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Michael White / Sam Fisher / Tom West Books In Order

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Publication Order of E-Force Books

as Sam Fisher

Publication Order of Private Books

Private (By: James Patterson,Maxine Paetro,Mark Sullivan)(2010)Description / Buy at Amazon
Private London (By: James Patterson,Mark Pearson)(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
Private Games (By: James Patterson,Mark Sullivan,Mark Sullivan)(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
Private:#1 Suspect (By: James Patterson,Maxine Paetro)(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
Private Berlin (By: James Patterson,Mark Sullivan,Mark Sullivan)(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Private L.A. (By: James Patterson,Mark Sullivan)(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Private Down Under / Oz (With: James Patterson)(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Private India (By: James Patterson,Ashwin Sanghi)(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Private Vegas (By: James Patterson,Maxine Paetro)(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
Private Sydney / Missing (By: James Patterson,Kathryn Fox)(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
Private Paris (By: James Patterson,Mark Sullivan,Mark Sullivan)(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Private Rio / The Games (By: James Patterson,Mark Sullivan,Mark Sullivan)(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Private Delhi / Count to Ten (By: James Patterson,Ashwin Sanghi)(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Princess (By: James Patterson,Rees Jones)(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Private Moscow (By: James Patterson,Adam Hamdy)(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Private Rogue / Private: Missing Persons (By: James Patterson,Adam Hamdy)(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Private Beijing (By: James Patterson,Adam Hamdy)(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
Private Rome (By: James Patterson,Adam Hamdy)(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
Private Monaco (By: James Patterson,Adam Hamdy)(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon
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On his website, James has a separate listing for the "main" Private series which is in this order: Private, Private: #1 Suspect, Private L.A., Private Vegas, Private Paris and The Games.

Publication Order of MichaelWhite Standalone Novels

Equinox(2006)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Medici Secret(2008)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Borgia Ring(2009)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Art of Murder(2010)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Kennedy Conspiracy(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Titanic Enigma (As: Tom West)(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Einstein Code (As: Tom West)(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Short Stories/Novellas

Airport Code Red (With: James Patterson)(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of MichaelWhite Non-Fiction Books

The Science of The X-Files : The Truth(1996)Description / Buy at Amazon
Isaac Newton(1997)Description / Buy at Amazon
Leonardo(2000)Description / Buy at Amazon
J.R.R. Tolkien(2001)Description / Buy at Amazon
Stephen Hawking(2002)Description / Buy at Amazon
C.S. Lewis(2004)Description / Buy at Amazon
Isaac Asimov(2005)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Coffee With... Books

Coffee with Groucho (By: Simon Louvish)(2007)Description / Buy at Amazon
Coffee with Aristotle (By: Jonathan Barnes)(2008)Description / Buy at Amazon
Coffee with Dickens (By: )(2008)Description / Buy at Amazon
Coffee with Isaac Newton(2008)Description / Buy at Amazon
Coffee with Mark Twain (By: Fred Kaplan)(2008)Description / Buy at Amazon
Coffee with Shakespeare (By: Stanley Wells)(2008)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Publication Order of The X-Files Non-Fiction Books

The Truth Is Out There (By: Brian Lowry,Sarah Stegall)(1995)Description / Buy at Amazon
Trust No One (By: Chris Carter,Brian Lowry,Sarah Stegall)(1996)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Science of The X-Files : The Truth(1996)Description / Buy at Amazon
Scully X-Posed (By: Nadine Crenshaw)(1997)Description / Buy at Amazon
The X-Files Confidential: episode guide to series one (By: Ted Edwards)(1997)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Making of the X-Files Movie (By: Jody Duncan)(1998)Description / Buy at Amazon
All Things (By: Marc Shapiro)(2001)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Michael White also known as Sam Fisher and Tom West was an Australian based British author of mystery, thriller and horror books. He attended King’s College London and later became a lecturer at d’Overbroeck’s College. White authored 45 books with some of his notable books including The First Scientist, A Life in Science among many others. His debut novel Equinox rose above the charts becoming one of the Top Ten bestsellers in the United Kingdom and subsequently translated into over 35 languages.

Under the pseudonym Sam Fisher, he published the E-Force Trilogy, Nano, State of Emergency and Aftershock. The author also published Isaac Newton’s biography, The Last Sorcerer. In 2002 he was longlisted and shortlisted for the Aventis Prize- Rivals longlisted for The Fruits of War in 2006 and nominated for Ned Kelly Prize for his debut novel Equinox.


