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Risdaverse Books In Order

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Publication Order of Risdaverse Books

Prison Planet Barbarian (2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Alien's Mail-Order Bride (2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Pretty Human (2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
When She's Ready (2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
When She's Married (2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
When She Purrs (2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
When She Belongs (2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
When She Dances (2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
When She's Bold (2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Risdaverse Tales (2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
When She's Lonely (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
When She's Pregnant (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
When She's Merry (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
When She's Fearless (2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
When She's Wary (2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
When She's Shy (2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
When She's Common (2024)Description / Buy at Amazon
When She's Handy (2024)Description / Buy at Amazon

Ruby Dixon is a published American author and the pen name that is used by an anonymous real-life writer who has chosen not to divulge their true identity to the public at large.

Ruby generally writes stories that can be classified as in the genres of romance, science fiction, or fantasy. She is known to be a Sagittarius, one true fact about herself that she has let on. She also enjoys playing the Sims game where she farms them, likes shipping Reylo, and does what she can to get out of doing any serious housework in real life because that is something that she really does not enjoy doing.

The author is married and also has a few cats. The family resides together in the South in the United States. When it comes to herself personally, Dixon says that she is pretty boring. She shares something in common with other authors as she also enjoys reading books in addition to writing them. When it comes to stories, she also has strong preferences. She likes when stories have epilogues that invariably involve babies, when stories have fated males, and especially when they involve something known as ‘cinnamon roll heroes’. She likes to write biographies about herself in the third person simply because they end up coming off as more important.

Ruby Dixon is the creator and the author of the Risdaverse series. This science fiction and romance series started off with a few prequel novellas that first came out, including Prison Planet Barbarian, The Alien’s Mail-Order Bride, and Pretty Human. The first full length book in the series was released in 2019 and is titled When She’s Ready. The second novel followed that up in 2020 with the release of When She’s Married. That same year the third novel came out, When She Purrs. The fourth novel would come out shortly after and is titled When She Belongs. The fifth novel was then released and is titled When She Dances. Then came the sixth novel, When She’s Bold. This was followed by the seventh novel, When She’s Lonely, and the eighth novel, When She’s Pregnant. The ninth novel then came out, When She’s Merry, and then the books When She’s Fearless and When She’s Wary.

When She’s Ready is the first book in the Risdaverse series by Ruby Dixon. If you’re looking for something new and interesting to read and love a good science fiction alien romance story, then this is the book for you!

Tassar is a former con and finds himself in an interesting situation. He has the chance to receive amnesty on a remote planet known for farming, but it comes along with one catch.

He can get his amnesty, but the former prisoner has to tie the knot with an alien. That’s right, he has to find a creature known as a human, a creature with a strange appearance, and marry her. Then he will get his precious amnesty.

When Tassar sees the woman known as Leilani, he knows that his plans to wed just to get amnesty are about to change. She’s a beautiful woman and gracious and delicate, all that he could ever want in a future wife.

Now Tassar knows that he does not just want a marriage that is merely for convenience’s sake. He wants this woman, to take her hand, and to say yes to the rest of their forever together. The only thing that he does not know is whether she wants him back. Will she ever be ready for marriage? Could they live happily ever after together? Read this book to find out!

When She’s Married is the second book in the Risdaverse series by Ruby Dixon. If you enjoyed the first installment of this book, give the exciting sequel a try as well!

Vordigar is a convict that has escaped, and he’s been hiding in Risda III. Unfortunately, it’s only a matter of time before law enforcement finds him, and find him they do.

Now he’s faced with two choices which make picking one an easy task. They can send him back to the prison system in Haven, or he can find one of the locals here and marry them. Vordigar doesn’t want to go back to prison, so he opts to finding one of the locals to marry.

This happens to be Piper. She’s a human and requires a mate so that she can keep neighbors away from her farm. Vordigar has little interest in settling down, getting married, or spending forever with someone. His plan is to go along with what she wants so he can eventually get off the planet and start his life anew.

But when he spends the night with Piper in bed, things might be about to change for good. Can Vordigar stop himself from falling for Piper, and does he want to? Read this book to find out!

Book Series In Order » Characters » Risdaverse

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