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Marilyn Messik Books In Order

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Publication Order of Strange Books

Relatively Strange(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Even Stranger(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Stranger Still(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Witch Books

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Getting it Write(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
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(Written by Marilyn Messik – thanks so much Marilyn!)

It’s possibly a gross generalization to say that writers are not always the easiest of children, but rather than comment on others, I’ll stick to my own tale and issues arising from an overactive imagination such as…

… aged six, cross at being denied something, and probably Dick Whittington inspired, I tied a small parcel of clothes to a broom and left home in high dudgeon to teach my parents a lesson. Being risk-averse, it didn’t make sense to go too far, not to mention that every time I turned, I scraped my face badly on the business end of the broom over my shoulder. Thus constrained, I took up residence at the foot of the fire escape stairs and waited to be recovered by those who would by then have seen the error of their ways.

An active imagination was also good for keeping friends entertained, although things took a turn for the worse when I convinced two of them there was an invisible evil goblin lurking beneath the cot in which my baby sister was sleeping. In order to keep her safe, we had to stand guard and intermittently chant a short incantation I’d put together for the purpose. My description of the ghastly goblin may possibly have erred too far toward the frightening. I certainly had nightmares afterwards, as did my friends, and no further playdates were arranged for some considerable time.

My parents suggested lurid inventions might be better channeled onto paper than shared with contemporaries, a ruse which, whilst sensibly intentioned, resulted in them then having to sit and listen to endless stories read aloud. It also led to them being called into school due to a misunderstanding arising from what I did in the holidays essay. The teacher hadn’t specified it had to be accurate, and the fact she was so perturbed said less about me than it did about her. Obviously, sorting out a zombie apocalypse whilst on holiday in Bognor Regis was only added for dramatic interest.

I wrote quite a bit during my teenage years, but naturally, all I produced was adolescently angst-ridden and hence rejected, so I stopped for a bit. I didn’t start again until after I was married when I was lucky enough to get a regular column as well as having features and fiction published in various magazines. I put my success down to a more mature grasp of the market and an understanding that brides, new mums, or romance readers weren’t prepared to warm to murders, monsters, or the paranormal.

Commerce called after a while, and I set up several businesses over the years. I loved each of them equally but discovered I was a shiny-ball kind of a person finding it impossible not to reach for and action any bright new idea that floated past. I suppose the low boredom threshold accounts for me opening first one shop then another, setting up a travel service, a publishing company, and producing accommodation guides to New England before being hi-jacked by the antique book collectors’ market and then establishing a copywriting consultancy.

I got around to publishing my first novel in 2013 and then carried on with several more as well as writing some business books and getting the Vintage Ladies Collection into the gift market. The Strange Series features Stella an ordinary child with some extraordinary abilities and was originally planned as a trilogy. However, having taken her from childhood to marriage and a baby with a fair amount of mayhem along the way, I found she wasn’t ready to be pensioned off. So, the fourth book is at present in the pipeline.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Marilyn Messik

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