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Lisa Hall Books In Order

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Publication Order of Hotel Hollywood Mysteries Books

The Mysterious Double Death of Honey Black(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Between You and Me(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tell Me No Lies(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Party(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Have You Seen Her(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Perfect Couple(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Woman in the Woods(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Mistake (With: M.J. Arlidge)(2025)Description / Buy at Amazon

Lisa Hall is a bestselling thriller and mystery author from Kent in the United Kingdom. Hall asserts that she loves everything about books, reading, and words. In fact, she has dreamt of being an author or failing that become a librarian. After years of talking about it, she decided to finally pursue it and become a professional author. As a voracious reader, she loves any fiction work with a good twist and a great cover. She particularly loves the works of authors such as Alex Caan, Angela Marsons, Chris Whitaker. C.L. Taylor and Patrick Redmond. Since she is lives in a small country village in Kent, she spends much of her time reading or taking care of her chickens, dogs, ponies, long-suffering husband and large brood of children. She also loves a good bottle of wine with a side of cheese.

Lisa Hall was born in Eastleigh, Hampshire where she grew up before she moved to Kent when she got married. Her hometown was a small railway town between Portsmouth and Southampton where she had great experiences as a child. At the center of the town was a huge park where every summer a fair would be set up. She can still hear the shouts of the men that operated the rides and smell the sausages she so loved. Hall currently lives in Maidstone, Kent which is a small village in the south of England where she is lucky to be surrounded by trees, fields and even a stream at the bottom of the lane. The village has a homely vibe to it and she asserts that this is one of the main reasons she decided to bring up her children there. It is an old community-oriented village rich in history that has been around since Norman times. In fact, the church tower goes as far back as the Normans and the Carmelite Convent and the old bridge across the river were all built in the thirteenth century. With such a rich history, it provides such a rich tapestry that she can use when writing her novels.

Hall had always wanted to become an author but her children and family took priority for a long time. However, once she got the inspiration for her first novel, she found it almost impossible to think of anything else and just had to put it on paper. Within a few months, she had written the novel and submitted it to HQ Digital. Unlike many authors, it was not the idea of becoming a published author that spurred her on but rather the voices of the characters in her head that just cried out for their story to be told. The day she got the book deal was perhaps one of her biggest highlights though she was happiest when her debut novel “Between You and Me” became a bestseller on the UK Kindle chart. The novel asserts that none of us have an idea of what happens behind closed doors. While some people might seem to have a perfect family, marriage or life the reality can be very different. As an author and reader that was always obsessed with the twist, she started out with a twist and then worked her story backward to find the characters and the circumstances they found themselves in. Publishing was surprisingly quick as she sent the manuscript to her publisher and a few weeks later, she got a call asking for the full manuscript and barely a week had gone by before she had a two-book deal.

Lisa Hall’s debut novel “Between You and Me” tells the story of Charlie and Sal. Charlie is a corporate lawyer while Sal is a stay at home mother who takes care of the family home and looks after their daughter. From the outside, it looks like a happy, stable, successful and perfect family though what people do not know is that Charlie has a violent streak. Just like many abused women, Sal cannot bring herself to leave though the episodes of violence increase in frequency and intensity. Lisa writes about the dark and murky theme of domestic violence and tears apart the assumptions we make about relationships in general, and the relationships of people we know. Through the novel, we come to understand in a chilling and disturbing manner how Charlie has a need for control to which Sal has become a victim. It is a twisted and dark relationship that Lisa Hall manages to explore with heart thumping and shocking authenticity.

“Tell Me No Lies” is a novel that continues with the themes from the first novel. For Mark and his pregnant wife Stephanie and their son, it was supposed to be a fresh start. They just moved to a new house and have a chance to embrace the future and forget the past but is it possible to get a new start or will the past always haunt one’s steps. Mark had promised to turn a new leaf but he is soon spending weeks away from home and Stephanie is listening to the neighbors. Turns out that it is never good to trust anyone least of all the neighbors as some will do anything to destroy a good thing. They believed that they had left all the lies, secrets and betrayal that had dogged their marriage behind. But while Stephanie waits at home for her husband, a lot of creepy things start to happen.

Lisa Hall’s “The Party” opens to Rachel waking up in a strange room. She had been partying at a neighbor’s house but she does not have any recollection of the events of the night. She had gone to the party with her husband and does not know where he went. Could they have fought at the party and why are her arms so bruised and the neighbors so cagey when she asks about what happened? Little by little she reconstructs the events of the night at a friend’s house where she thought she would be totally safe. But it seems that everyone has something to hide and each account seems different. But she is certain that there is someone who has the true story and she is determined to do what it takes to get it.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Lisa Hall

2 Responses to “Lisa Hall”

  1. Chris-anne Henderson: 3 years ago

    I have just read Tell me no lies and was wondering if there is a follow on book from this?

    • Graeme: 3 years ago

      Hi Chris-anne – there is no follow-up to that book at this time.


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