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Michael Richan Books In Order

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Publication Order of River Universe Reading Order Books

The Bank of the River(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Haunting in Oregon(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Ghosts of Our Fathers(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Eximere(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Suicide Forest(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Devil's Throat(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Blood Oath, Blood River(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Diablo Horror(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Impossible Coin(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Haunting at Grays Harbor(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Graves of Plague Canyon(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
It Walks At Night(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Dark River: A(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Blackham Mansion Haunting(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Cycle of the Shen(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Blood Gardener(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Christmas Haunting at Point No Point(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Massacre Mechanism(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Port of Missing Souls(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Nightmares of Quiet Grove(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Capricorn(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Haunting of Johansen House(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Evocation(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Descent Into Hell Street(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Remains(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Node(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Inheritance(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Dead Kingdom(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Spirit Lake(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Divertimento(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
There is a short story Residual you can read after The Bank of the River free at

While standalone, The Haunting of Pitmon House, The Haunting of Waverly Hall and A Haunting in Wisconsion center on Eliza's early years prior to meeting Steven and Roy and will be enjoyed more if read in order.

Publication Order of The River Books

The Bank of the River(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Haunting in Oregon(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Ghosts of Our Fathers(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Eximere(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Suicide Forest(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Devil's Throat(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Diablo Horror(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Haunting at Grays Harbor(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
It Walks At Night(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Cycle of the Shen(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Christmas Haunting at Point No Point(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Port of Missing Souls(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Haunting of Johansen House(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Evocation(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Node(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Spirit Lake(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of The Downwinders Books

Blood Oath, Blood River(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Impossible Coin(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Graves of Plague Canyon(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Blackham Mansion Haunting(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Massacre Mechanism(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Nightmares of Quiet Grove(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Descent Into Hell Street(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Remains(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Inheritance(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Dead Kingdom(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
House on Fire(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Dark River Books

Publication Order of I Reside Here Books

Publication Order of Mausoleum Books

Mausoleum: Anomaly(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Mausoleum: Hex Roots(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Mausoleum: Memento Mori(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

The School of Revenge(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Slaughter, Idaho(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Coldwater Haunting(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Seances(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Aunt Death(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Haunting of Briarwood Manor(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Warder(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of The Haunting of Pitmon House Books

The Haunting of Pitmon House(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Haunting of Waverly Hall(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Haunting In Wisconsin(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
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About Michael Richan

Following in the footsteps of luminaries such as Stephen King and Clive Barker, the American novelist and writer Michael Richan is a world renowned author of horror fiction. Creating stories that resonate with his many reader from all across the globe, the novelist has written extensively, creating a large number of fictional works. Working for over thirty-five years and counting, he’s made a name for himself throughout the industry as a highly inspired and creative writer. Knowing exactly what he wants to write about, he creates with a high-degree of confidence, allowing his stories to come alive for a modern contemporary audience. Letting his imagination run free, he really is able to make the most of his subject matter, lending it a level of insight from his own life quite unlike any other.

This has also seen him write a number of series over the course of his writing career as well, allowing his stories to span over a collection of books. Understanding his characters just as well as his stories, he brings them to life in a manner which truly resonates with his audience, regardless of where they’re from. It is because of this that he will carry on writing for many years to come, with a lot more books planned for release in the future.

Early and Personal Life

Growing up in America, the author to be Michael Richan would always hold a strong fascination for the written word. This passion would largely come to focus itself upon horror stories, as he would learn the art and craft of writing over the years. Enjoying writers such as Stephen King and Neil Gaiman, he would start to concentrate on building his own unique style of writing. Over time he has gone on to enjoy the writing career that he currently has today, as he continues to writer from his home in Seattle, Washington.

Writing Career

It would be in 2013 that he would go into the world of writing fiction full-time himself, as he would publish his first novel titled ‘The Bank of the River’. This would also be the first in the series of of books titled ‘The River’, allowing him to establish himself as a fully fledged horror author. He would quickly go on to write a large quantity of horror novels following this, and he continues to do so, as his writing career grows from strength-to-strength.

The Haunting of Pitmon House

First coming out in 2016, this would originally be released on the 6th of July, with this being a later release from Richan as an author. Published through the Dantull publishing house, it would not be a part of any series as such, with it operating primarily as a stand-alone novel. Telling the story of a haunted house, it follows in the same vein as writers such as Shirley Jackson, paying homage to them as well as to the genre itself.

A classic haunted house story, this really manages to make the most of the story format, whilst having fun with it in the process too. The characters go beyond being just stock characters for the story too, as Richan paints a three-dimensional portrait for each of them. This makes for a much more horrifying experience, as it transports the reader in a manner that they can relate to far more easily. Not only that, but the house itself is extremely well realized too, with it coming to life off of the page almost for the reader.

There is nobody brave enough to enter the now abandoned home of Pitmon House, with its dilapidated halls and hidden secrets. No ghost-hunter or paranormal investigator has dared step foot near the place, frightened, terrified even, of the legends surrounding it, and that stepping foot in it might just get the individual killed. That’s when the younger teenage brother of Eliza undergoes a serious infection, leading to him becoming a lunatic, gibbering and raving mad. This then means that Eliza must use her special ‘gifts’ to help save him, but when the clues in her visions lead her to Pitmon House she has second thoughts. Will she be able to save her brother from this terrible affliction? Can she do whatever it takes? What will she find with through the haunting of Pitmon House?

Ghosts of Our Fathers

Originally coming out through the Dantull publishing outlet, this would first be released in 2013 on the 27th of September. Setting up the third title in the long-running series known as ‘The River’, this would continue on from the previous two titles in the franchise. Providing another stand-alone ghost story, it would bring over character arcs and plots from the previous books, whilst also paving the way for more, with there being nine books in the series so far and counting.

A ghost story filled with plenty of twists and turns, this manages to really go all the way in providing plenty of scares and jumps. With strong characters too, many of them coming from previous stories, this really works at building upon what came before. Then there’s the spooky ambiance that is really well crafted, evoking a true sense of both fear and mystery in equal measure. The books that came before are also well developed too, building upon them, whilst allowing them to evolve in the process too.

Awaking in the middle of the night to threats from an unseen force that says it will kill him, Steven must do whatever it takes to understand what it is that he’s facing. Not knowing whether it’s a ghost or a demon, he must summon all his powers to help fend off this potential enemy and send it back to wherever it came from. The only problem is, is that he’s still only just learning how to use his powers, as his father is teaching him, although his father Roy is currently unavailable. This then leads to him seeking help from his friends, Daniel and Eliza, as they must come together and pool all their talents. Will they be able to deal with this ghost from the past though? Just how powerful is it really? ‘What must be done’ they ask, ‘so as to defeat the ghosts of our fathers’?

Book Series In Order » Authors » Michael Richan

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