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Power of the Dog Books In Order

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Publication Order of Power Of The Dog Books

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Setting many of his books in California, the American author Don Winslow is a world renowned writer of thriller, mystery and crime novels. Really knowing how to raise the level of suspense for the reader, he keeps them on the edges of their seats throughout, holding them there until the very end. With a strong visual sense as well, he also evokes a particular set of images throughout his stories, conjuring up a number of themes and ideas in his narratives and plot-lines. This is something that he has continued to do throughout the many years of his career, as he continues to grow his audience worldwide. It has also served him well working in film too, as he has gone on to have many of books adapted for the big-screen as well, often working alongside the screenwriter Shane Salerno. He has also gone on to create a number of much loved franchises, creating some highly iconic characters that have stayed with the reader long after they’ve put the book down. One series that would fall in to this category is that of his much loved and extremely well appreciated ‘Power of the Dog’ collection of novels. Looking at the war on drugs, Winslow has taken a contemporary and extremely important issue, creating a thriller set of novels that examines the United States place within all of this. Starting out in 1975, it follows the DEA and their attempt to curtail the growing problem of Mexican cartels, whilst raising serious questions about their efforts along the way. Examining how many major organizations have also had become implicated in the trade, including not just the cartels, but the Vatican as well, Winslow doesn’t shy away from making some serious statements. This has served to create a thrilling set of novels that, whilst serious in tone and intent, never fail to entertain with strong characters and action along the way.

Consisting of three books in total so far and counting, this series first started out in 2005, running right up until 2019. Telling stories of the war on drugs throughout the ages, each title focuses on a different time period, looking at the specific issues relevant to that particular era. With ‘The Power of the Dog’ coming out in 2005, ‘The Cartel’ coming out in 2015, and ‘The Border’ in 2019, it covers a lot of ground. The series has also been optioned, with the first two books being brought by 20th Century Fox, as Ridley Scott is set to produce them. Featuring characters returning throughout as well, such as Arthur Keller the DEA agent, it really is a series that stands the test of time.

The Power of the Dog

Initially published in 2005 through the ‘Vintage Crime/Black Lizard’ publishing outlet, this would set up the series of the same name. Establishing all the principal characters for the first time, including Art Keller the ever driven DEA agent, it also goes about setting up the world they inhabit too. This novel would also provide the template for a big-screen adaptation too, with it set to be made in to a film in its own right.

Introducing Agent Art Keller of the DEA for the first time, this would see him in his early days with his ever obsessive and persistent personality. Heirs to a large drug empire, the Barrera brothers are set to take-over, whilst meanwhile Nora Hayden is a teenager who has become jaded, turning to becoming a high-class prostitute. Then there’s Father Parada who’s the ever incorruptible Catholic priest with his own power, along with Callan, a young Irish hit-man rising up from Hell’s Kitchen. Finding themselves all within the midst of the Mexican drug Federacion, dealing and fighting with the war on drugs in their own inimitable way. How will it all come to pass and who will and rise, and who will fall? Can they break free from this savage world? Who will suffer from the power of the dog?

The Cartel

First published by Knopf in 2015 on the 22nd of May, this would be the second book in ‘The Power of the Dog’ series of novels. Continuing on from the last, it would take place in 2004 some time after the events that occurred within the previous title. It would also pave the way for ‘The Border’, which was released in 2019, allowing the overall world and characters inhabiting it to be developed. In the following book it would also take place some time later, showing the progression of the characters over time and how far they’ve all come.

Pitted in a brutal blood feud with Adan Barrera for over thirty years, Agent Keller of the DEA has been waging a seemingly unending war on drugs. Looking to take the head of El Federacion down, he aims to see an end to the world’s most powerful drugs cartel once and for all. Taking him down would cost Keller his life, after Barrera would kill his partner and the woman he loves, after which he would get out with the aim of rebuilding his empire. The war against Barrera now seems to be personal, as he pits himself against the backdrop of the the brutal Mexican drug war. Will he get get justice, or is it simply revenge? Can he bring down Barrera once and for all? What will become of the cartel?

The Power of the Dog Series

Expertly crafting stories and scenes with a high degree of tension and precision, this collection of books really delivers on its premise. Giving the reader a clear set of themes and ideas too, it definitely manages to capture the attention of its audience, taking them on a journey. The characters themselves are also extremely well drawn, allowing the reader to believe in both them and their predicament. With its visual sense of pace as well, it also manages to grab the attention of its audience and hold it completely throughout at all times. With more and more readers discovering the series every day too, it will stick around for many years to come.

Book Series In Order » Characters » Power of the Dog

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