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Michael Chabon Books In Order

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Publication Order of Standalone Novels

The Mysteries of Pittsburgh(1988)Description / Buy at Amazon
Wonder Boys(1995)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay(2000)Description / Buy at Amazon
Summerland(2002)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Final Solution(2004)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Yiddish Policemen's Union(2007)Description / Buy at Amazon
Gentlemen of the Road(2007)Description / Buy at Amazon
Telegraph Avenue(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
Moonglow(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Short Story Collections

A Model World and Other Stories(1991)Description / Buy at Amazon
Werewolves in Their Youth(1999)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

My California(2004)Description / Buy at Amazon
Maps and Legends(2008)Description / Buy at Amazon
Manhood for Amateurs(2009)Description / Buy at Amazon
Kingdom of Olives and Ash (With: Ayelet Waldman)(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Pops: Fatherhood in Pieces(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Bookends(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Amazing Adventures Of The Escapist Books

with Brian K. Vaughan
The Amazing Adventures of the Escapist, Volume 1(2004)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Amazing Adventures of the Escapist, Volume 2 (With: Brian K. Vaughan)(2004)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Amazing Adventures of the Escapist, Volume 3(2006)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Awesome Man Books

The Astonishing Secret of Awesome Man(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Mystery Intruder(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Star Trek Books

The Physics of Star Trek (By: Lawrence M. Krauss)(1995)Description / Buy at Amazon
Beyond Star Trek (By: Lawrence M. Krauss)(1997)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Biology of Star Trek (By: Lawrence M. Krauss,Robert Jenkins,Susan Jenkins,Elliott Beard)(1998)Description / Buy at Amazon
Star Trek: The Art of the Film (By: Mark Cotta Vaz)(2009)Description / Buy at Amazon
What Would Captain Kirk Do? Intergalactic Wisdom from the Captain of the U.S.S. Enterprise (By: Brandon T. Snider)(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Star Trek: The Movies: Volume 1 (By: Titan Comics)(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
What Would Captain Picard Do? (By: Brandon T. Snider)(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Star Trek - All Good Things: A Next Generation Companion (By: Titan Comics)(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Star Trek - The Art of Juan Ortiz (By: )(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Star Trek Picard: The Classic Chronicles (By: Titan Comics)(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Star Trek: Voyager 25th Anniversary Special (By: Titan Comics)(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Star Trek(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Star Trek: Villains (By: Titan Comics)(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Star Trek: Starfleet Is...: Celebrating the Federation's Ideals (By: Robb Pearlman)(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Publication Order of Anthologies

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Michael Chabon is an American author born on 24th may 1963 in Washington D.C. He grew up in Columbia, Maryland where his parents worked and later after the parents divorced, he was raised up by his mother after his father moved to Pittsburgh. During this time he spent his life as a child reading books of comedy and following the game of baseball closely having Roberto clement as his favorite player. The fiction stories that he was so much attracted to are the main factor as to why Michael Chabon later developed a lot of interest in writing novels and plays.

He attended Carnegie Mellon after which he moved to the University of Pittsburgh where he studied and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English literature in 1984. He then moved on to the University of California where he graduated with Masters of Fine Arts in writing. This is also a step that ensured he improved on his writing skills which later made him write novels that are loved by many readers and writers. The first novel that he wrote called The Mysteries of Pittsburgh’, which also happened to be the thesis he used when undertaking his masters course in writing, was later published in 1988 which then became New York times best seller. This is also the book that introduced to many readers who had not got the chance to interact with any of his writings.

In the early 1990s, Michael Chabon published a collection of short stories called The model world’ and later in 1995he published a novel called wonder boys’ which concentrated so much the professional work of a writer. The novel was later used in an award winning novel which featured many actors including Michael Douglas, Tobey Maguire and Robert Downey. He then ended the decade by writing another short story collection and called it Were Wolves in Their Youth. The decade was his main period of growth in relation to skills of writing that he was interested in improving.

In 2000, he released another book known as The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay’ which was a story about the popular comedy book, the escapist, which was a book written between 1930 and 1940. The book addressed many issues that affected the American society during that period of time which included homosexuality and Holo-caust. This showed the skills that Chabon had in story telling while maintaining the comedy in the story. The book went ahead to win many awards including the Pulitzer Prize in 2001. This is the time when so many readers also became in the books written by Michael Chabon and he became popular with the books he had written before selling largely.

Chabon tried to diversify the writing skills that he had by writing a young adult novel called, The Summerland, which made him win more readers from the general readers to critics which was released in 2002. This was a book that was filled with tales with some aspects of baseball in it which showed the love that he had for the game.

The earliest book that Michael chabon wrote called the mysteries of Pittsburgh talked much about sexuality in specific referring to gay love and bisexuality. This made many people to take him as a gay writer, on many occasions he has been asked about this but he said that he thought many gay readers would think he is one of them but he was just being a writer. Many fans always question his sexuality as a result of the manner in which he represent himself in the novel, on page 12 of the expanded version of this same book he says that although he is married, he had previously had same sex relationships. The story talks mainly about coming of age; this is because Bechtein is not sure about himself especially after he was done with his college education. He did not know where he fit socially into the society since he was not sure about his sexuality. He is depicted as a socially handicapped character in the novel that needs to identify himself and grow up to become a responsible member of the society. This tries to depict the lives of many youths in Pittsburgh who have to undergo a lot of huddles trying to find themselves. The book brings out the many problems that youths experience from the society, the kind of families that they come from and the expectations they have for the future.

The collection of short stories, the model world, can be summarized to stories that try to explain how one can try to balance their financial status and the affection they have for others. The stories, though having some element of comedy, try to explain the different situation related to affection that youths go through. Just like in the first book that he wrote, the mysteries of Pittsburgh, the short stories continue to give a description of the challenges that many youths go through.

The manner in which they deal with such situations is also discussed in most of the stories in the book. Most of the characters find it difficult to balance between loving and being loved. Chabon’s collection of stories depicts youths as vulnerable and should be guided by the elder people in society so that they do not mess up their lives. To some extent he believed that great love is a terrible mistake made by both partners because at one point, they will get hurt.

Michael Chabon is one of the best writers that can depict the real life situations in form of writing; this is the reason as to why he has many fans. He also has the ability to write using many styles of writing which makes him to be versatile and to produce different pieces of work since he started writing after graduating from the university. He is a real example of a good artist that can represent situations in art through the great works that he has carried out. To many, he is a great inspiration that most upcoming authors look up to.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Michael Chabon

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