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Mitch Albom Books In Order

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Publication Order of Heaven Books

The Five People You Meet in Heaven(2003)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Next Person You Meet in Heaven(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

For One More Day(2006)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Time Keeper(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
The First Phone Call from Heaven(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Stranger in the Lifeboat(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Little Liar(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
Twice(2025)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Plays

And the Winner Is(2007)Description / Buy at Amazon
Duck Hunter Shoots Angel(2007)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Live Albom(1988)Description / Buy at Amazon
Bo(1989)Description / Buy at Amazon
Live Albom II(1990)Description / Buy at Amazon
Live Albom III(1992)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Fab Five(1993)Description / Buy at Amazon
Live Albom IV(1996)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tuesdays with Morrie(1997)Description / Buy at Amazon
Have a Little Faith(2009)Description / Buy at Amazon
Finding Chika(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Human Touch: A Story in Real Time(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Anthologies

+ Click to View all Anthologies
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Mitchell David Albom was born in Passaic, New Jersey. He is the son of Ira and Rhoda Albom. Mitchell Albom married Janine Sabino. Mitchell Albom is a graduate of Brandeis University where he earned a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration. Although Mitchell earned a degree in Business Administration he took courses in sociology which proved to be very useful later in life. Mitch Albom went on to earn a master’s degree in business administration from the prestigious Columbia University.

Mitch Albom was the second of three children. His father, Ira worked as a corporate executive while his mother Rhoda was an interior designer. Mitch Albom excelled in his college career enjoying a wonderful relationship with one professor in particular Mr. Morris “Morrie” Schwartz. Mitch Albom recalled that Mr. Schwartz asked him did he prefer to be called Mitch or Mitchell. No one had ever asked Albom this question before. Albom said proudly, “Mitch.” Mitchell, or as his friends call him, Mitch went on to write a book titled “Tuesdays with Morrie: An old man, a young man, and the last great lesson. Tuesdays with Morrie was adapted in a movie with warm welcomes from several critics.

After graduating with his Bachelor’s degree, Mitch Albom tried his luck at a music career in New York. Mitch did not to have the same singing mastery as his wife Janine. A music career quickly faded after Mitch decided to return to school and obtain his Masters degree. After graduating with his Masters degree, Mitch started in journalistic career. He served as an editor for the Queens Tribune in Flushing, New York. Albom wrote various articles for the Sport, Philadelphia Inquirer, and Geo. Mitch wrote sports articles for the nationally recognized Sun Sentinel in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

After Mitch Albom’s short stint with the Sun Sentinel Newspaper in Fort Lauderdale, Mitch moved to the Detroit Free Press. A change of scenario served Mitch Albom very well. His fame quickly spiked in Detroit. Mitch Albom’s readers in Detroit found him to be warm and relatable. Detroit was suffering from an image problem and Mitch Albom was just what the doctor ordered. He uncovered the intimate side of sports stories in a way that has not been done before or after. Mitch’s readership grew tremendously seemingly overnight. The awards followed the fame. He won best sports news story in the United States, number one sports columnist in Michigan, and the AP Sports Editors best feature writing award.

With such achievements and following it was natural for Mitch to transition to radio and television commentary. He was a director of a local Detroit station which he used as a way to start the Sunday Sports Albom. Albom pulled double duty by working as a broadcaster and commentator on WDIV-TV in Detroit. One of Mitch’s best breaks came when he landed a commentating job on Prime Monday on the hugely sought after ESPN. Mitch went on to co-write an autobiography of Bo Schembechler. Mr. Schembechler was a football coaching genius in the state of Michigan. Some of Mitch Albom’s other books included Fab Five: Basketball, Trash Talk, and the American Dream.

In the book Tuesdays with Morrie, Mitch wrote about guidance and influence of his wonderful college professor Morrie Schwartz. People are fortunate to have someone in their life that understands them, helps them navigate life, and provides sound advice. Morrie Schwartz, Mitch’s college professor, was just that person. Mitch reunited with Morrie after college only to find Mr. Schwartz was dying. Mitch committed to rekindle his relationship with the wise professor. Mitch and Morrie would meet every Tuesday just like they did back in college. This time the class was about lessons on how to live. The visits with Morrie had a profound influence on Mitch Albom’s life. It was college all over again. Mitch remembered his days in college where Morrie was the one person that made him feel like worthwhile person. Morrie never judged or preached. Morrie still was able to listen to Mitch’s dreams and ambitions just as he did when Mitch was in college. Tuesdays with Morrie paints a vivid picture of these two friends together. Mitch Albom’s care for Morrie was truly sincere. He donated the profits of the books to Morrie and his wife in an attempt to defray the enormous medical bills they faced. Mitch adapted Tuesdays with Morrie into an Emmy Award television show. He also converted the book into a live production play.

