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Ken Fite Books In Order

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Publication Order of Blake Jordan Books

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Coffee Hacker(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Turnaround(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Inbox Hero(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
American Ebola(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Poverty of Attention(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Remember to Remember(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
The 4-Minute Morning(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Dash(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon

Ken Fite
Ken Fite never thought he’d become a writer. He never majored in journalism during college, he didn’t like his English classes in school. And he didn’t like writing papers. What he wanted to be when he was growing up was a disc jockey on the radio. It was his dream. He wanted to be a DJ on his local rock station in Orlando, Florida.

Ken’s had this dream for years. He remembers listening to the radio the first day that the station went on the air. He was a freshman in high school and wanted to work there so badly, but they said if he wanted a chance, he’d need experience first. After years of working on the air in cities all across Florida, he got his dream job finally as a DJ on his hometown rock station.

Some of these years working at the radio station were spent doing overnight shifts, which typically saw him working from midnight to six in the morning. He was already a night owl before, however staying up all night working for so many years just made matters worse.

Ken worked on the air for a decade before they let him go. Being on the radio was something he’d wanted to do since the age of eight. It was such a hard pill to swallow when your dream job’s taken from you however it gives you the opportunity to reinvent yourself and try things that you’ve never done before.

So he started his own business. He got into coffee after he visited this friend that taught him how to roast his own coffee beans. Ken read everything he could about how to make better coffee. He began roasting coffee for his family and friends at first, then he roasted for coffee shops and people all over America that bought his coffee online. He wound up running that company for three years as he wrote a popular coffee blog to help folks make better coffee at home. It was a blast. However when coffee prices skyrocketed and the economy tanked, he was forced to close his business.

Ken was unsure what was next for him, so he decided to begin reading more to try and find his calling. That is when he began reading on the habits of successful people and one thing he found was that many of the most successful people throughout history would wake up at five in the morning. He didn’t think something like that would be possible for a night owl like him, however he began believing that if he could wake up earlier, he just may find the next thing he was meant to do.

He challenged himself to wake up at five every day for a month, two hours before his sons and wife would wake up, just to see what would happen. He used the first hour to invest in himself: to pray, exercise, to do a devotional, and read books that’d stretch him as a person.

The second hour was used to create. He did not know what to create at first, however he decided to turn his coffee blog into a book. He thought that it’d take years to finish this book, however he ended up finishing during these first 30 days when he was waking up sooner.

And he found he really loved writing. Then, within just minutes of publishing his first book, somebody bought it. He found he was hooked. He went on to write more books about specific things and how to incorporate those specific habits to mastering those topics.

He’s since found that radio wasn’t ever his passion. It was broadcasting. Communicating ideas which make people think. And even laugh sometimes.

“The Senator” is the first novel in the “Blake Jordan” series and was released in 2016. The senator’s been kidnapped. Can Blake Jordan save him?

Blake Jordan, after his wife is murdered in Chicago, focuses on the only thing he’s ever been good at. His job. However Blake, a by-the-book man, is so consumed by his grief that he does not notice somebody’s watching him from the shadows.

When Senator Keller asks him to handle security the same night he is set to get his party’s nomination for president, he accepts this assignment. However he never expected the senator to vanish under his watch.

If he wants to get him back, then Blake has to break every single rule he has lived by. However what the kidnappers are planning next is shocking, and it is a whole lot darker and much more personal than he could’ve imagined.

This novel grabbed readers and wouldn’t let them go, because the plot keeps you engaged while the characters grow on you. Readers are totally engrossed in the story and believe every bit of it, it’s so real It’s filled with surprises and never ending twists and turns, and has an ending that leaves you wanting more.

“Credible Threat” is the second novel in the “Blake Jordan” series and was released in 2016. They are going to assassinate the president. Will Blake Jordan be able to stop them?

Blake Jordan, after being fired from the Department of Domestic Counterterrorism, heads off to DC for President-elect Keller’s inauguration. However there are some men in power that will not allow that to happen.

Keller asks Blake to create this off-the-books black ops team to stop terrorists, he refuses. However when somebody tries taking Blake out of the picture, he learns about a plot to assassinate Keller.

If Blake wants to stop these killers, he must put a team together to save his buddy. However the terrorists have something much more sinister planned. And it cannot be stopped because it has already been done.

This is a fast paced thriller that you will be reading late into the night. There is a well put together story and fast moving action. Readers enjoyed reading about Blake Jordan again, as well as these bad guys. Fans found this to be well written and believable; one that is exciting without ever getting gratuitous in its violence and language.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Ken Fite

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