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McAllister Files Books In Order

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Publication Order of McAllister Files Books

By: Patricia H. Rushford, Harrison James
Secrets, Lies and Alibis (2003)Description / Buy at Amazon
Deadfall (2004)Description / Buy at Amazon
Terminal 9 (2005)Description / Buy at Amazon
She Who Watches (2006)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Setting out with the main goal of helping other people through her writing, the American writer Patricia H. Rushford sought solace in the healing nature of literature, which something that she has definitely achieved over the course of her long and illustrious writing career, creating some highly regarded and influential titles and series. Producing novels in both the fiction and non-fiction categories, she is definitely a writer with her finger firmly on the pulse when it comes to writing what her audience want to read about. With a loyal following worldwide, she is extremely well appreciated by many readers of all varieties from all across the globe, as they flock to her work, regardless of the backgrounds. Focusing on the mystery and romance genres, she uses suspense to give her work a sense of momentum, something which she really excels at, as she manages to keep her readers on the edges of their seats, continually turning the page as they seek to find out what happens next. This goes some way towards explaining why they come back time and time again as well, as she really manages to build a sense of rapport with her audience, whether it be through her characters or her premises, as she really has a unique style that sells itself. Gaining stellar reviews too, she is appreciated by both the critics and the general public alike, as she writes for adults, as well as young adults, effectively allowing the both of them to find something unique and interesting within her work. It is also her characters who, along with her being a master of suspense, continue to attract an ever increasing audience, with their easy to relate to personalities that resonate on an even deeper level than that of other writers within her field. This can also be said of her many series, which themselves have gained momentum as they’ve moved forwards over the years. A series that she would come to be extremely well known for would be that of her much loved ‘McAllister Files’ series of novels. Using the Christian faith to propel this character forwards, he’s a detective for the Oregon Police department, always looking to do the right thing. Solving a set of unique and different murders with each subsequent release, the series progresses with a sense of conviction quite unlike any other, something which Rushford’s many readers have come to appreciate over the years.

With the series itself beginning in 2003 with the title ‘Secrets, Lies and Alibis’ it would then continue for three years until 2006 with the fourth title ‘She Who Watches’. Each of them would feature the eponymous detective Mac McAllister as the lead character, as he would solve a new case each time. Set in the Beaver State, he would work alongside his detective partner Kevin Bledsoe, getting to the heart of a new murder each and every time, all whilst retaining his Christian faith.

Secrets, Lies and Alibis

Coming out through the ‘Thomas Nelson’ publishing outlet, this would be the first in the ongoing series of ‘McAllister Files’ novels, establishing both the lead character and the world he’s to inhabit. Initially published on the 14th of October in 2003, it would also introduce the Christianity themes for the first time too. This would then give readers a clear idea of what to expect in the following books to come, whilst also providing a mystery for them to dive into too.

The serving policeman ‘Mac’ McAllister reports for duty as a Christian police officer of the Oregon State Police Force, all whilst retaining his sense of faith and duty to his religion. Starting with the crime scene, McAllister embarks on his first case file of the series, as he seeks to shed light on a murder, bringing those responsible to justice in the process. All this whilst retaining his faith as, whilst the grittiness of the everyday may prove to be too much for some, it is his sense of faith that really allows him to get through it all and get the job done. Will he manage to keep his faith in the trying times though? Can he solve the murder? What tests will be put to him as he faces secrets, lies and alibis?


Originally published in 2004, this would come out on the 8th of August almost one year after the release of the first title. Continuing on from where the last left off, it provides yet another case file for the eponymous detective Mac McAllister of the Oregon Police department to solve. It would also provide further development of his character too, providing him with greater backstory in the process as well.

Using his faith and adherence to Christianity to see him through the trying elements of his duty as an officer of the Oregon State Police department once more, Mac McAllister is again put to test his faith with a difficult set of circumstances. Set in Portland this time, it sees him working his way back from another murder scene, moving towards finding the true nature of the killer. Over the course of the book, the truth is revealed, as McAllister really attempts to keep a handle on things, as he tries to overcome the many obstacles placed in his path. Will he find the killer before it’s too late? Can he keep his faith throughout? What will become of him as he faces the impact of the deadfall?

The McAllister Files

A series of Christian themed detective novels, these really manage to fulfill a niche, whilst adhering the the rules of the genre throughout. With a clear love and passion for the genre itself, Patricia H. Rushford manages to find her own voice in the format, whilst also giving the readers what they want from the series itself. This is why so many have turned towards it, as it aims to avoid certain aspects of the hard-boiled detective novel, such as cursing, as it aims to bring a different approach to the genre. With more and more discovering this particular series every day, it really manages to create something that’s entirely new and involving, building a legacy that will live on for quite some time to come.

Book Series In Order » Characters » McAllister Files

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