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Peter Octavian / Shadow Saga Books In Order

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Publication Order of Shadow Saga Books

Of Saints and Shadows (1994)Description / Buy at Amazon
Angel Souls and Devil Hearts (1995)Description / Buy at Amazon
Of Masques and Martyrs (1998)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Gathering Dark (2003)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Graves of Saints (2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
King of Hell (2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
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The Peter Octavian/Shadow Saga series is a series of urban fantasy books written by the well known author from The United States named Christopher Golden. There are seven books in total in this series, which were released between the years 1994 and 2014. Author Golden has described several brilliant epic stories in this series that take the readers in the secret and dark world of the vampires. He has also shown a secret society that is sworn to destroy the vampires. The overall series appears very sensuous, sweeping, as well as shocking. The stories described by author Golden appear as powerful visions of immortality that tend to hold to the readers in their spell forever. The initial book of the Peter Octavian series is titled as ‘Of Saints and Shadows’. This book was published by the Ace publication in the year 1998 after it was first released in the year 1994. In this book, author Golden has described the main character a Peter Octavian, who is described as a private eye and a vampire. Also, the book depicts a sect of vampires called as The Defiant Ones and a Church which has a secret purpose of getting rid of all the vampires. As the book begins, author Golden has shown that the Church does not appear to be what it looks like from the outside. There lies a secret sect of priests and sorcerers inside the Church that has the sole motive of destroying The Defiant Ones. These entities are commonly seen as the vampires by the others.

The Church makes use of an old book of the undead known as the Gospel of Shadows for causing the destruction of the vampires, and it has been doing so for many centuries in the past. One among the vampires is the chief character named Peter Octavian. However, he appears to be different from the other vampires. Unlike them, he is able to touch all the religious items and walk perfectly in the sunlight. The reason behind all his distinguished abilities is not that he was born with some special powers. In fact, he simply doesn’t believe that sunlight and crosses are going to cause any harm to him and so they do not. Now, the other Defiant Ones seem to feel hurt because of the only reason that they got brainwashed by the Church that they would be affected by the crosses and the sunlight. Peter Octavian thinks that he needs to convince all the other vampires that these things won’t affect them. And he needs to do this as soon as possible or else, the Church would try and take some extreme steps to wipe all of them out. Much to the relief of the vampires and Peter Octavian, the ancient book used by the Church against the vampires, gets stolen. Due to this, the Church tries to retrieve it as soon as possible, but without letting others know about it so as to prevent their secret purpose from getting out. As the situation begins to become more tense, Peter Octavian is asked to take on his responsibilities as a private eye and search the book before the Church.

Peter knows that he has to put in all his efforts and find the ancient book quickly as he too is a vampire and wants to save himself from the destruction at the hands of the Church. Peter is no more a part of his kindred because he refused to take part in the blood song. But, that does not mean he would just stand and watch them die. As the situation continues to become deadlier, the trail for the book’s search is taken to Venice at the time of the carnival. The vampires indulge in a savage battle at the carnival for saving their lives. In the end, the novel shows a great deal of twists, sex, violent deaths, and mystery. These factors helped the book to lay the beginning of the thrilling series on a high note. Author Golden has done a tremendous job in coming up with the intriguing and original plot of this novel. Even the characters introduced by him in the book are richly described. Peter Octavian, in particular, is supposedly shown as a handsome man. He has some special abilities which are not possessed by the others of his kind. Peter is also shown having good manners in front of the ladies. Even his love interest, Meghan, is shown as a charming and beautiful girl. The sensual plot hints that author Golden the thing at the back of his mind that he was writing this book for the adults. Therefore, he added a lot of sex and gore in the plot.

Another interesting book published in the Shadow Saga series by author Golden is titled as ‘The Graves of Saints’. The Daring Greatly Corporation released this book in the year 2013. This book opens by depicting that the monsters and demons having been kept out of the world for many centuries by the Vatican sorcerers. They have been doing this with the help of a magical old book. The sorcerers were considered as madmen for their cruelty on the vampires. Peter Octavian, who was also a vampire, tried to help and save his men from the sorcerers. He successfully defeated them and caused the magical boom to get banished from Earth. Since then, the monstrosities and evils, living in the parallel worlds have realized that their magical defenses are no more. Also, the barriers that kept the evils out of the world have been crumbling. As the demonic incursions in a number of locations all over the world starts rising on a massive scale, Peter is required to remain focused on using his sorcery to keep the evils out and strengthen the defenses of the vampires. However, a renegade vampire called Cortez murders the person whom Peter loved the most, which causes him to lose his focus. Even though Peter has all his allies and friends around him for support, he gets lost in his grief. Now, the only thing that he seems to have on his mind is revenge. Even though there are others who can take the challenge against the evils and fight their dark powers, including Shadows, Reapers, mages, vampire samurai, and witches, the only one who can truly defeat them is Peter Octavian. But, it will be possible only when he will come out of his grief and be ready to take the call.

Book Series In Order » Characters » Peter Octavian / Shadow Saga

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