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Riley Sager Books In Order

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Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Final Girls(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Last Time I Lied(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Lock Every Door(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Home Before Dark(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Survive the Night(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
The House Across the Lake(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Only One Left(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
Middle of the Night(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon
With a Vengeance(2025)Description / Buy at Amazon
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(Note that Riley Sager is a pseudonym used by the male author Todd Ritter, however as Todd seems to be marketing the pseudonym as a female we are addressing “Riley Sager” as if it is a female until we can get confirmation otherwise)

There are those that are born with a silver spoon, or so an idiom soberly pipes. In the context of writing books, this idiom somewhat describes Riley Sager, albeit figuratively. Interestingly, there is nothing to write home about Sager’s bibliography. In fact, her bibliography is currently blank–formally at least. Did you know that despite being a yet to be published author, Riley Sager’s upcoming debut book has received rave reviews and advance acclaim? Better still, it has been highly praised by a literary figure of Stephen King’s ilk. Read on why it cannot be gainsaid that Sager has been offered the much-needed literary mileage in a silver platter. Meet Riley Sager.

There is relatively less information concerning Riley Sager’s private life on the public domain. Even then Riley Sager is an up-and-coming American woman of letters. Sager, who hails from Pennsylvania in the United States, is currently domiciled in Princeton upon New Jersey. Other than writing, Sager works as an editor and doubles up as a graphic designer. Did you know that, according to her personal website, the name Riley Sager is merely a pseudonym? What’s more, she has already published literary work, albeit using a different name. Sager’s real identity is currently being kept under the wraps.

Aevitas Creative Management, a literary agency based in New York, is fronting for Riley Sager. According to the said agency, Sager is presently writing another novel. On sober reflection and contrary to Sager’s claim, the name Riley Sager might not be a pseudonym after all. According to authoritative sources, she is appaently the daughter of the late Craig Graham Sager Sn; incidentally, her father, who passed away on December 2016, was a renowned sports broadcaster during his time. Riley Sager was born by Craig Sager’s second wife known as Stacy Sager.

Riley Sager has a brother called Ryan Sager. Riley has a step-mother called Lisa Gabel, his father’s estranged and first wife. Riley has a step-brother and step-sisters named Craig Sager Jr., Kacy Sager, and Krista Sager. Writing aside, Riley Sager winds down by reading books, watching films, and indulging herself with baking.

Section on Books
Riley Sager’s niche is especially thriller, suspense, and mystery genres. Incidentally, Sager’s first book is at the advanced stage of publishing. Sager’s debut book, which is slated for release this year, will hit the eagerly awaiting mass market on September 2017. Regions wherein Sager’s book will be published range from the United States to the UK to about fifteen nations across the globe.

Riley Sager’s book is presently not ready for mass production but the novel is available for pre-order. However, the publishing house involved in its publication has since provided excerpts of the book. Notable literary figures among them American authors Lisa Gardner, Carla Norton, Hester Young, sophie LittleField, Hollie Overton, Lisa Hall, and Stephen King have heaped advance praises on the yet-to-be-released book.

Presently, there are about ten editions of the first book authored by Riley Sager. According to authoritative books-oriented websites, the earliest expected publication date of the first book is June 2017. The book, which will be published under the title Final Girls, is presently shelved under the thriller (especially psychological thriller), mystery, fiction, and adult genres.

Quincy carpenter is the featured main character in Riley Sager’s debut book entitled Final Girls. Meet protagonist Quincy Carpenter. Quincy Carpenter, who is in her twenties, is a youthful and attractive woman; she has a promising lawyer-cum-boyfriend called Jeff. Carpenter was a teenage student a decade previously when, during a vacation, she witnessed and barely survived a horrendous massacre that claimed the lives of her nine companions.

Incidentally, the title of Quincy Carpenter’s book, Final Girls, denotes the only three girls who have survived suchlike massacres. They are Lisa Milner, Samantha Boyd, and Quincy Carpenter. Milner is murdered in what, on face value, is seemingly suicide. Carpenter is shocked by a surprise visit from Samantha Boyd, the only other massacre survivor, and her keenness on Carpenter’s experience during the ill-fated day years ago. Carpenter, who is still traumatized, realizes that Boyd is not the person she had put on a pedestal. The thought-provoking surprise visit ultimately segues into an infuriating and engrossing story that penman Stephen King hailed as a foremost 2017 thriller book.

Best Riley Sager Books
There is only one upcoming book and it has already been mentioned in the previous section.

Other Books You May Like
Readers who enjoyed reading Final Girls authored by Riley Sager also liked the following series of books. The first is called The Mental madness Suspense series, authored by Pamela Crane. This is a duology and comprises of two books: the first book is titled A Fatal Affair and the other one is called The Admirer’s Secret. The featured protagonists are Allen Michaels, who is a Hollywood personality, and Haley Montgomery, respectively. On the one hand, Michaels, is disgruntled and impoverished by love, prompting him to avenge himself. On the other hand, Montgomery has plumbed the depths of solitude hot on the heels of her parent and boon companion’s death. Montgomery’s heartthrob makes her life nightmarish wherein she drinks to the last dregs of her calamitous past life.

The second is The Killer Thriller series, also penned by Pamela Crane. This is a duology and has an accompanying omnibus. This series comprises of a novella, titled a Secondhand Lie, and a novel called A Secondhand Life. Landon Worthington is the featured protagonist in the said novella while Mia Germaine is the protagonist in the aforementioned novel. Worthington’s absentee father is fingered and incarcerated apparently for his involvement in an ill-fated robbery that somehow influenced Worthington’s sister’s murder. Worthington revisits the case after two decades so as to know what actually transpired and the murder connection. Protagonist Germaine was a heart recipient after her donor was murdered, two decades previously. Her donor was murdered because of the organ transplantation-oriented cellular memory. In her quest for avenging the donor, a serial murderer and Germaine’s paths cross.

The third is called Kyle Achilles series, penned by Tim Tigner. This duology features Kyle Achilles, a CIA undercover agent and biathlon celebrity. Achilles is mandated to ensnare a hitherto mysterious Russian underworld Mr Fix It. Achilles escapes from a murder rap while dodging assassins, and, later on, is handpicked by the CIA to counter a rogue and aggressive Russian president endangering the world.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Riley Sager

One Response to “Riley Sager”

  1. Judy osborn: 1 year ago

    Riley Sager is a great author. Would like update on any of her/his new books


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