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Moonlighters Books In Order

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Publication Order of Moonlighters Books

Truth Stained Lies (2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Distortion (2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Twisted Innocence (2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Moonlighters by Terri Blackstock
Author Terri Blackstock pens the “Moonlighters” series of novels. The series began publication in the year 2013, when “Truth-Stained Lies” was released. It is from the inspirational and romantic suspense genres.

The series centers around three sisters, Cathy, Juliet, and Holly and each sister stars in each of the three novels of the series. They moonlight as private investigators in the novels, and these sisters have a brother that they help exonerate in the first novel.

Terri’s own newly awakened faith worked its way into the tapestry of her suspense books, and they offer hope rather than despair. Her objective is to entertain readers with page-turning plots and at the same time challenging them. Her hope is to remind them all that their trials have a purpose and that they are not alone.

“Truth-Stained Lies” is the first novel in the “Moonlighters” series and was released in the year 2013. When the truth makes no sense, are lies going to prevail? Cathy Cramer, an ex-layer and investigative blogger who writes commentary on local homicides. She finds a threatening note that warns her she will soon experience the very same type of speculation and judgment that she dishes out in her blog, she writes it off as just some mischief. That is, until her brother gets caught in the center of a murder investigation, with the victim being his ex-wife.

Her brother gets tried and convicted in the media, and other commentators and bloggers like her have a field day on it. Cathy begins wondering if she should have taken this threat a lot more seriously than she did. Cathy, along with Holly and Juliet (her two sisters), work part-time as private investigators, working on solving the murder of their brother’s ex-wife.

Holly, a scattered ne’er-do-well and a taxi driver and Juliet, who is a stay-at-home mother of two sons, put aside their lack of confidence and fear to learn about the art of investigation. Is it going to be too late to make sure their brother is not convicted of murder, or to save his five year old son who is the next target of the killer?

All of the protagonists in the novel are interesting, diverse, and realistically flawed. The plot moves quickly, and the different approach of it being a family drama wrapped in a murder mystery was well done. These things, combined with some nail-biting suspense, made for a highly entertaining read that some cannot recommend enough. The author does a great job of taking you from each scene, revealing the truth one piece at a time.

“Distortion” is the second novel in the “Moonlighters” series and was released in the year 2014. A husband’s lies can have lethal consequences. Juliet Cole’s husband of fifteen years is killed in front of her, and she believes it is just a random shooting. Traumatized and devastated, she answers questions for hours, then she returns home to break the tragic news to her sons. A threatening voice mail escalates this from just a random killing to a much more deliberate and planned out attack.

Juliet realizes that she and her kids are in real danger, too, unless she agrees to meet the demands of the killer. While she and her sisters unravel the clues, her husband’s darker secrets start coming to light. The more she finds out, the more dismantled her life becomes. What was her husband really? A hardened criminal or just an innocent victim?

This novel is fast paced, filled with action and features Blackstock’s signature suspense, making for a thrilling read from start to finish. Terri does a great job of getting into the minds of each one of her characters and the reader is helpless but to grieve right along side them while Juliet tries to solve the mystery. Readers like the way that there is no swearing and no gore in these books, finding it helps these books tell great stories, teach the reader some sort of lesson, and give you superb characters to invest in.

“Twisted Innocence” is the third novel in the “Moonlighters” series and was released in the year 2015. Holly Cramer’s past decisions have caught up with her finally, but she never once thought they would endanger her baby.

Despite the fact that Holly has stumbled through much of her adult life as a party girl, she yearns to live a much more stable life for her daughter. Then the cops show up to ask questions about where Lily’s dad, Creed Kershaw, has gone. She has been keeping his identity a secret from family and friends, she didn’t even tell him about her being pregnant. Now he has become a person of interest in a drug-related killing.

Determined to just turn him over to the cops and keep him out of their lives, Holly uses her private investigating skills to hunt for him. Her bravado backfires on her when he turns the tables and takes both her and the baby hostage. While the desperate hours go by, Holly pieces together his link to Leonard Miller, the guy that gunned down many members of her family. Creed says he is innocent and that Miller is pursuing him as well. His gentleness with Lily is moving to Holly, but she is unable to trust a guy that holds her at gunpoint, even if he reminds her so much of herself.

Dangers new and old threaten both Holly and her baby, and lives are demanded as sacrifices for love. Through a complicated maze of regret and mistakes, redemption is the only hope that Holly has got left to hang onto.

Fans found this flowed nicely and was an easy read, with its enjoyable characters and plot, so much so, some readers found themselves flying right on through it. Readers found themselves liking Creed a lot more than they ever believed they could and wanted the best for him after reading this book. This novel does a great job of bringing this series to a close, while still being unpredictable and page turning.

Book Series In Order » Characters » Moonlighters

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