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Larry Watson Books In Order

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Publication Order of Standalone Novels

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Justice(1994)Description / Buy at Amazon
Late Assignments (poems)(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon

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Larry Watson is a renowned novelist from America, who is famous for writing poetry, short stories, and historical and adult fiction novels. He is particularly popular for writing his book called Montana 1948 that won the Milkweed Prize and helped Larry establish himself as a prominent author. In addition to this successful novel, author Larry has written a number of other successful standalone novels, many of which are widely popular. Author Larry was born in Rugby, North Dakota, United States, in 1947. He spent his earlier years growing up in Bismarck. He received his early education in the public schools of Bismarck. In 1967, author Larry married his longtime girlfriend and high school lover named Susan Gibbons. After his marriage at a very young age, author Larry went on to complete his graduation from the Bismarck State College and then earn his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in arts from the North Dakota University. He also achieved his PhD from the Utah University in the program of creative writing.

Author Larry added another academic achievement by achieving an honorary degree of Doctor of Letters from the Ripon College. The National Arts Endowment and Wisconsin Board of Arts have granted him fellowships and grants in 1987 and 2004. Prior to the beginning of his career in the writing field, author Larry entered the field of teaching. He was involved in teaching literature and writing at the Wisconsin University in Stevens Point. Larry gave 25 years of his life in the teaching field at this university. Later, he joined Marquette University faculty and became a Visiting Professor in 2003. Author Larry started writing at a later stage of his life. Initially, he started by writing only in his spare times, and when he got a hang of his writing, Larry decided to become a full time writer. Author Larry has published poems and short stories in numerous literary journals, including the New England Review, Mississippi Review, Gettysburg Review, North American Review, and several other journals & quarterlies. Even his book reviews and essays have featured in Washington Post, Sun-Times, Los Angeles Times, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, and a few other periodicals.

Larry’s other works have been anthologized in Imagining Home, Writing America, Contemporary Culture Essays, Most Wonderful Books, West of ’98, etc. Besides writing novels & poetry and teaching for many years, author Larry has participated in organizing writers’ conferences in many places such as Arizona, France, Texas, New Mexico, St. Malo & Caen, Vermont, North Dakota, Colorado, Montana, Wisconsin, etc. The fiction stories of author Larry have been released in as many as 10 foreign editions. They have also received awards and prizes from Library Association of Wisconsin, Public Library of New York, Booksellers Association of Mountains & Plains, Milkweed Press, Library Association of Mountains and Plains, Critics’ Choice, etc. The movie rights of Larry’s books Justice and Montana 1948 have been acquired by the Echo Lake Production company. The filming is expected to begin very soon. Also, Orchard and White Crosses have been selected for adapting them into movies. Currently, author Larry resides in Milwaukee, Wisconsin along with his lovely wife. The couple has 2 daughters named Amy and Elly, and 2 grandchildren named Abigail and Theodore. Larry is still working on developing his next novels and is expected to publish some of them in the coming months.

A very popular book that author Larry Watson penned in his career is entitled ‘Montana 1948′. It was released by the Washington Square publication in the year 1993. The book describes the life of a young Montanan man named David Hayden, the members of his family, and a fictional town called Bentrock in Montana. Larry has shown the family’s struggles as it gets torn between justice and loyalty. The primary characters mentioned by Larry include Marie Soldier, Frank Hayden, Gail Hayden, Wesley, Julian Hayden, etc. At the start of the book’s story, it is shown that David’s housekeeper Marie falls ill and David calls his uncle Frank Hayden, a local doctor, to check her. Marie seems reluctant to get herself checked from Frank. She asks David’s mother, Gail Hayden, to remain present in the same room for the entire duration of her check-up. After the treatment, Gail asks Marie about her weird behavior to which Marie informs her that she is afraid of being a Native American and knows that Frank has the habit of abusing the female patients of the Native American origin. He forces the women to commit to unnecessary acts and makes wrong use of his medical practice.

Gail brings these allegations to the notice of her husband, Wesley Hayden, who is a local sheriff. As Wesley begins to investigate he finds himself in a dilemma because of his loyalty towards his brother and the obligation to serve justice. Later, Marie is discovered dead and Frank is suspected to have something to do with it. Frank tries to convince everyone that Marie has died due to pneumonia, but David catches his lie and tells that he had seen him moving out of the house at the time of Marie’s death. Wesley arrests Frank and keeps him in the house’s basement so as to avoid the family’ embarrassment. When David’s grandfather comes to know about this, he strongly opposes Wesley’s action against Frank and demands that he set him free. Wesley decides to transfer Frank to the local prison, but finds that he has committed suicide. David takes his family and leaves Bentrock, thereby putting an end to Julian and Wesley’s fight.

Another exciting novel written by Larry is called ‘American Boy’. It was published in the year 2011 by the Milkweed Editions. The setting takes place in Minnesota, United States, and features the lead characters as Louisa Lindahl, Dr. Dunbar. Matthew Garth, and a few others. At the beginning of the story of the book, it is depicted that a woman gets shot on the day of Thanksgiving in Willow Falls, Minnesota in 1962. When Louisa Lindahl is taken to Dr. Dunbar’s clinic, Matthew Garth sees her for the first time there. The sight of her clothless body makes a great impression on Matthew’s mind and he begins to fall for the lady. Over the next few weeks, Matthew Garth becomes restless for his longing for the mysterious Louisa Lindahl and his desire for affluence and comfort surrounding the Dunbars. Later, he lands himself in several unexpected confrontations that end up changing his life greatly. This book appears to be heartbreaking, richly evocative, and immersive. It was very much appreciated by numerous readers all over the world.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Larry Watson

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