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Onesis Totlandia Books In Order

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Publication Order of Totlandia Books

The Onesies: Fall (2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Onesies: Winter (2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Onesies: Spring (2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Onesies: Summer (2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Twosies: Fall (2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Twosies: Winter (2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Twosies: Spring (2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Twosies: Summer (2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
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The name ‘Onesis Totlandia’ refers to a series of novels written by Josie Brown. The novels are decidedly chick lit and they shine a light on the harsh realities of being the mother of a small child and trying to socialize with other mothers.

+The Story

The Pacific Heights Moms and Tots Club is the envy of every mother in San Francisco. If you have a child, then you probably want them to be part of the only playgroup in the area that could be referred to as ‘elite’.

And four mothers are about to find out why the Tots club is so exclusive. Every year, parents from all over San Francisco make it their goal to get into the Pacific Heights club. Unfortunately, there are only ten slots available annually.

There couldn’t be a more worthwhile prize for parents to strive for. Unfortunately, Bettina, the club’s founder, is pretty strict when it comes to new members. Bettina has very austere rules that everyone must adhere to, chief amongst which is the fact that all potential members must be mothers above all else.

Bettina has no interest in single parents, working mothers or really anyone that pursues any other activity that is unrelated to their role as a mother. More importantly, Bettina doesn’t tolerate scandals. In fact, Bettina demands perfection.

The problem for four of the six candidates looking to snag a place in the Tots club is that they are the farthest thing from perfect. In fact, each of the four mothers has a secret that would immediately disqualify them from competing for a spot in the Pacific Heights Tots Club.

You have Jade who would rather keep her past as a stripper and adult film actress a secret. Jillian doesn’t want anyone knowing that her husband took all their money before skipping town with his assistant.

For Ally, husbands are not even an issue because her baby came from a sperm donor. The fact that she is quite successful at her corporate job doesn’t help matters. Of course, none of them are Lorna who happens to be related to Bettina. If Lorna’s fears are true and her child does have special needs, then there is no way her sister-in-law will let her into the Pacific Heights Tots Club.

These four women have no choice but to act their way through the competition in order to get their kids into the best playgroup in the area.

The premise of the Onesis Totlandia series is definitely unique, and that is what sets the novels apart. The book shines the spotlight on four women that must hide the most scandalous aspects of their lives in order to fit it.

And while the task of withholding some of these truths might seem difficult, it is a price worth paying for these women who just want to fit in. The Onesis Totlandia series creates the image that life in the Pacific Heights Tots club is no different from high school, and that was the idea Josie Brown was going for when she began producing this series.

Josie knows the lengths to which certain mothers will go to find their place in society. She also knows that strong bonds can manifest and thrive in such environments.

The women of the Onesis Totlandia series come together as the challenges they must overcome in order to get into Bettina’s club take a toll on them, not to mention their families. Josie uses the hilarious hijinks that ensue to show how rewarding the journey of parenting can be, this despite the challenges that typically arise.

+The Author

Josie Brown is a Harper Collins and Simon & Schuster author that has found success in indie publishing. The author has also garnered a reputation for her fun, sexy and satirical chick lit. Josie was hooked on chick lit when she read ‘Bridget Jones’ Diary’. She found that she was drawn to the quirky heroine, her great friends and the good guy in her life. She also enjoyed watching the protagonist overcome her self-esteem issues to grow as a person and learn to believe in herself.

The idea of the Onesis Totlandia series manifested organically to Josie. She lives in San Francisco after all and she has seen the drama that can sometimes surround mothers of small children. She also knows that things can sometimes get blown out of proportion.

While touring for one of her books, Josie was amazed by the effort some of her readers put into finding spots in playgroups for their children. She also loved watching their relationships blossom. The Onesis Totlandia books attempt to capture this spirit, though Josie definitely exaggerates a number of aspects for the purposes of entertainment.

+ Fall

Everyone wants a place in Bettina’s Pacific Height Tots Club. And the ten spots available annually are every parent’s dream. However, landing a spot in the children’s playgroup is no easy task. There are challenges that must be overcome.

Unfortunately for four women, their secrets might see them disqualified from the race before they can even face these challenges. Jade, Jillian, Ally and Lorne exemplify everything that Bettina detests.

And it will take everything these women have to survive the competition even while keeping their skeletons in their respective closets.

The characters are the strongest aspect of this book. The Onesis Totlandia series seems like standard chick lit. However, the characters elevate the quality of the books in more ways than one.

Each one of the four ladies has a secret to hide. They have to look out for each other, but their personalities keep clashing. None the less, by passing through the fire together, they cannot help but grow closer to one another.


The race to enter the Pacific Heights Moms and Tots Club is now down to five mothers, and Bettina is looking to raise the stakes once again. The challenges she presents all revolve around the holidays, and they leave the participants feeling worn and torn.

Despite everyone’s best efforts, Jade, Jillian, Lorne, and Ally cannot keep it together, not with the threat of their secrets looming heavy over them. There are only four spots left. Neither woman can afford to give an inch.

But, as cutthroat as the race has become, are their bonds strong enough to survive the oncoming challenges.

Book Series In Order » Characters » Onesis Totlandia

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