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Richard Stevenson Books In Order

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Publication Order of Clifford Waterman Books

Knock Off The Hat(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Donald Strachey Books

Death Trick(1981)Description / Buy at Amazon
On the Other Hand, Death(1984)Description / Buy at Amazon
Ice Blues(1987)Description / Buy at Amazon
Third Man Out(1992)Description / Buy at Amazon
Shock to the System(1995)Description / Buy at Amazon
Chain of Fools(1996)Description / Buy at Amazon
Strachey's Folly(1998)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tongue Tied(2000)Description / Buy at Amazon
Death Vows(2008)Description / Buy at Amazon
The 38 Million Dollar Smile(2009)Description / Buy at Amazon
Cockeyed(2010)Description / Buy at Amazon
Red White Black and Blue(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Last Thing I Saw(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
Why Stop At Vengeance(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
www.dropdead(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Killer Reunion(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Chasing Rembrandt(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon

About Richard Stevenson

An American author of mysteries, Richard Lipez is well known for his interesting and engaging thriller novels. Largely known for his Donald Strachey series, he’s been hugely popular within the LGBT literary, making hugely progressive strides with his characters. Giving his characters an in-depth personality, he really understands what drives them as people, giving them a much needed edge. This is something that he’s greatly excelled at, allowing him to become a hugely influential figure throughout the mystery novel genre.

He’s often known for writing under his Richard Stevenson pseudonym too, something which has seen him to reach an even wider audience. Knowing his readers well he creates compelling stories with equally compelling characters that really stand-out from the page. Getting to the heart of each of his themes and ideas too, he lets his characters themselves speak, as they feel wholly alive and three dimensional. This has seen him become hugely successful all over the world, with both readers and critics alike praising him.

One character that he’s particularly well known for under his Stevenson pen-name is his Donald Strachey character again. Now writing under both names, he’s become hugely influential around the world, allowing him to say exactly what he wants to say. Many of his books have also been translated for television too, with his Donald Strachey novels being adapted into made-for-TV movies. With a lot more planned upon the horizon, he’s not stopping any time soon either, as he continues to produce many new series and novels.

Early and Personal Life

Born in 1938 on the 30th of November, Richard Lipez would grow up in Lock Haven, Pennsylvania, where he was born and raised. Growing up with a keen passion for both reading and writing, he would take inspiration from the world around him and put it back into his work. Being an openly gay writer, he would become a leading figure for the advancement of representation within his field and genre.

Working as a journalist too, he would gain some real life insight into reporting, much of which would also go back into his work. Turning to mystery novels, he fast found his own approach, making him the entirely unique figure that he currently is today. Currently living in Massachusetts, he’s got a lot more to come yet, with plenty more titles set for release in the near future.

Writing Career

In 1980 Richard Stevenson would release his first novel titled ‘Grand Slam’ which he’d write alongside fellow writer Peter Stein. One year later in 1981 he’d start his Donald Strachey novels, beginning with ‘Death Trick,’ which is the series he’d make his name with. Following the character of Donald ‘Don’ Strachey, it would feature a series of mysteries involving him as a legislative solving different case-files.

Taking place in Albany, New York, they were notable for featuring an openly gay protagonist, which was seen as a huge step forwards for the genre. It would also be adapted for television too, featuring on the LGBT themed network ‘Here!’ and would also receive a lot of acclaim. Gaining acclaim from both readers and critics alike, he’s got a lot more to come, as he maintains a presence both online and off.

The 38 Million Dollar Smile

Initially coming out in 2009, this would first come out through the MLR Press publishing label to much acclaim. Working as the tenth title in the ongoing Donald Strachey series of books, it follows on from the previous titles, while paving the way for the following books. It will give fans of the series a lot to enjoy, as it continues in a similar vein to before, while providing plenty of twists and turns of its own.

Coming from Albany old money, Gary Griswold has recently gone missing, and now his ex-wife wants to know what’s become of the scion. Once of the Key West artists colony, he’s disappeared with 38 million dollars in cash, vanishing into Thailand with all the money. Stepping onto the scene Donald Strachey the PI and his boyfriend Timmy are on the hunt for the missing man, as they soon find themselves in over their heads. Will they be able to find him before it’s too late, can they find out the truth of it all, and what became of the 38 million dollar smile?

It’s a fun and entertaining adventure with plenty of mystery and intrigue throughout with every turn of the page. There’s a lot to keep the reader invested in the action, as the characters really do feel real, with them being well developed at this point. It can be read as a stand-alone too, with the mystery itself being entirely self-contained, although there are some elements from previous titles.

Killer Reunion

First brought out back in 2019, this would be the sixteenth title in the long-running Donald Strachey mystery series of novels. Released through the MLR Press publishing imprint once more, it’s more of the same, but done extremely well and definitely not disappointing. It delivers on multiple levels, and still brings in several surprises and twists that are sure to catch even the most ardent followers of the series off guard.

American politics have gone tribal, and it’s within this that a family reunion is taking place with the Callahan family convening at one New England country inn. That’s when one of the most outspoken relatives there politically is suddenly found to be the victim of a poisoning during his time there. Now Timothy Callahan and his partner PI Donald Strachey must work together to solve the case, all while proving another man innocent. Can they find who actually did it though, what secrets lie buried within the Callahan’s family history, and will they make it out of this killer reunion?

This is a solid mystery novel that continues a long-running series with an entertaining and humorous edge. It’s creative and intelligently told, offering a lot throughout, making it a highly engaging and entertaining story. Keeping readers hooked, it’s another engaging addition to the series, and a great mystery overall for fans of the genre.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Richard Stevenson

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