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Michaelbrent Collings Books In Order

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Publication Order of Billy Jones Books

Messenger of Powers(2009)Description / Buy at Amazon
Seeker of Powers(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
Destroyer of Powers(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Colony Books

Publication Order of Fairy Tales Books

How Flowers Came to Be(2010)Description / Buy at Amazon
Leon(2010)Description / Buy at Amazon
The True Story of the Easter Bunny(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Good Mormon Girl Mysteries Books

Blood Relations(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Grimmworld Books

The Witch in the Woods(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Big Bad Wolf(2025)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of The Stranger Books

Publication Order of Sword Chronicles Books

Child of the Empire(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
Child of Sorrows(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Child of Ash(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Publication Order of Short Stories/Novellas

Publication Order of Short Story Collections

Though Darkness Falls(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Darkling Smiles(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Future Tense(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

California Construction Law and Public Contracting in California(2010)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Art of Teaching Martial Arts(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Anthologies

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A screenwriter, author and lawyer all rolled into one, the American writer Michaelbrent Collings has been writing for quite some time now, as he’s become an international bestseller on a global scale and, not only that, but he’s a martial artist too. Publishing a whole range of novels, he’s released books in multiple categories, such as his forays into thriller and crime, along with young adult novels as well, all whilst consulting others on writing providing mentorship and advice on the craft. This all leads to him being the most prolific authors within his field to date, something which will continue for some time yet.

Early and Personal Life

Writing his first story at the young age of four, he always had a strong passion for both reading and writing, something which kept working on, and something his father would help hone too, being a professor who would evaluate his efforts from an early age. Growing up in America as well, he managed to take in inspiration from the world around him, creating the style and tone of what was to be his forthcoming writing career. Building upon his premises and ideas constantly, he would soon go on to create his first published short story at the age of fifteen, something which got put in the local paper giving him his first paid submission.

It was soon though, that he gained a love for the screenplay and how it was formatted, which happened after a student at his high-school brought in a copy of the Terminator 2 script, and he proceeded to read it all the way through, gaining an insight into the process of how it worked and functioned. This was part of what paved the way for him as a writer of screenplays, something which would serve extremely well for him in the intervening years to follow. In the meantime though he worked on refining and honing his craft, as he proceeded to build his style and voice.

For some time before coming a full-time writer he was a construction contract dispute litigator, whereby he would oversee the contract litigation of various large contractors when something went array, a job which served him for some time as he continued on his path to becoming a full-time writer. During this time he’d still continue to write late on into the night, taking in his experiences, putting them back into his material, never giving up on his original dream of becoming a fully fledged writer. Finally it happened though, as he soon found his big break making a name for himself, and he never looked back.

Continuing to write to this day, he has now become one of the top independent horror writers living and working in the United States. With both critical and commercial success, he’s managed to garner huge amounts of attention worldwide. This is something that will carry on into the foreseeable future, as his writing career grows from strength-to-strength, gaining more and more recognition every day.

Writing Career

Getting his first work published at the young age of just fifteen, Michaelbrent Collings was fast on his way to becoming a fully fledged writer. With a short story being published in the local paper he got the recognition he needed early on, and was thus given the boost of confidence that he needed. He then went on to do manage a career on law, but later came back to his original love of writing, something that never quite left him.

Soon he would be selling scripts for a living, with his first one to be produced starring Eric McCormack from TV’s ‘Will and Grace’. The film was a suspense thriller titled ‘Barricade’, and he soon begun gaining awards for his efforts as well, such as the Nicholl Fellowship. This paved the way to the writer that he currently is today, having received numerous plaudits, as he continues to write with no signs of stopping anytime soon.


Marking the third novel in his series The Colony, this is a continuation of what came before with a zombie apocalypse already full underway. Whilst this may seem a well worn genre, the story provides its own unique take on it, providing enough twists and turns to keep the reader interested. With it having been released on the 11th of November, 2013, as well, it also manages to recapture a lot of what made the first two work, giving the audience more of what they want.

Featuring Ken Strickland once again, it this time sees his wife not being able to fully trust him after the events of the previous novel. Not only that, but his daughters are starting to change and his son appears to have gone, whilst the rest of the survivors simply want to fight and, ultimately; survive. It appears that there’s only one way to do this though, and that’s through an entirely new set of horrors, as they have to battle with a terror unlike any other. Why does his wife not trust him? Where will their journey take them to next? What lies deep down as they start to make the descent?


First published on the 4th of June, 2010, this was to mark another stand-alone novel from the author Michaelbrent Collings. Utilizing his now trademark high-octane adrenaline fuelled narrative, it does what he does best; provide the audience with a sense of fast paced action. Keeping it moving quickly, his readers may be no stranger to it, but it provides more of what he’s famous for, ultimately giving them what they want.

Waking up one morning, Johnny finds that everyone he knows is out and set on killing; friends, family, everyone. Not only that, a mysterious figure from his past, the ‘Skunk Man’, has turned up once again with a teenage girl in tow, and this time he appears to be on the run too. Caught up in something large and out of his control, it seems that the clock is against him if he wants to find out the truth. Why does everyone want to kill him? Who is this mysterious ‘Skunk Man’ that’s caused him so much trauma? Where will he run?

Book Series In Order » Authors » Michaelbrent Collings

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