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Oliver Potzsch Books In Order

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Publication Order of Black Musketeers Books

Book of the Night(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
Sword of Power(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Faustus Books

The Master's Apprentice(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Devil's Pawn(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of The Gravedigger Books

The Gravedigger’s Almanac(2025)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Hangman's Daughter Books

The Hangman's Daughter(2008)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Dark Monk(2009)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Beggar King(2010)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Poisoned Pilgrim(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Werewolf of Bamberg(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Play of Death(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Council of Twelve(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Die Henkerstochter und der Fluch der Pest(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Die Henkerstochter und die schwarze Madonna(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

The Ludwig Conspiracy(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Castle of Kings(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Knight Kyle and the Magic Silver Lance(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Short Stories/Novellas

Holy Rage (With: Lee Chadeayne)(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Authors are some of the most important members of our society, and this is because they try to relive the past and bring it up in the form of writings and other works. The main work of authors is ensuring that they form a bridge between the past and join it to the present and the future by using different writing styles to make these meanings vivid and clear.

Brief history of Oliver

One of fascinating facts about Oliver is that from his mother’s side there was a long dynasty of hangmen so it could be boldly said that he has descended from a dynasty of hangmen. When tracing back to his ancestors it was found at that in that family lineage there were about 14 hangmen who had been brought up in that family; that was in between the 16th and the 19th century. His ancestors used to live in the southern Bavaria that was within the vicinity of Alpes had was going by a popular name simply known as Pfaffenwinkel. The author was born in the year 1970 in the month of December on the twentieth day. The hangman dynasty did not apply to him as his father was not a hangman. His father as a doctor and a physiotherapist while his mom was a teacher at the elementary school. It’s from his mother and grandmother that he came to like the art of storytelling at they narrated his many stories of his childhood.

I was born on December 20th, 1970 in Munich. My father was, of course, no hangman, but a doctor and psychotherapist. My mother was an elementary school teacher. From her and my grandfather, I inherited the gift of telling exciting and entertaining stories.As a young kid, he loved to retell the stories that had been narrated to him, and this made him popular among his youthful friend because not in one instance did he ever lack something to talk about. He had two little young brothers whom he would entertain with histories. He later started writing short fantasy comics, role play adventures, self-made comics and he even self-recorded and then played these tapes to his classmates. It’s known that he couldn’t be able to keep his mouth shut sand, so he sang a lot. Singing was his hobby then, and it still is.

Later he was admitted to Munich journalist school and worked for both the television and the radio. His dream of one day becoming a writer was still valid, and he pursued it with passion. He stayed in Munich school from 1992 to 1997. Now he lives in Munich with his family.

Works by Oliver Potzsch

Oliver was brought up in Germany so would expect that most of his works will feature Germany as the background environment. He also has a family dynasty with the history of hangmen so you would also expect his novels to have at least some aspect of hangmen. Oliver has established himself as one of the leading authors in storytelling, and this is because he has had a vast experience as a writer since started writing at a young age. He has written several series including the hangman’s daughter, the beggar king, the poisoned pilgrim and the dark monk. There are more than just the mentioned books because he has also been writing story books for kids and has received worldwide recognition by selling over 2.5million copies.

Popular works

The readers should have beforehand knowledge that hangmen knew a lot about the human body and had many details concerning magic and witchcraft including all the rituals and sacrificial events involved. The hangman’s daughter is one of the popular series by Oliver. This series has been one of Oliver’s bestselling novels.In the year 1660, a young boy is pulled from a river. This young boy is dying, but the funny thing is that the boy has a tattoo on his seems that the tattoo has been crudely put, or it was forced. A hangman who goes by the name of Jacob Kuisl is called upon to perform an investigation to determine whether the death was of natural causes or whether there was witchcraft in play.

During these eras plaque was blamed for the occurrence of sinful events while women were accused of witchcraft. The old people get scorned by their neighbors due to their helpless states. Even though the novel; the title is about a daughter, the novels attention tends to be shifted to her father who is the hangman. Simon Fronwieser is a young doctor who as educated at the university is drawn romantically to the hangman’s daughter. The dilemma is that those associated with hangman’s family were alienated from the society so Magdalene cannot hope to marry the young doctor. The local midwife is suspected, and Jacob has to find out whether it’s the truth. Another tattooed orphan is found elsewhere is found, and the story becomes more thrilling and complicated as they star race against time try to find out who the real killer is.

The other bestselling book is the Ludwig conspiracy. Ludwig two is remembered for his wonderful made castles that were a major area for tourist attractions. Ludwig was also known as the mad king and was deposed in 1886 by doctors after they declared that he was unfit to stay in office.the funny thing is that even those doctors who declared him insane had not met him. He died promptly by drowning in a shallow river and only his castles lived to tell the story. Oliver reawakens the mad king. One of the Ludwig’s confidant had an encoded diary, and it fall, son, the hands of a modern day book dealer who has just enough information to realize that the diary is a source of misery. Many people want the diary and will do anything humanly possible to get it. The book dealer is known as Lukas and has to clink up with a beautiful detective to investigate the Ludwig’s castles for clues of information to be used in cracking the code. Some of Ludwig followers and other mysterious thugs follows the two in the castle and chase them. Readers will be left interested to know what is in that diary that everyone wants to have a piece.


The authors work has not yet received any coverage or animated into a movie, but I know that it will happen sooner or later since these novels are amazing. If you need to kill boredom, just find novels written by Oliver, and you will love them.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Oliver Potzsch

4 Responses to “Oliver Potzsch”

  1. Ruth Brogan: 2 years ago

    I am EAGERLY waiting for the third ‘Musketeers’ book, wondering if you got to Ireland to do the research yet. Best of wishes for health and success in your endeavors

  2. William Lindengrass: 3 years ago

    The Hangman series I loved wish there was more or a new series that can CLICK like it. FAUST was decent but doesn’t draw you in like the hangman. Hoping next novel is a return to earlier years. Best to you

  3. Anne W Brossy: 3 years ago

    I have read most of Your books. Can I look forward to another one?

  4. Mark meyers: 3 years ago

    I have enjoyed you Hangman series. Will there be a new one?


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