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Lauren Nossett Books In Order

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Publication Order of LaurenNossett Standalone Novels

Publication Order of LaurenNossett Non-Fiction Books

The Virginal Mother in German Culture(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Writing the Self, Creating Community (With: Elisabeth Krimmer)(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon

Lauren Nossett is a former professor turned bestselling author of mystery fiction novels who has a doctorate in German literature.

“The Resemblance” which is her debut work of fiction is an award-winning novel that was the winner of the Best First Novel ITW Thriller Award.

Similar to many authors, her journey began when she started reading as a child where she used to sequester herself for hours.

Back then, she loved reading books and dreaming of adventures traveling across historical epochs, worlds behind wardrobes, or intergalactic battles wages in the skies.

It was this love for stories and the written word that led her to take comparative literature in college and then proceed to graduate school to study German literature.

From there, she went on to work as a professor teaching literature and language classes. During this time, she continued penning fiction as a hobby and only began taking creative writing very seriously in 2019.

The first story that Lauren Nossett remembers writing was when she penned “The Specialist Key” in crayon when she was in the third grade.

It was a time before she was conversant with any superlatives and her story featured a unique key that made it possible for a little girl to enter into magical worlds. Since that time, Lauren has been writing creative fiction and made it her secret hobby.
As a professor, she was all about looking into the works of other writers while she secretly penned her own novels. It was not until 2019 that she began to permit herself to set aside a good amount of time to do her creative writing endeavors.
The previous winter, she had come up with a new idea and she told herself that during the break, she would spend most of her mornings writing it.

By the time summer was coming to an end, she had penned about 60,000 words and was very close to finishing her novel. A few months later, she got signed by an agent and not long after, her novel was sold and went on to become a blockbuster work.
A year following the publishing of her debut, she published “The Professor” which was just as successful as her first novel.

Like many novelists, Lauren Nossett did not have it easy getting published.

While “The Resemblance” was her first published work, it was the seventh manuscript she had ever written. Some of her manuscripts she wrote and abandoned, others she queried but never could find representation.
She was just twenty-three years old when she penned her first full-length manuscript but it was not until twelve years later that “The Resemblance” was published.

As such, she had written thousands of words and been rejected for more than a decade but never gave up but is still not sure if it was stubbornness or resilience.

It just never occurred to her to stop writing given that it was something she felt compelled to do and love.

Lauren Nossett is now a full-time author having left her job as a professor once her books started blowing up.

She has said that it still feels magical to have several of her novels published and the characters who lived for years in her head being discussed by real people.

Given that all she does most days is write, she usually wakes up and takes her dog for a walk around the Parthenon and Centennial Park before she sits down at her desk to write.
By the time lunch comes around, she usually feels like she needs some human interaction and leaves to go to work at a coffee shop.

From there she will do some editing, answer any outstanding emails, and complete any administrative tasks that would be a distraction in the morning.

“The Professor” by Lauren Nossett is a work that investigates the darkest corners of academic obsession, lies, and ambition.

The work is set in Athens, Georgia one spring afternoon where Ethan Haddock is found to have allegedly committed suicide.

The death draws a lot of media attention not because it is a reflection of the increase in mental health and depression issues, but because there is a whiff of scandal in the case.
Dr. Verena Sobek his professor is being questioned by the authorities as rumors claim that this had something to do with a bad romance.

Soon enough, the police open a “Title IX” investigation and then the professor is suspended as trolls and social media crusaders come out baying for blood.

Marlitt the detective has never worked on a case involving love affairs. She is a research assistant who used to be a detective who is missing her friendship with Teddy and the excitement of investigations.
When her mother a colleague of the accused professor at the university asks for her help, she agrees only to find herself having to prove that something did not happen.

Without access to phone records or credentials to interview suspects, it will not be too easy, as she may have to get close to the people who knew and interacted with him the most, and most of them are not willing to cooperate.
In her relentless quest, she will have to go against influential power structures and probably fly too close to the sun.

Lauren Nossett’s novel “The Resemblance” is a work set at the University of Georgia on a chilly morning in November.

It is here that a member of a fraternal brotherhood steps onto a busy crosswalk where he is hit by a car and dies. More than twelve witnesses agree that the man who knocked him down was smiling and that he looked almost identical to the dead man.
Marlitt Kaplan the detective arrives first on the scene. She was born to a UGA professor in Athens and knows everything from the hushed-up Waddel suicide murder, the skull that had been found in the foundations of Baldwin Hall, and many other shameful histories.
While investigating the case, Kaplan unearths even more shocking secrets while exploring the interconnected, sprawling Greek system that delights and entertains the most connected and elite students at the university.

The line between her past and her police work increasingly becomes blurred, as she seeks to bring redemption to an organization that many years ago took something precious to her.

At some point, she starts to get some dangerous threats, even as some long-buried secrets threaten to resurface.

It is not long before she is questioning if the corruption of the city of Athens may have infected the police who are known to go to extreme lengths to protect one of their own.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Lauren Nossett

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