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Lyndon Hardy Books In Order

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Publication Order of Island Magic Books

Publication Order of Magic by the Numbers Books

Master of the Five Magics(1980)Description / Buy at Amazon
Secret of the Sixth Magic(1984)Description / Buy at Amazon
Riddle of the Seven Realms(1988)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Archimage's Fourth Daughter(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Magic Times Three(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Double Magic(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon

Lyndon Hardy
Lyndon Hardy was born in Los Angeles, California in 1941. Lyndon first became interested in fantasy while he wandered through the fringes of fandom during his time at Caltech. It was during his time here, that in 1960, he led and organized what has been called the best college prank ever pulled: The Rose Bowl Card Stunt Caper.

He has a PhD in physics and worked for thirty years in aerospace. In 1992, he co-founded Alodar Systems, Inc, a software consultancy specializing in ERP solutions, business processes, and application integration.

In addition to writing and reading, he has sporadic bursts of enthusiasm for collecting playing cards and stamps. Thus far, he’s been unsuccessful at figuring out a plot line for a stamp collector saving the world.

In 2016, he retired from his business endeavors and started a new full time career of writing. Lyndon is a member of the Science Fiction Writers of America.

When Lyndon was a teen he enjoyed Isaac Asimov’s “Three Laws of Robotics”, three short simple concepts from which a wealth of stories evolved from. He was also a huge fantasy fan, and couldn’t help but wonder if the same concept, stories rooted solidly in underlying laws could be used for fantasy as well as science fiction. Many years later when he decided to begin writing, that was his own starting point.

“Master of the Five Magics” is the first novel in the “Magics” series and was released in 1980. Our reality is governed by physical laws, so is magic. Find out what they are.

Alodar was just a journeyman, learning the least of the five arts of magic. He didn’t have any right to aspire to the hand of Vendora, Queen of all of Procolon. However aspired by the lure of a romance, he did.

Fleeing to a frontier castle as it falls, his quest takes him from a magical art to the next, each one with its own distinct powers and constraints. Aided by this mysterious eye from the smoldering volcano, at a college for magicians he learns the secret lying behind the hypnotic flicker of common flame.

This is a stirring story of action, adventure, and magic, as well as romance. Readers found this to be a flawless and fascinating read, one of the very best fantasy novels of the eighties, and can’t wait to read it again.

“Secret of the Sixth Magic” is the second novel in the “Magics” series and was released in 1984. The Laws of the Five Magics were getting set aside. First to go were those of the high art of sorcery. Then true magic, upon which the commerce of all of Arcadia was depending, had also been voided. Now, even thaumaturgy, the engineering knowledge of the whole world, was under attack.

Jemidon had traced this trouble to Melizar, the odd and cold being that had seemingly appeared from outta nowhere. Somehow, Melizar could alter or negate these laws which had always existed by using some mysterious metagamic, something which only he was able to understand. If the whole world was to be saved from Melizar, it was up to Jemidon to save it. But what could he really do? He was just an outcast, not able to perform even the simplest of rituals without ruining everything.

“Riddle of the Seven Realms” is the third novel in the “Magics” series and was released in 1988. Besides the human realm, there are at least six more. In each one, the laws of magic are a little different. Learn what they are.

The worst of the mess that they were in, Kestrel knew, was that it was all his fault. It all started when he’d attempted to cheat Phoebe, the lady wizard, with a load of worthless wood. When she insisted on testing his sample, Astron the demon burst through the flame.

If you believe the worlds in our universe are strange, you have not yet read everything there is to read just yet. Remember “When Worlds Collide”, the science fiction classic? In this book, whole universes do! And along the way, you’ll learn all about what’s known as the Paradox of Beautiful Women!

“The Archimage’s Fourth Daughter” is the fourth novel in the “Magics” series and was released in 2017. An odd planet with different technology where nobody knows anything about magic. Or do they?

At last! A novel in the “Magic by the Numbers” series which has a female protagonist! Briana knew that she should obey Alodar, her dad, the Archimage. She did not have any experience for the job, however the adventure was beckoning her. How hard could it really be?

Pretty tough, as it turns out. Learning centers referred to as colleges instead of magician palaces. Erupting volcanoes. The stock market. Underground aliens that are plotting to escape out of their frigid prison. Three brothers, each one with his own agenda on the best way to proceed. One’s got a plan to destroy all of the native life in such a simple way.

Readers found this to be a welcome addition to this series, and they would love to see even more. Fans found this to be an entertaining and captivating novel.

“Zoltan” is the first novel in the “Island Magic” series and was released in 2019. What’s the best use of magic? Zoltan, a grifter, knew. He was the best con artist around, no less than the one they called The Great!

Benthos was perfect! This isolated island out in the great ocean, which was full of these ignorant rubes. They would not know the first thing about magic, whereas he knew all the rules. And he was wizard just enough to dominate the imp called Brassbutt to do just what he commanded him to. Raking in one pot after the next in poker would be a snap.

Then he reached down to touch his leg. The magic anklet kept growing tighter with each passing day. He’d possibly garner enough gold to not just pay the interest on his debt this month, but possibly also decrease the principal some too.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Lyndon Hardy

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