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Lawrence Durrell Books In Order

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Publication Order of Alexandria Quartet Books

Publication Order of The Avignon Quintet Books

Monsieur(1975)Description / Buy at Amazon
Livia or Buried Alive(1978)Description / Buy at Amazon
Constance, or Solitary Practices(1982)Description / Buy at Amazon
Sebastian, or, Ruling Passions(1983)Description / Buy at Amazon
Quinx(1985)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of The Revolt of Aphrodite Books

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Pied Piper of Lovers(1935)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Black Book(1937)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Dark Labyrinth(1947)Description / Buy at Amazon
White Eagles Over Serbia(1954)Description / Buy at Amazon
Panic Spring(2008)Description / Buy at Amazon
Judith(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Plays

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Reflections on a Marine Venus(1943)Description / Buy at Amazon
Prospero's Cell(1945)Description / Buy at Amazon
Bitter Lemons of Cyprus(1957)Description / Buy at Amazon
Lawrence Durrell & Henry Miller: A Private Correspondence (With: Henry Miller)(1963)Description / Buy at Amazon
Spirit of Place(1969)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Big Supposer(1973)Description / Buy at Amazon
Blue Thirst(1975)Description / Buy at Amazon
Sicilian Carousel(1977)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Greek Islands(1978)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Smile in the Mind's Eye(1982)Description / Buy at Amazon
Provence(1990)Description / Buy at Amazon
Caesar's Vast Ghost(1990)Description / Buy at Amazon
From the Elephant's Back(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Antrobus Stories Books

Esprit de Corps(1957)Description / Buy at Amazon
Stiff Upper Lip(1958)Description / Buy at Amazon
Sauve Qui Peut(1966)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Collections

Key to Modern British Poetry(1952)Description / Buy at Amazon
Collected Poems 1931-1974(1957)Description / Buy at Amazon
Selected Poems(1957)Description / Buy at Amazon
Letters, 1935-80(1963)Description / Buy at Amazon
Vega and Other Poems(1973)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Best of Antrobus(1974)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Anthologies

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About Lawrence Durrell
British novelist Lawrence Durrell was particularly well renowned during his lifetime, with his fun and engaging style of storytelling. Clearly gifted with his words, he knew how to craft a story that was both rich and inventive, transporting his readers, regardless of where they’re from. The brother of fellow author Gerald Durrell, he came from a rich literary background history and his love of travel. Over the years this would also make his work distinctively his and his alone, as it would become immediately identifiable to him.

A lot of his work would be based on his own life too, with plenty of memoirs written throughout the course of his literary career. This would grow over the years, with the man being central to his writing, becoming a strong presence for the duration of many of his novels. Expertly crafting a story and weaving his many narrative with care and precision, he knew just where to take his audience. His work has also led to his writing being adapted for the television on a number of different occasions as well.

Many would come to feel as if they really knew the author, with his books resonating with readers around the world. Often writing about his own family too, his audience felt as if they came to know him personally as a very real individual. Setting himself apart from other writers in his field, he would come to occupy a space that was very much his own, with his distinctive and unique style. Leaving a strong impact, his work will continue to inspire countless readers for generations to come, as his stories carry on reaching an ever growing audience.

Early and Personal Life:
Born in Jalandhar, India, in 1912 on the 27th of February, Lawrence Durrell was the eldest son of Indian-born British colonials. First attending St. Joseph’s School in North Point, in Darjeeling, he’d later go on to St. Olave’s Grammar School in England, followed by St. Edmund’s School in Canterbury. All the while he’d begin to harbor a keen interest in both reading and writing, something he’d gradually develop over time. This interest in all things literature would also run strong with his siblings as well, including with his younger brother who’d become a naturalist and television personality too.
When he was fifteen he’d turn to writing poetry seriously, later publishing a collection at nineteen, before moving to Bournemouth in the UK with his mother. His younger brother Gerald, also a writer and conservationist, would here meet the famed bibliophile Alan G. Thomas, who would undertake many of Durrell’s books and legacy. Still revered by upcoming writers to this day, Durrell left an imprint quite unlike any other, as many seek to follow in his footsteps, with a foundation having been created in his name.

Writing Career:
The first book to come from Lawrence Durrell was titled ‘Quaint Fragments’, which he’d write at nineteen, publishing in 1931. This was a collection of his poetry, showing that he had a clear talent for the form, as he’d continue to write prose over the following years. Nominated for the Booker Prize in 1982 he was not without critical acclaim either, gaining a variety of awards during his career. Producing a number of plays, essays, and travel titles too, he was an extremely prolific author, both during his lifetime and after. His name is still highly regarded today, with television adaptations and numerous translations, which he’d also done for others. People continue to discover his novels as well, and his work lives on, which will definitely go on for a long time yet.

First brought out through the Penguin Books publishing label back in 1960, this would be the fourth title in the ‘Alexandria Quartet’ series of novels. Finalising the series, it’s a period piece, with the series taking place for the duration of the Second World War, as the series works around it. With returning characters and different perspectives, it largely revolves around the character of Darley the Irish schoolmaster.

This is the final entry into the Quartet novels, and Durrell really delivers here, covering a wide range of different subjects. Creating lasting characters that stay with the reader long after they put the book down, it definitely leaves a strong impact. Setting itself apart, it maintains a powerful atmosphere and ambiance too, with its evocative use of location and period setting.

Taking place in Alexandria just after the Second World War, this sees Darley, the Irish schoolmaster, becoming involved with the artist Clea. This follows his relationships with Justine and Melissa, now finding himself with this new interesting character, one who briefly appeared in the earlier novels. With their lives intertwined and people moving on, relationships are formed, as their personalities collide with one another. Will they be able to find what they’re looking for? Can they form a lasting bond? What will become of Darley and Clea?

Published through Open Road Integrated Media in 2012, this would come out on the 13th of November that year. Working entirely as a stand-alone title, this wouldn’t be a part of an series as such, with its own self-contained narrative. Originally this was set to be a screenplay starring Sophia Loren in 1966, but it went unpublished until much later.

With some contention upon its release, this looked at the birth of Israel and what it means in modern context. Dealing with a whole range of subjects, Durrell contends with some difficult subject matter, as he attempts to make sense of it all. Looking at the nature of conflict and what it means, he breaks down the history, analysing it through the lens of his central characters.

Taking place in 1948 as the British are set to withdraw from Palestine, it is the eve before they’re about to depart. With the history of Israel uncertain, enemies are surrounding the newfound territory, as a new country is about to begin. Previously escaping the concentration camps of Germany, Judith Roth seeks to make a new life for herself, only to find a new conflict waiting for her. Will she find a place she can finally call home? Where will this journey take her? What will become of Judith?

Book Series In Order » Authors » Lawrence Durrell

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