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Ray Bradbury Books In Order

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Publication Order of Crumley Mysteries Books

Death is a Lonely Business(1985)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Graveyard for Lunatics(1990)Description / Buy at Amazon
Let's All Kill Constance(2003)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Green Town Books

Dandelion Wine(1957)Description / Buy at Amazon
Something Wicked This Way Comes(1962)Description / Buy at Amazon
Farewell Summer(2006)Description / Buy at Amazon
Summer Morning, Summer Night(2008)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Fahrenheit 451(1953)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Halloween Tree(1972)Description / Buy at Amazon
Green Shadows, White Whale(1992)Description / Buy at Amazon
Ahmed and the Oblivion Machines(1998)Description / Buy at Amazon
From the Dust Returned(2001)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Short Story Collections

Dark Carnival(1947)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Martian Chronicles(1950)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Illustrated Man (With: P. Craig Russell)(1951)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Sound of Thunder and Other Stories(1952)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Golden Apples of the Sun(1953)Description / Buy at Amazon
The October Country(1955)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Day It Rained Forever(1959)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Medicine for Melancholy(1959)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Small Assassin(1962)Description / Buy at Amazon
R Is for Rocket(1962)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Machineries of Joy(1964)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Vintage Bradbury(1965)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Autumn People(1965)Description / Buy at Amazon
Twice 22(1966)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tomorrow Midnight(1966)Description / Buy at Amazon
S is for Space(1966)Description / Buy at Amazon
Fever Dream And Other Fantasies(1968)Description / Buy at Amazon
I Sing the Body Electric(1969)Description / Buy at Amazon
Ray Bradbury(1975)Description / Buy at Amazon
Long After Midnight(1976)Description / Buy at Amazon
Ray Bradbury Collected Short Stories(1979)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Stories of Ray Bradbury(1980)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Last Circus and the Electrocution(1980)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dinosaur Tales(1984)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Memory of Murder(1984)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Toynbee Convector(1988)Description / Buy at Amazon
Selected from Dark They Were and Golden-Eyed(1990)Description / Buy at Amazon
Classic Stories 2(1990)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Ray Bradbury Chronicles 1 (With: Al Williamson,Kent Williams,John Van Fleet,P. Craig Russell,Ralp Reese,Ray Zone,Chuck Roblin,Vicente Segrelles)(1992)Description / Buy at Amazon
Ray Bradbury Chronicles, Vol 4(1993)Description / Buy at Amazon
Quicker Than the Eye(1996)Description / Buy at Amazon
Driving Blind(1997)Description / Buy at Amazon
One More for the Road(2002)Description / Buy at Amazon
Stories Volume 2(2003)Description / Buy at Amazon
Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales(2003)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Cat's Pajamas(2004)Description / Buy at Amazon
Now and Forever(2007)Description / Buy at Amazon
We'll Always Have Paris(2009)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Pleasure to Burn(2010)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Collected Stories of Ray Bradbury: Critical Edition Vol 1(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Collected Stories of Ray Bradbury: Critical Edition Vol 2(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Collected Stories of Ray Bradbury: Critical Edition Vol 3(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Killer, Come Back To Me(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Venus Remembered(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Across the Sullen Void(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Short Stories/Novellas

The Poems(1945)Description / Buy at Amazon
Skeletons(1945)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Homecoming(1946)Description / Buy at Amazon
Zero Hour(1947)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Black Ferris(1948)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Blue Bottle / Death-Wish(1950)Description / Buy at Amazon
There Will Come Soft Rains(1950)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Veldt(1950)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Sound of Thunder(1951)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Fog Horn(1951)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Playground(1953)Description / Buy at Amazon
All Summer in a Day(1954)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit(1972)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Mummies of Guanajuato(1978)Description / Buy at Amazon
One Timeless Spring(1980)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Love Affair(1982)Description / Buy at Amazon
Death Has Lost Its Charm For Me(1987)Description / Buy at Amazon
Fever Dream(1987)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Thing at the Top of the Stairs(1988)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Chapbook for Burnt-Out Priests, Rabbis, and Ministers(2001)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Dragon Who Ate His Tail(2007)Description / Buy at Amazon
Marionettes, Inc.(2009)Description / Buy at Amazon
Defense Mech(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Why Man Explores (With: Norman Cousins,Jacques-Yves Cousteau)(1977)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Art of Playboy(1985)Description / Buy at Amazon
Zen in the Art of Writing(1987)Description / Buy at Amazon
Folon's Folons(1990)Description / Buy at Amazon
Yestermorrow(1991)Description / Buy at Amazon
Rod Steiger: Memoirs of a Friendship(1998)Description / Buy at Amazon
Imagining Space: Achievements, Predictions, Possibilities 1950-2050(2001)Description / Buy at Amazon
Conversations with Ray Bradbury(2004)Description / Buy at Amazon
Bradbury Speaks(2005)Description / Buy at Amazon
Match to Flame(2007)Description / Buy at Amazon
Listen to the Echoes (With: Sam Weller)(2010)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Poetry Books

