about these books is that they do not go too far deep that young adults cannot read them. Mature teenagers will enjoy these books over a long summer vacation and even adults enjoy these books, too.

These books can be found in any local store where books are sold and they can also be found in the local library, too. For purchase, the best place to find these books is online. Here, an individual can order the entire series at a small price. The books can also be shipped overnight and they make great gifts for all holidays, too.

The Ruth Galloway Series is something that should be started right away. These are books that cannot be put down once a person picks them up. These books are also not expensive so it is possible to purchase the entire series at one time; this would also be the best way to receive a discount, too.

Book Series In Order » Characters » Ruth Galloway

5 Responses to “Ruth Galloway”

  1. Sandra: 2 months ago

    Will there be more books in this series, after “the last remains” or does that conclude the series, please?

    • Graeme: 2 months ago

      That is the finale.

  2. Emma: 2 years ago

    I can’t find any other mention of “The Man in Black,” and the links don’t go to a book with that name. Do you have more information about this?

    • Graeme: 2 years ago

      It’s a short story she wrote for Here’s a Facebook post where she writes about it. Unfortunately, I can’t seem to bring it up on the website. I tried googling but can’t see it out there either.

  3. Gwynethsleuth8: 8 years ago

    The publication order of the novels is helpful, but the embedded photos of the other novels in the Ruth Galloway series are not in order. It is a great series and makes a lot more sense if read in order (as with most series books, I’m sure)


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