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Mango Bob Books In Order

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“Mango Bob” series is a set of novels by Bill H Myers. Bill is an author who writes about the fun places and crazy people that he has met while traveling around Florida. He usually travels on his motor home alongside his cat Mango Bob. His travels have seen him travel to places as far north as Treasure Coast, where he joined others looking for the lost 1715 Spanish Fleet that sank with a lot of treasure. He has also been to Key West, spent days on the Forgotten Coast of Florida, Panama City, Pensacola and also camped with Manatees. He writes his “Mango Bob” series full of eccentric characters and provides insights into what it feels like to travel and live in a motor home in Florida. In the “Mango Bob” series his readers get to meet and ride along with crazy people even as Bill digs himself out of the many challenges he encounters. Bill currently lives on the Floridian Venice Island from where he launches his many adventures.

The “Mango Bob” series by Bill H Myers are hard to categorize even though they are very good tales. They can be classified as cozies even though not much happens in the form of investigation or mystery. John the lead in the novel travels around the country with his friend Walker’s cat named Mango Bob. In “Mango Bob,” the debut novel of the series, Walker gets divorced from his wife and things only get worse when he is fired from his job. Walker decides that he will travel in his motor home to get his mind off things. His friend had left him with Mango Bob his cat as he wanted to take it back to his relative in Florida. In “Mango Lucky,” the second of the series, Walker gets requested to continue taking care of the cat while his part time girlfriend tells him that they should move to the opposite end of the island. Walker is concerned about storms but once they make a move, they find that it is great. He can hunt for treasure on the beach and with the help of his girlfriend, he finds one and becomes rich. In “Mango Bay” the third of the series, Walker makes his home in an RV camp and meets Lucy a beautiful woman. The camp is full of great characters including Buck and Polly who Walker helps to purchase the RV site.

In “Mango Bob,” Walker unexpectedly finds himself having to deal with divorce and ends up living by the riverside in a tent. He has lost his job and at the end of his tether, he decides to take up the offer to purchase the motor home that once belonged to the company that has now gone bankrupt. Walker also agrees to take a cat that belongs to one of his colleagues to Florida. He soon learns that there are many more people interested in the motor home and does not know why. He manages to get the motor home and starts moving towards Florida. Along the way he makes friends with the cat named Mango Bob and gets to know the motor home. It is a quick little read that is a good introduction and set up for what is coming in later novels. Like the lead character, you get to learn about an RV as much of the work is set like a manual.

In “Mango Lucky,” the second novel of the series, John Walker is still on his adventures in Florida alongside his cat Mango Bob and Sarah, his landlord and friend. John is lucky enough to get some good information and goes on a treasure hunt assisted by the Wonder Dog Jake. It is an interesting story that is thrilling without having all the blood and gore common in mysteries. Serial killers do not live next door, and the FBI and mafia do not lurk behind every door. Mango Bob and his owner John Walker travel to Florida to look for treasures from a long lost Spanish treasure ship. On the way there, he meets up with metal detector user Anna and proceed on what promises to be a very lucrative tour.

“Mango Bay,” the third novel of the “Mango Bob” series opens to Mango Bob and his owner Walker needing a new place to call home. Their friend Anna finds them a clothing optional trailer park for over fifty. Walker decides that the place needs a Wi-Fi upgrade and makes a note of all the things that might need fixing before he moves in. Many of the residents of the place mistake him for an undercover police officer though he could be anything but. He and Bob quickly make new friends that include Oscar and Polly who will be fixtures in their lives in coming days. Walker’s usually quiet life is overrun with big purchases, a boat chase, shifty characters, theft, drugs, a budding romance and brushes with celebrities.

Book Series In Order » Characters » Mango Bob

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