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Marc Royce Books In Order

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Publication Order of Marc Royce Books

Lion of Babylon (2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
Rare Earth (2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
Strait of Hormuz (2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Marc Royce by T. Davis Bunn
Award winning author T. Davis Bunn pens the “Marc Royce” series of thriller novels. The series began publication in the year 2011, when “Lion of Babylon”, was released. The next year, a sequel was released. After three novels, the series concluded in the year 2013, when “Strait of Hormuz” was released. The series of books is published by Bethany House Publishers.

Marc Royce works at the State Department and takes on jobs that take him all over the world in order to save it. He forms a relationship with Kitra Korban, an Israeli medical administrator and somebody he works with in the second novel in the series. He also asks for her help in the third novel. Their relationship winds up not working out over the dangerous work they both do.

Like the rest of Bunn’s work, Christian faith plays a major role in this series of novels. “Lion of Babylon” explores the church in Baghdad, while “Rare Earth” looks at the rising church movement in Kenya. “Strait of Hormuz” touches on a growing missionary church movement happening among displaced Iranians, including nearly all of the Christian population.

Bunn talks about the Muslim religion in these books because he came to Christ through his work for a company. As a requirement of working there, had to learn about Islamic history and the Koran.

“Lion of Babylon” was named one of the Best Books of the year 2011 by Library Journal. “Rare Earth” won a Christy Award for Suspense Fiction in the year 2012.

“Lion of Babylon” is the first novel in the “Marc Royce” series and was released in the year 2011. Marc Royce works for the State Department on some special assignments, a lot of which are routine. Until two CIA operatives go missing in Iraq. They were kidnapped by Taliban forces that are bent on making chaos in the region. Two others drop out of sight, shortly after; one is an American woman providing humanitarian aid and other is a high-placed Iraqi civilian. Could these disappearances be connected? Rumors swirl in the whirl of misinformation.

Marc has to unravel the truth in a covert operation that requires the utmost secrecy, from both the insurgents and the Americans. Even more secret than this undercover operation is the underground dialogue that takes place between sworn enemies. Could the ultimate Reconciler between old foes, fanatical religious factions, and current enemies be heard?

Fans enjoyed the nonstop action in the novel that happens from the beginning until the end. The characters in the novel are fleshed out well, and the main characters were strong and confident guys. These are guys that have a defined sense of who they are now and used to be. Readers find that this was well worth a read and cannot recommend it to other readers enough.

“Rare Earth” is the second novel in the “Marc Royce” series and was released in the year 2012. Marc Royce stares down from the chopper on Rift Valley that slashes across Africa like a scar. Drought, tribal feuds, and dislocation have left behind devastation. He sees a new wound, in the form of a formerly dormant volcano that oozes molten lava all across the dry landscape, and there are clouds of ash obscuring his vision.

His undercover assignment is obscured in a decidedly similar way. Supposedly, he was dispatched to audit some accounts of a relief organization. He finds that he is amid all the squalor and the chaos of the Kenyan refugee camps that are caught in the stranglehold of ruthlessness and corruption.

His real task is related to the area’s reserves of formerly obscure metals that are now indispensable to high-tech industry. This rare earth’s value inflames the tensions on the world’s stage, not to mention among warring tribes. Kitra, an Israeli medical administrator, look for Marc’s help with her humanitarian efforts, and they make an unexpected connection between impoverished African villages as well as another Silicon Valley rises up in the Israeli desert.

Inventive minds and precious metals promise some new opportunities for secure futures, prosperity, and protection of valuable commodities from different terrorists. While Marc gets ready to report back to Washington, he seizes on the opportunity to bring justice back to this troubled land. This time, however, he might have taken things too far.

Bunn delivers a rich and powerful with settings and characters that are rather memorable and remarkable. He combines elements of intrigue, mystery, action, love, and adventure in such a way that make the novel tough to put down for too long. Marc Royce is a strong man with a sensitive side to him, and fans enjoyed going on this adventure with Marc. Readers enjoyed the interesting plot, great storytelling, all the action, and some deep characters.

“Strait of Hormuz” is the third novel in the “Marc Royce” series and was released in the year 2013. The threat of an Iranian blockade of the narrow Strait of Hormuz escalates global tensions. Sanctions are leveled against Tehran have started biting, and it appears to retaliate by cutting off important shipping routes for crude oil. An Israeli preemptive strike has got US officials on edge while they struggle to ensure the world from plunging everything into the abyss.

Befuddled in its attempts to discover the sources of funding that will bolster the Iranian nuclear program, so the State Department tasks Marc Royce to investigate the matter. There is not much to go on, he is going to have to rely on Kitra Korban, an old ally. She has ties to people with the abilities to get things done, just as long as there are no questions being asked.

Iran is getting close to nuclear capability, however, and time has started running out.

Fans feel that Marc Royce is a favorite hero of theirs, seeing as how he is a warrior yet has a gentleness to him, not to mention a caring heart. Readers found the novel tough to put down, and recommend clearing your entire schedule in order to make sufficient time for it. Fans enjoyed the reference to different Christian actions that pop up throughout the novel, with some important Christian principles being on display.

Book Series In Order » Characters » Marc Royce

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