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Night’s Dawn Books In Order

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Publication Order of Night's Dawn Books

The Reality Dysfunction (1996)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Neutronium Alchemist (1997)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Naked God (1999)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Night's Dawn Collections

A Second Chance at Eden (1998)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Night's Dawn Non-Fiction Books

The Confederation Handbook (2000)Description / Buy at Amazon
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In the 27th century, when humans colonized almost 900 worlds, these worlds were generally united under a single government. And collectively, these governments formed a Confederation. The confederation is composed of the Adamists, Edenists, two alien races – Tyrathcaand the Kiint, an armed Navy and a central house based on Avon.

The economy of the confederation is dominated by the Edenists who maintain a powerful monopoly because of the harvest of Helium from gas giants. Edenists use affinity, which in the modern day is equivalent to telepathy but a more advanced form of mental communication. Through affinity, they are able to transfer their memories to a habitat (multi-kilometer space stations). The most intriguing trait of the Edenists is probably their ability to modify their children genetically even at conception.

In the confederation, there is a group that recognizes themselves as normal humans. The mortals. They do not use biotechnology “bitek” because during the 21st century, it was banned by the Pope. They call themselves the Adamists.

This series still considers the importance of planet Earth although it was heavily destroyed due to years and years of technological abuse. The series talks greatly about the war between humanity and past souls through possessions. But because of the possessions, they soon realized that to destroy the possessers, they must also destroy the host bodies.

The Reality Dysfunction

In The Reality Dysfunction, the story starts with a war between Garissa and Omuta – both planets are after the set of asteroids called Dorados. Omuta sends and destroys Garissa by sending antimatter bombs called planet busters but prior to its destruction, Garissa also sends ships with their super weapon called the Alchemist.

And so the characters are introduced. Joshua lives in a giant, living space station called Tranquility. While Joshua was exploring the Ruin Ring, the ruins of the unknown civilization, he chanced upon a memory storage device which contains information about the extinct aliens. He was able to refit his father’s starship called Lady Macbeth through the auctioning of the device.

Syrinx is the competitor of Joshua Calvert. In the series, she is a young Edenist and considers her starship called Oenone as her bestfriend. She encountered Joshua Calvert in her brief but mandatory stint in the armed forces. She suffers a psychotic breakdown when she travels to Atlantis and was captured and tortured badly there. Atlantis is a world covered by water and with floating islands.

Confederation has earned a new colony called Ivets who are from Earth. They are a group of involuntary Transportees from Earth. Their leader is Quinn Dexter – cruel and sadistic but despite all his cruelty, he is considered as a good leader. The story took a turn when Quinn, in his desire to take revenge on the cult leader who put him there, captures the local lawman and plans to torture him. In came another character – the Ly-cilph which is an alien who came into contact with a dying man. He is only supposed to gather knowledge. The introduction of the Ly-cilph has given rise to the possessed. Dexter became possessed and when Calvert brought him to Norfolk, he started infecting the locals there, too. Calvert falls for Louise, a daughter of a wealthy nobleman but because of the infection brought about by Dexter, Louise and her sister left fleeing for their lives.

We have mentioned the super weapon the Alchemist of the planet Garissa in the beginning of the series. When the Garissa star ships were intercepted by the Omutan-hired blackhawks, the ships were destroyed and was left drifting through the void of space. There were a few survivors including Dr. AlkadMzu, the designer of the Alchemist. DrAlkadMzu was kept a prisoner of Tranquility for years due mainly of her terrorist ambitions and knowledge of the Alchemist but she was able to escape using a Blackhawk.

The Neutronium Alchemist

The first book of the series left us with the beginning of the possession and infection. The second book of the series has delved deeper into the magnitude of the infection with possessers occupying a lot of factions.

In the second book of the series, Syrinx was successfully psychologically reconstructed through the aid of the founder of the Edenist culture. In the previous story, we left off with Dr. AlkadMzu’s escape. In this series, Joshua Calvert and his group were assigned the task of finding Dr. Mzu who they believe is plotting her revenge to the Omutan people by slaying them all with a very potent weapon. The search of Calvert has taken her to the inhabited system of the survivors of the Garissan genocide.

Louise, with the help of the possesser Fletcher Christian, who ironically is not one of the many evil and sadistic possessers, found her way to Earth with her sister in their search for Calvert. Their romance was short-lived because of the widespread epidemic brought about by the infection which forced her and her sister to flee and save their lives. Later on, we will find Louise fighting Dexter head on in the last book of the series.

The Naked God

The last book of the series gives heavy emphasis on Tyrathca, the Sleeping God. Calvert and Syrinx journey to find the sleeping God which they believe can overthrow the possessed and return Confederation to peace.

Simultaneously, while Calvert is searching for the Sleeping God, Louise is facing Dexter Quinn head on as he infiltrates Earth and infecting more and more people while also destroying giant arcologies. While back at the Confederation, it’s collapse has started politically and economically because of the increasing number of the possessed.

Through the discovery of the Sleeping God by Calvert, and having been bestowed by God’s power, Calvert was able to exorcise the infected all across the Confederation through a wormhole and transports them to an area outside of the Milky Way Galaxy. Eventually, order has returned in the confederation despite the many questions of why Calvert has isolated a lot of the human race.

The Night’s Dawn encompasses all differences in humanity despite all technological advances. At the end of story, it all brings us back to one fundamental truth: we are all the same.

Book Series In Order » Characters » Night’s Dawn

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