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Mike Bond Books In Order

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Mike Bond is a bestselling American author of contemporary, thriller, political and war novels. He’s been coined as the master of existential thriller and also called as one of the 21st-century exciting authors. He is an environmental activist, bestselling author, human rights correspondent, international energy expert, and award-winning poet. Bond became a published author in 1992 when The Ivory Hunters his debut novel was released. His books depict the intense joys of love, the inherent hunger of the human heart, and the terror and rage of battle.

The author worked as a correspondent for The Financial Times based in France from 1990-1998 and reported for different newspapers including The San Francisco Chronicle, The Dallas Morning News, The Oregonian, and The Denver Post. He currently works as an environmentalist fighting different environmental battles across the world. He is also waging war against industrial wind turbines. He has spoken and written internationally on the impacts of wind projects and how they fail to lower the amount of greenhouse gas emissions and their subsequent effects on the environment both physical and social.

Saving Paradise

As a retired Special Forces Operative who was once deployed in Afghanistan, Sam Hawkins, also known as Pono has witnessed horrendous tragedies including loss and death. Now convicted of the death of Afghani civilians, he served some military jail time which was still another dehumanizing experience for him. Now out on parole, writing, surfing and teaching foster care kids how to surf the waves. There’s probably no best place than Hawaii to get rid of those haunting memories.

Hawaii is home and a paradise, but when Pono comes across a young woman floating off the coast of Waikiki, he is shocked. For a man who has seen death in Afghanistan, the death of the young beautiful investigative reporter strikes him at heart. According to the police reports, the journalist had been floating in the ocean for six hours without being torn to pieces by sharks and her lungs were full of fresh water and still, the cops dismiss the case as an accidental death.

Pono lives a pono life, the righteous way, he is loving and protecting of others, and he finds himself too attached to the lifeless body of the young reporter. So he sets out to investigate the truth behind the reporter’s death and what he unravels is bone chilling.

The reporter was investigating a billion dollar scam, and she was ready to expose those involved to the press. The electric company, governor, foreign developers, investment bankers, industrial wind companies posing as environmentalists are trying to impose high voltage and industrial wind undersea cable project on Lanai and Molokai, two most beautiful islands in the Pacific ocean. But there are two major problems; the project could have bad environmental, health, social and human impact without big reduction of emission and fossil fuel use. Additionally, the people involved in this project will stop at nothing and willing to do whatever it takes even utilizing blackmail, lobbying, intimidation, bribery, and homicide to get their money making machine up and running.
But Pono is morally committed to saving what he terms as the paradise of his father even if it means that he will use his military training and a few illegal tricks and all the help he can get from his friends and some questionable characters. His mission takes him through a complex web of corruption, conspiracy, unpredictable twists, misleading clues and an endless list of suspects.

One unique aspect of Saving Paradise is that there is a solid connection between the facts told in this book and Mike Bond’s personal history. In 2012, the author, an environmentalist, an international energy expert exposed a shocking truth about the use of wind as a renewable source of energy. It’s through this story that the author exposes the same environmental message but through a hardboiled detective story with gritty dialogues, raw prose, and pulse-racing action that will definitely appeal all the fans of conspiracy theory thriller books.

Killing Maine

Retired special forces Pono quits the sunny Hawaii and heads to Maine’s brutal winter weather to help his friend from the military with a murder case. Bucky, the friend Pono is helping is the same man who once sent him to prison and then married Pono’s girlfriend, Lexie. But in the military, you never leave a friend behind regardless of what they have done especially if the person once saved your life.

A mysterious sniper has shot dead an environmental executive Ronnie Dalt, and the cops say that it was Bucky. So Pono soon finds himself hooked with his ex-girlfriend, now Bucky’s wife trying to figure out Bucky’s alibi. Pono also meets an old flame, a beautiful, strong woman Erica and Ronnie’s wife Abigail, a woman who’s never met a man she could not devour alive.

Mysterious killers stalk Pono as he tries to uncover the murder mystery. No one can be trusted, and nothing is certain, and no place is safe as there are millions of square miles of bare land where anyone can hide a man’s body. With a rap sheet that consists of two jail sentences, Pono is the number one target of every cop in the state. Sadly Maine also turns out to be politically corrupt just like Hawaii with big corporations encroaching big state’s mountains. Once again, our main character finds himself hunted, betrayed, shot at, and stalked by killer assassins and in love with three different women.

Killing Maine the second novel in the series will immediately capture your attention right from the first page to the last. There are plenty of twists and turn such that at times you as the reader you’ll wonder how the author is going to tie all the loose ends together. But the author successfully does it effortlessly. The mystery, suspense, and intrigue will keep you on the edge of your set to the last page, but the corruption in the name of environmentalist causes will trigger a smoldering fire of anger.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Mike Bond

2 Responses to “Mike Bond”

  1. Lynda: 2 months ago

    Reading Crude, Ukraine oil. Can’t put it down. Is there a printed copy of this book?

    • Graeme: 2 months ago

      Yes I see paperbacks available at Amazon


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