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Richard A. Clarke Books In Order

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Publication Order of Standalone Novels

The Scorpion's Gate(2005)Description / Buy at Amazon
Breakpoint(2007)Description / Buy at Amazon
Sting of the Drone(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Pinnacle Event(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Against All Enemies(2004)Description / Buy at Amazon
Your Government Failed You(2008)Description / Buy at Amazon
Cyberwar (With: Robert Knake)(2010)Description / Buy at Amazon
Warnings (With: R.P. Eddy)(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Fifth Domain (With: Robert K Knake)(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Artificial Intelligencia(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Richard A. Clarke is a literary fiction novelist who famously served as a civil servant in the American government for more than thirty years.

Over more than three decades, he worked in national security policy in the State Department, and the Pentagon and ultimately landed in the White House where he served three presidents.
Working in the White House, he served President Clinton and President Bush Junior and Senior as a member of the White House National Security Council.

He would then serve as Special Advisor for Cyberspace, Global Affairs Special Assistant to the President, and Counter-Terrorism and Security National Coordinator.

Earlier on, he was employed in the State Department in the Reagan Administration where he was Deputy Assistant Secretary for Intelligence. Working in this latter role, he was among the leading coordinators of the First Gulf War.
In the State Department and the Pentagon, he was an active participant in a series of bilateral and multilateral nuclear arms regulation talks.

Clarke always loved writing ever since he was in high school and three decades in government could not stop his desire to become an author.

While he wrote a lot while working in federal agencies, much of that writing was very stilted and it was not until he left could he begin to explore writing in a less serious context.
In 2003, he left the Bush administration and it was soon after that he started speaking of his experiences and making future predictions about counter-terrorism and intelligence.

He is now an on-air consultant on security and political issues on ABC News and sometimes lectures at Harvard University and the John F. Kennedy School of Government.

He has been on several outlets and shows such as CNN, The Colbert Report, The Daily Show, and Real Time with Bill Maher.

On these platforms, he has spoken about the Middle East, cyber war, terrorism, crisis management, and many other political issues of our contemporary times.
Clarke has also penned op-eds for the likes of the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, and the New York Times.

He also hosts the Future State podcast where he discusses crucial voting issues with high-profile guests such as Bill Clinton the former president and Madeleine Albright the former Secretary of State.
He is the current chair of the Middle East Insitute Board of Governors.

Richard A. Clarke is known as a bestselling author both in nonfiction and fiction writing.

“Against All Enemies,” his seminal work on al Qaeda and terrorism was so popular that it would become a New York Times bestselling title.

“Cyber War” his 2010 work which he published with Rob Knake was foundational in understanding cyber wars and became a Washington Post bestselling title too.
Clarke published “The Scorpion’s Gate” his debut work of fiction in 2005 and now has at least four works of fiction to his name.

Apart from his achievements in writing, he is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, MIT, and the Boston Latin School.

He has also been granted the Electronic Privacy Information Center Champion of Freedom Award and the Lifetime Achievement Award from the RSA.
Dick currently makes his home in Virginia.

“Sting of the Drone” by Richard A. Clarke is a disturbing and exciting work of fiction.

It opens with American Reaper and Predator drones exacting continual punishment on their enemies. They are launched by controllers manipulating joysticks at the Nevada Creech Air Force Base to strike targets on the other side of the globe.
In retaliation, American haters strike back with bombs in American subways and other critical infrastructure as they seek to kill the controllers.

Soon enough, the bad guys start thinking that by taking out the controllers of the drones, they can make it impossible for Americans to continue deploying them.

In typical thriller fashion, the author shifts from different viewpoints and scenes from foe to friend and across continents. As a man who was involved in the thick of such operations, Clarke brings to the page his deep knowledge of the subject matter.
Unlike most military thrillers, this does not have one leading man but rather a team looking to prevent the bad guys from exacting vengeance on the United States.
With some very determined enemies, this riveting work explores what could have happened if the enemy had drones too.

Richard A. Clarke’s novel “Pinnacle Event” is a fast-moving thriller set in a remote region in the Indian Ocean.

This is where a nuclear explosion which is a Pinnacle Event happens.

Soon after five men in five different countries died violently a few days after they each got half a billion dollars.

Ray Bowman an ex-intelligence expert now working as a bartender in the Virgin Islands is asked to help in the investigation.

He teams up with the director of Special Security Services, a South African woman named Mbali Hlanganani to find who could have sold five nuclear weapons to some bad guys.

In the meantime, the presidential election in the US is coming ever closer and intelligence believes there is a plot to blow up a major city with bombs made more potent with tritium boosters that could result in chaos in the US.
Hlanganani and Bowman work feverishly to try to stop the threat but it is proving difficult since they do not know the target city. Still, the people they are dealing with are very smart.

“The Scorpion’s Gate” by Richard A. Clarke is a sophisticated and intriguing thriller told by a very knowledgeable person.

In this work, the author asks what would have happened if the House of Saud had been deposed by a revolution, following the pullout of the United States from Iraq.
He presupposes the rise of a fundamentalist state vulnerable to Iranian terrorist action and ruled by a Shura Council.

The leader of the new fundamentalist state is Abdullah bin Rashid, an idealist who recalled his brother from Canada so that he could become his eyes and ears as an ambassador in Iran.

American and British Intelligence goes on high alert when explosions are reported in Bahrain blamed on Iran. After this, Medium-range ballistic missiles from China are mysteriously imported into Islamiya the new state formerly known as Saudi Arabia.
Ahmed is soon informed that the Iranians targetted an LNG tanker in the Persian Gulf and forwards the information to Kate Delmarco the sharp-shooting American journalist.
But just who is behind the attacks and what is their objective in Islamiyah?

Book Series In Order » Authors » Richard A. Clarke

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