When Elephants Last In The Dooryard Bloomed(1973)Description / Buy at Amazon
Where Robot Mice & Robot Men Run Round in Robot Towns(1977)Description / Buy at Amazon
This Attic Where the Meadow Greens(1979)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Haunted Computer and the Android Pope(1981)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Complete Poems of Ray Bradbury(1982)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Screenplays/Plays Books

Kaleidoscope(1940)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Anthem Sprinters and Other Antics(1963)Description / Buy at Amazon
Pillar of Fire and Other Plays for Today, Tomorrow, and Beyond Tomorrow(1975)Description / Buy at Amazon
Nemo!(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of The Last Interview Books

Learning to Live Finally (By: Jacques Derrida)(2005)Description / Buy at Amazon
Roberto Bolaño (By: Roberto Bolaño)(2009)Description / Buy at Amazon
Kurt Vonnegut (By: Kurt Vonnegut)(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
Jorge Luis Borges (By: Jorge Luis Borges)(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
Hannah Arendt (By: Hannah Arendt)(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
James Baldwin (By: James Baldwin,Quincy Troupe)(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Ray Bradbury (With: Sam Weller)(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Gabriel García Márquez (By: Gabriel García Márquez)(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
Lou Reed (By: Lou Reed)(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
Ernest Hemingway (By: Ernest Hemingway)(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
Nora Ephron (By: Nora Ephron)(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
Philip K. Dick (By: Philip K. Dick)(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
J. D. Salinger (By: J.D. Salinger)(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Oliver Sacks (By: Oliver Sacks)(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Jane Jacobs (By: Jane Jacobs)(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
David Bowie (By: David Bowie)(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Martin Luther King, Jr. (By: Martin Luther King Jr.)(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Christopher Hitchens (By: Christopher Hitchens)(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Hunter S. Thompson (By: Hunter S. Thompson)(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Kathy Acker (By: Kathy Acker)(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Julia Child (By: Julia Child)(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Ursula K. Le Guin (By: Ursula K. Le Guin)(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Billie Holiday (By: Billie Holiday)(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Graham Greene (By: Graham Greene)(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Toni Morrison (By: Toni Morrison)(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Frida Kahlo (By: Frida Kahlo)(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Shirley Chisholm (By: Shirley Chisholm)(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Fred Rogers (By: Fred Rogers)(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Johnny Cash (By: Johnny Cash)(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
John Lewis (By: Melville House)(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Janet Malcolm (By: Melville House)(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
Kurt Cobain (By: Melville House)(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
bell hooks (By: bell hooks)(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
Octavia E. Butler (By: Melville House)(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Publication Order of Graphic Novels Books

with Tim Hamilton, Ron Wimberly
Fahrenheit 451: The Authorized Adaptation (With: Tim Hamilton)(2009)Description / Buy at Amazon
Ray Bradbury's The Martian Chronicles: The Authorized Adaptation (With: Howard Zimmerman,Dennis Calero)(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
Ray Bradbury's The Martian Chronicles: The Authorized Adaptation (By: Dennis Calero)(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
Something Wicked This Way Comes: The Authorized Adaptation (With: Ron Wimberly)(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Publication Order of Weird Tales Books

Weird Tales 1 (By: Lin Carter)(1981)Description / Buy at Amazon
Weird Tales 2 (By: Robert Bloch,Tanith Lee,H.P. Lovecraft,Robert E. Howard)(1981)Description / Buy at Amazon
Weird Tales 3 (By: Robert Bloch,Tanith Lee,Robert E. Howard,Evangeline Walton)(1981)Description / Buy at Amazon
Weird Tales 4 (With: Robert E. Howard)(1983)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Publication Order of Anthologies

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An author of great importance, he was well regarded during his lifetime, leaving behind a legacy for years to come. American author Ray Bradbury was famous for his unique brand of science-fiction that helped to define and progress the genre as a whole. An inspiration to his many contemporaries, the mark he made will not be forgotten.

