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Kendrick/Coulter/Harrigan Books In Order

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Publication Order of Kendrick / Coulter / Harrigan Books

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Adeline Catherine is a romantic author by every right. Catherine was born on the 22nd of November to Benjamin Early La May. The mother was a writer too. She encounters her earliest memories being those of her mother typing away on an old typewriter and thereafter reading the stories she typed aloud for them to hear. This inspired her to start writing short stories as a child. It seemed a bit farfetched for her as a full time career in later years driving her into accounting. This was also in the spirit of helping put her husband Sidney Anderson keep books of accounting in his company. Catherine later took the leap of faith with her husband’s blessing into writing as a full time job after realizing that numbers were not in her domain.

Catherine delved into romance stories with her first four books. The Harlequin intrigue romance line captured her brilliance with characters that struggled with a disability. She focused on how her characters overcame the disabilities whether physical or mental. Most of her books were set near ranches with animals being one of her likes. The Romantic Time Magazines described her work as “moving, heartwarming…with complex characters trumping over odds. Many readers have testified to her books being heartwarming, funny, delightful and heart wrenching. Some of her latest works have made it I the New York times Best Sellers including ‘Sun Kissed’ and ‘Morning Light”. She has also received nomination for Romantic Times Reviewer’s Choice Awards nine times. ‘Cherish’, one of her best works won. She has also received the Career Achievement Awards for her outstanding works.

Baby love

The first of her Kendrick/Coulter/ Harrigan (Series by Catherine Anderson) is ‘baby love’. The novel features Maggie Stanley who has gone through a rough time in the hand of her stepfather. Maggie is brutally molested and endures to protect her mentally disabled mother. Maggie’s step father attempts to seek her newborn to an adoption agency rendering Maggie and her son on the street with an open boxcar. Maggie, suffering from an infected kidney has nothing on her to eat or feed her baby. She finally meets Rafe Kendrick who seems to have a different problem altogether. Rafe had lost his pregnant wife and young boy to an accident that crippled him. He takes out his frustration on the world by drinking and roaming alone despite his wealth. He offers to help Maggie and pawns his wedding ring for a room. Maggie passes out and is hospitalized. Rafe soon finds out that he is falling for Maggie. He also realizes that he has developed a deep liking for Maggie’s son.

This prompts Rafe to change his life and goes back with Maggie to the ranch after contacting his brother and getting some funds to help him out of the situation. While back at the ranch, Maggie is under the impression that Rafe is loaning him and is careful despite Rafe spoiling her to win her love. Rafe soon starts to process papers to be Jaimie’s father protecting him for his step father. The two finally get together after solving all the misunderstanding. Rafe takes in Maggie’s sister after consent form Maggie’s mother. The stepfather soon re enters the scene kidnapping the boy. All is saved after a standoff that leads to the dead of her stepfather giving Maggie and her family the life they deserve.

The phantom waltz

The ‘phantom Waltz’ being the second of the Kendrick/Coulter/ Harrigan Series by Catherine Anderson revolved around Bethany Coulter. She becomes paraplegic after ghastly barrel racing incident at the age of 17. The girl soon realizes that the dreams of having a normal life are too farfetched thanks to her situation. She however refuses to bow to her over protective family and wants to do things on her own no matter how difficult. As she grows older, suitors become rare and altogether disappear. Ryan Kendrick, a wealthy rancher soon notices her and asks her for a date. Later becoming aware of Bethany’s disability, he almost breaks up the whole date. He later feels that she has been through enough due to her disability and insists on going for the date. The date ends up being a great success for both of them. Ryan soon realized that Bethany is the girl for her and subsequent dates follow. Ryan convinces Bethany of his love for her without much success. Bethany feels that she will be nothing but a burden for Ryan besides not being able to give him a normal life. Bethany’s doctor had informed her that a giving birth could kill her so wasn’t an option. Ryan finally gives in and both settle for friendship. Ryan keeps taking care of Bethany’s needs through anticipation which angers Bethany. She however falls madly in love with him and gives in to him. Ryan ensures that he creates a great environment for Bethany to be comfortable which leads to Bethany agreeing to marry him. They enjoy horse riding together with Ryan providing her with a special saddle. Soon all comes crumbling down as they ride into the countryside.

They both encounter a grizzly bear that threatens to kill Bethany. Ryan knowing the situation puts his life on the line for her almost getting killed. Bethany shoots at the bear scaring it away. Ryan remains hurt and unconscious as Bethany gets help. In a twist of events, Bethany blames herself for Ryan’s situation and decides to break off things while he is at the hospital. She realizes that she would always need Ryan to take care of her which means putting his life at risk. Ryan comes for the hospital only to find that Bethany is gone. He is enraged at what she has done but soon realizes that she had done it for him. He finally chases her down and reconciles with her putting an end to the doubt and assumptions. The story is a mental war or rejection and acceptance in the face of disability.

Adeline Catherine manages to rivet the readers with her work while helping people understand that disability is not inability. She clearly shows in her masterpieces that disability should never hinder love and that love conquers all.

Book Series In Order » Characters » Kendrick/Coulter/Harrigan

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