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Mary Lawson Books In Order

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Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Crow Lake(2002)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Other Side of the Bridge(2006)Description / Buy at Amazon
Road Ends(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Town Called Solace(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon

About Mary Lawson

The Canadian author Mary Lawson is well known for her interesting and immersive brand of literary fiction that has much to say. Knowing her audience well, she really draws the reader in, allowing them to fully envelop themselves in her unique and intricate narratives. The stories themselves are extremely engaging, creating compelling and well plotted books that keep her readers hooked every step of the way. There’s a lot at the heart of each book that really captures what she’s trying to say in a very immediate and real way.

Drawing from a deep range of different influences and inspirations, Mary Lawson would prove to be an extremely creative writer too. Each title would set itself apart in a manner quite unlike any other, as she would prove herself to be an author entirely singular to herself. Not only that, but her descriptions and imagery used are extremely vivid, really capturing the attention of the reader from the outset. This formula of hers has proven to be hugely popular with readers from all over the world, as she’s become a household name for many.

With a background in psychology too, it stands to reason that her characters are also very well drawn, with fully fleshed out personalities. Setting themselves apart, they really feel alive for the reader, almost speaking directly to the audience in a way that is profound. Feeling for each of the characters and their plights, she ensures that reader understands exactly who they are and what’s driving them. There’s a lot more planned too, as her career as a writer carries on growing and building for some time to come.

Early and Personal Life

Born and raised in Blackwell, Ontario, in Canada, future author to be Mary Lawson was born on the 1st of January in 1946. Growing up with a passion for the written word, she would fast develop a keen interest in both reading and writing, something which would stay with her throughout the years. A distant relative of the classic writer L.M. Montgomery, the well known author of ‘Anne of Green Gables,’ she would always be surrounded by literature.

Graduating from McGill University, she would gain a psychology degree in 1968, something which would help her with her character development. Focusing on her craft as a writer, she would set about becoming a well known writer, drawing inspiration from the world around her and her own upbringing. Currently living in Kingston-Upon-Thames in Surrey, England, she continues to write to this present day, with more expected to follow.

Writing Career

Bringing out her first novel back in 2002, Mary Lawson would publish ‘Crow Lake,’ which would make her name for her. Setting up her literary career as a fully established writer, she would later follow this up with another stand-alone titled ‘The Other Side of the Bridge’ in 2006. Later she would publish ‘Road Ends’ in 2013, and then ‘A Town Called Solace’ in 2021, all of which were also self-contained stories.

Winning a ‘The Man Booker Prize’ nomination for ‘Best Novel’ in 2006 for her book ‘The Other Side of the Bridge,’ she is not without critical acclaim either. Admired by both the critics and the public alike, she was garnered a huge amount acclaim, both nationally and internationally. There’s lots more set upon the horizon too, as she will carry on writing for a long time yet, with more expected to follow.

Crow Lake

First published in 2002 on the 13th of January, this would initially come out through the ‘Dial Press Tradeback Paperback’ publishing label. Setting up the writing career of Mary Lawson, it would be her first novel, establishing her as an author with something different to say. Not a part of any series, it’s a stand-alone piece of literary fiction, and one that is primarily driven by characters.

Taking place in the rural farmlands of northern Ontario, this would see the family of Pye struggling to make it from day to day. As tragedy continually befalls them, the Morrisons are also beset with catastrophe and hardship, with Kate Morrison becoming protegee to her older brother Matt after their being orphaned young. Older now, she’s a zoologist studying life beneath a microscope, but finds it difficult to balance her own emotional well-being and stability. Will she be able to rekindle her now distanced siblings, can she find peace in her own life, and what will take place at Crow Lake?

The prose and style upon the page flows effortlessly, really carrying the plights of the different characters along with ease. It’s a well told story, and one that really made an impact for Lawson when it was first released, and it’s easy to see why. There’s so much riding underneath the novel, with its well told narrative and highly engaging characters that keep the reader hooked every step of the way.

A Town Called Solace

Originally brought out through the ‘Chatto Windus’ publishing imprint, this would first come out back in 2021. Published on the 18th of February, it would be another stand-alone title, and one released much later in Mary Lawson’s writing career. Showing her clear development as an author, it’s a must for not only fans of her as an author, but for those who simply love well told stories too.

Missing for weeks with no word whatsoever, Rose is a rebellious teenager who’s simply disappeared, as her younger sister, Clara, keeps a vigil for her return. Now the thirty-something Liam Kane moves in next door, much to the chagrin of Clara who’d vowed to Mrs. Orchard, the previous owner of the house, to watch over it. It soon transpires, though, that Mrs. Orchard may have dealings with Liam, as the novel moves between the perspectives of Mrs. Orchard, Liam, and Clara. Can they discover the truth, where did Rose disappear to, and what really happened in a town called Solace?

Set in the 1970s in Northern Ontario, this sees Mary Lawson returning to an area she knows best, as she brings the area to life once again. Knowing the world, she really delivers when it comes to the characters, fully fleshing them out and bringing them to life upon the page. Keeping the reader gripped throughout, the story is definitely a moving one, as it manages to really deliver on its compelling premise.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Mary Lawson

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