Early and Personal Life

Born in 1920 on the 22nd of August, Ray Bradbury was to become a science-fiction writer of great repute over the following years. Ray Douglas Bradbury, named after the famous actor ‘Douglas Fairbanks’, he was brought up in Waukegan, Illinois in the United States. His parents were Esther, a Swedish immigrant, and Leonard Bradbury who worked as a telephone line-man. It was the period of his childhood that was to provide a great deal of inspiration to his work, whilst also creating the period he was going to be working within and throughout. Using a lot of figures from his childhood, he’d use his extensive imagination to create new and involving worlds to immerse himself and his characters within.

Attending Los Angeles High School he soon found others with the same interests as him in the form of the ‘Los Angeles Science Fiction Society’ which he discovered at sixteen. Finding kindred spirits with the same interests as him, he quickly worked on developing his stories giving them both substance and texture. This soon allowed him to progress to Hollywood and television, as he also wrote scripts that were adapted into large-scale productions. Being one of the most prominent voices in science-fiction, he would help create a unique and powerful legacy.

Writing Career

To start with Ray Bradbury would write short science-fiction stories which he’d attempt to get published, but to no avail. Heading to New York on the Greyhound bus for the night after the birth of his first child, he tried to approach many publishers, but they all turned him away. Finally he spoke to a publisher named Walter Bradbury who, besides being no relation, told him to string all his stories together. This would be the genesis of ‘The Martian Chronicles’, which he turned out an outline of that night in the nearby YMCA, and subsequently got a check for from a publisher.

With his first novel published he quickly went on to write more, most notably his ‘Fahrenheit 451’ which was to make his name lasting long after his death. This was one of the books that allowed science-fiction to be taken seriously as a genre and creative medium, as typically in the past it was unfairly maligned as a somewhat low-grade genre. Fighting against this, Bradbury helped to propel the genre forwards as a whole creating a resurgence in interest for it allowing people to see the true potential for it as a creative medium.

Later he would work in film and television, creating some much beloved and equally inspiring work that was visually and creatively inventive. Comics were also made from his work, using the much inspired visual imagery he’d helped to birth from the outset of his career. Ray Bradbury left behind a hugely influential and inspirational career that helped change the way people view science-fiction as a whole.

The Martian Chronicles

Written originally as a collection of science-fiction short stories, this was weaved together so as to take place upon Mars. Initially published in 1950, it was to mark the beginning of a long and illustrious career from author Ray Bradbury. Set around the experiences of a group of Mar’s colonists, it was to be unlike anything anyone had seen before.

With visions of Mars, it charts mankind’s reactions to these intense and awesome scenes as they look beyond to an even greater understanding of the universe. Continually attempting to colonize the planet, there are few people to begin with, as there was a disease that wiped many out beforehand that was simply named the Great Loneliness, as their numbers on their home-world dwindled going down and down. At first they are unwelcome in their new-world though, as they feel their alien presence in their new surroundings, unable to feel grounded. The Martians themselves feel them to be strange and unnatural and, with their shape-changing abilities, seek to lock them up quickly and promptly. Soon more people in rockets arrive though to inhabit this space, as they begin to take over with inevitable conflict to follow. They must overcome their old prejudices if they want to start anew. Something which may be harder than they previously expected, as they attempt to fight the hallucinations projected by the Martians there. Will they work together to inhabit this new world and make peace, or will conflict overcome them all? Can they survive the new test placed upon them, or is it going to prove too much over time? What will become of the humans during the Martian Chronicles?

Fahrenheit 451

Perhaps the most famous and influential of all Ray Bradbury’s novels, Fahrenheit 451 still holds up today, just as it did back then making the impact that it caused when first published. First published in 1953, it was a notorious book with the power to shock readers now just as it did back then. Using satire and humor to illustrate its more serious points, it works to expose people’s prejudices in the process, along with the many dangers of conformity and censorship.

Featuring Guy Montag as a fireman living in a dystopic future, it’s his job to burn any books that are found, as reading is deemed unlawful. He isn’t happy with his marriage though, as he soon suspects books may be to blame for his misery, because there could potentially be some hidden within his home. It is the job of the system to weed out these troublesome factors and prevent people from reading, as that is an activity seen as dangerous to the status-quo. Taking aim at the dangers of conformist thinking and anti-intellectualism, this book sits with many other greats such as ‘1984’ and ‘Brave New World’ with its ability to both shock and inspire its readers.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Ray Bradbury

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