What happens when the past and the present merge and secretly hidden secrets occur? How does human typology change when a present person still believes in occult beliefs that appeared many centuries ago? What comes out when occultism and astrology are used for meek purposes? How can a series of ritual crimes be concluded? Who is the culprit? Who has to pay for all the evils committed in an idyllic town?

Michael White’s novel is based on two narrative plans: the plan of the present, 2007, when a series of horrific crimes took place in Oxford, and the past, of the years 1689-1690, when people still believed in alchemy and were in search of immortality and the Philosopher’s Stone, so coveted by the scientists of those times. The two are intertwined through a secret conspiracy that has been perpetuated over the centuries, and the same ritualistic crimes are being committed today, which intrigued both policemen and writer Laura Nieven, who wishes to solve the mystery behind them so that they can outline their new Roman novelty.

The author uses an extremely visual technique; everything is described through the rich detail, creating the feeling that you are in front of a screen and watch a movie. Perhaps that is why the sense of fear does not disappear throughout the reading of the book, and the thrills feel cold on the spine. You have the heart to know the killer, but although you have the impression that as you go through the action that you have some control over it and that you take the culprit, you will finally understand that you have made only suppositions and that the truth is much greater and more complex than what you suspected.
Equinox pervades the past and the present, bringing to light, mysterious mysteries, which lead the careful researcher’s steps to a nonconformist society, the Order of the Black Sphinx, which has existed from ancient times without the common people having any idea of ​​its existence. Besides these, there are Guardians, people specially trained to combat those who believe in the existence of the Philosopher’s Stone, the only donor of immortality.

In 1690, in Oxford, Isaac Newton seemed to hold the supreme secret that can lead him to eternal life. He has discovered an old document that makes him own the Emerald Tab and the ruby ​​sphere, so necessary to obtain the much-desired elixir. Centuries later, in 1851, a series of horrendous crimes took place, murders that led to the death and mutilation of youth, to whom some organs of the body had been stolen. The killer is shrouded in mystery even today because a certain influential person has intervened, stopping certain investigations.

In Oxford 2007, the same series of terrible crimes are happening, and someone with the precision of a surgeon extracts specific organs of young female students, which creates panic in the small University City. The police do not have much to follow, and what writer Laura Nieven and the police photographer, her boyfriend, Philip Bainbridge, are questioning, considering that they were ritually committed crimes at certain times when a few planets find itself in conjunction, seems to be something incredible and unreal. Because they are not believed, the two, who have a daughter together during their student relationship, are convinced that they are right and leave for hunting criminals and myths, hoping to stop all these cycles of human life.

The author combines skillfully with the fictional elements, creating an exceptional thriller that keeps all your senses up to the last page. It brings into the foreground unscrupulous people and petty interests that need to be unmasked. The police do not seem to be the one who can help; it seems to be far from the truth, which is why the characters with a justifiable spirit appear to unlock the mysteries.

If you have a strong heart and you can defeat the demons that exist in the human being, Equinox is a book that will give you much thought, will make you wonder about the infinite possibilities of the world in which we live, about the choices we make and the reality of our universe, about the conspiracies that unfold before us, without that we may realize this fact.

The Last Sorcerer

Michael White has written a beautifully well-researched bio about one of the greatest known scientists. The author explains in details how the scientist had a troubled childhood and how this could have affected his personality later in life causing him to be super secretive, disliking criticism, trusting few causing him not publish his theories.

For example, Isaac Newton’s Principia was 20 years in making, published in Latin and structured in a way that only a few people would understand it.
The author also does a fantastic job of giving details to the exposed atmosphere at Cambridge University 17th century, the politics and the workings of the Royal Society. The two institutions by then in their infancy were quite distinct compared to how they are today.

As the title suggests, the author places more emphasis on Isaac’s alchemy activities and how Newton viewed Alchemy as a way of explaining the Universe and nature and giving a glimpse into the mind of God.

According to Newton, alchemy had more meaning than just transforming lead into gold. He believed that the ancient civilization had a better understanding of the universe, nature, and God and all these revelations had been lost through time and could only be re-discovered through alchemy and studying bible. Through Michael White’s descriptions, we learn that Newton carried countless alchemical investigations to try to unlock the meaning of life and studied the bible as well.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Michael White / Sam Fisher / Tom West

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