In the book the five people you meet in heaven Mitch paints an epic tell. Eddie a hardened war veteran feels trapped and alone in life. Eddie has a dead end job of fixing rides in a silly amusement part. Eddie, on his 83rd birthday dies in a horrific accident in an attempt to save a young girl from a falling cart. The story revolves around five people who played critical roles in Eddie’s life. The themes in the book include there are no random acts in life, lives are sacrificed to save others, forgiveness, the power of love, and various moods. The reader will feel sadness for the trials and tribulations Eddie experiences. The five people you meet in heaven was an immediate success. Mitch later adapted the book into a screenplay for a television premiere. Nearly 19 million people tuned in to see the story of Eddie and the five people that greatly influenced his life.

One of the most endearing trademarks about Mitch is that he is capable of relating with readers and gains their respect. It does not matter if the entire town has been heartbroken due to failed sports franchises. Mitch is capable of united an entire city. Mitch Albom does take on other topics besides sports. He writes about euthanasia, medical marijuana, and legal matters. Quite simply, Mitch has the ability to write about most subjects in an engaging way. Mitch looks to be honest in his writings although honest is hurtful at times. Albom is a true inspiration for other authors to follow. His journey has been one of hard work, enthusiasm, and creativity.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Mitch Albom

9 Responses to “Mitch Albom”

  1. Lorraine Wright: 2 years ago

    His books are inspirational.

  2. Tim O'Shei Sr.: 3 years ago

    I read “The five people you meet in heaven” years ago.
    I have been a platelet donor for over 20 years and was
    interviewed on the radio about donating at Roswell
    Cancer hospital. When asked why I donated, I responded
    that Mitch Albom’s book ” the five people you meet in
    heaven” was reason enough. You don’t have to actually know someone to help them

  3. Dee Ogle: 3 years ago

    Mr. Albom I have read quite a few of your books and each one has given
    me a very special feeling. God has given you a great talent that you pass
    on in your books. I am making a list of all of them so I may have the entire
    collection. I thank you for all you have given us. Blessings 🙏

  4. Karla: 3 years ago

    Love.. Love.. Love EVERY one of his books.
    What a gifted writer. I didn’t want to put any of them down but didn’t want them to end either.
    Life changing!!
    Can’t wait for the next!!

    Thank you Mitch😉✌️

  5. Kelly Winder: 3 years ago

    I started reading your books in January 2022, they have been life changing and have literally saved my life. I hope to plan a trip and get in touch with you would love to meet you in person. I have even recommended and loaded out your books to other people and they have helped them. They are incredible. I’m hoping to write my own book of my life in near future if I’m meant to do it. I feel like I am. You have truly inspired me and helped me immensely through your books. So blessed to have been given your books to read from a client I clean for. Timing was everything. Thank you for changing my life through your written words. (Haliburton, ON Canada)

  6. Stacey: 3 years ago

    Tuesday’s with Morrie changed my life. I was given this book from a complete stranger after losing my boyfriend of 6 years. It made me look at losing someone we love in a different light. That was 5 years ago and today the stranger that saw my sorrow and told me that book once changed his life and I are best friends. Thank you Mitch!

  7. Carol Kaspar: 3 years ago

    I got “The Stranger in the Lifeboat” yesterday from our library and could not put it down. It is a real cliff hanger, and as the story unfolded, my attention was riveted. My faith was deepened as the story unfolded.
    Thank you, Mitch, for your wonderful books.

  8. Linda Colandrea: 3 years ago

    I too, have now joined the Mitch Albom fan club. It’s very true. Once you begin reading his beautiful books, it’s hard to put them down. God has abundantly blessed this man with a great literary gift. He is a wonderful light!

  9. Cindi: 3 years ago

    Mitch Albom is a fantastic writer. His stories are hard to put down once you start reading. I have read several of this books in one sitting
    His are the types of stories that will intrigue the reader from cover to cover. Can not wait for his next book


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