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Katrina Monroe Books In Order

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Publication Order of Standalone Novels

They Drown Our Daughters(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
Graveyard of Lost Children(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
Through the Midnight Door(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Anthologies

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Katrina Monroe
Author Katrina Monroe lives in Minnesota with her two kids, wife, and Eddie, the ghost that haunts their bedroom closets. She works as a private investigator by day.

She grew up in Florida, mainly the Tampa Bay area. She moved to Minnesota in the year 2012 in order to get married, because same sex marriage was not legal in Florida at that time. While she loves the different seasons, she misses the oceans something fierce. She has always been drawn to the water, which does tend to come through in her writing.

Working as a private investigator is cool stuff. It’s not so much cheating spouses as it is following the money and digging up corporate dirt, which can be equally exciting. The write what you know rule says that she should actually be writing PI mysteries, however there is something about the supernatural which pulls her toward ghost stories.

Katrina doesn’t really think there was any sort of “aha!” type moment where she realized that she loved writing. It was only something she always did. She wrote these stories about a little girl and her leprechaun best friend during elementary school (with some accompanying illustrations), with a bit of help from her babysitter that taught her how you use quotation marks. Then, during high school she wrote angsty poetry, as ya do, however it wasn’t until she was a mom twice over by nineteen that she thought maybe she should be writing novels.

As she read, she would scribble down ways that she herself would’ve changed the story, or write down in her journal these little vignettes about characters she believed should’ve been given more of the spotlight. Eventually these vignettes became short stories, which later became novels.

There have always been stories in her head, it only took her a little while to recognize them for what they were, and to learn how to get them down on paper in a way that made sense.

Inspiration for “They Drown Our Daughters” came from many different places. When she began thinking about what to write, she just knew that she wanted it to take place near the water, that it’d be Gothic, and that a running theme of identity would take center stage. The setting came together pretty early in the process, after she learned about the Cape Disappointment lighthouse. It is a real place with a lot of very interesting history.

At the time, her brother lived in Seattle and when she went to visit him they drove up the west coast to the Quinault Rainforest and this neighboring beach. Growing up in Florida she had expected the coast to be totally white sand and palm trees, however it was quite the opposite. Gray skies and water, abandoned beaches that were filled with dead crab corpses. It was a total nightmare, and the perfect setting for a dark novel. She ran with it and never looked back.

The novel is a heavy hitter when it comes to atmosphere. This is the result of Katrina’s favorite stories being the sorts of books you can really sink your teeth into, so it was important to her that this could stand up to those comps.

Deadlines help keep her motivated as she’s writing. Katrina is such a dreamer that she could sit around and journal about a book idea for months and never actually begin writing it. Knowing that there is a finish line she has to reach always gives her the proper push.

“They Drown Our Daughters” is the first stand alone novel and was released in 2022. If you can hear the call of the water, then it is already too late.

They say that Cape Disappointment is haunted. This is why tourists used to flock there in droves. They would visit the rocky shoreline under the old lighthouse’s watchful eye and fish shells out of the water while they pretended to spot these dark shapes in the surf. Those tourists are long gone now, and when Meredith Strand and her daughter come back to Meredith’s childhood home after an acrimonious split from her wife, the Cape seems to be more haunted by regret than by any malevolent force.

However her mom, who is suffering from early onset Alzheimer’s, has become convinced those old ghost stories are real. Not only is there something in the water, however it’s also watching them. And waiting for them. Reaching out to Meredith’s daughter the way it has to every woman in their line for generations now, and if Meredith is not careful, all three of these women, who are bound by both blood and heartbreak, are going to be lost one by one to the mournful call of the ocean.

“They Drown Our Daughters”, part ghost story, part queer modern Gothic, explores the depths of identity, motherhood, and the lengths that a woman will go to in order to hang onto both.

“Graveyard of Lost Children” is the second stand alone novel and was released in 2023. Once she has her grip on you, she’ll never let you go.

At just four months old, Olivia Dahl almost was murdered. Her mom, driven by these haunting visions, became obsessed with the thought that Olivia was now a changeling, and that the only way to get her real child back was to make a trade with the “dead women” that live at the bottom of the well. Now Olivia’s ready to give birth to a daughter of her own, and for the very first time, she hears the women whispering.

Everybody keeps telling her she should be happy. She should be glowing. However the birth of her daughter just fills her with dread. As her body begins giving out, slowly but surely deteriorating while the baby eats, eats, eats, she starts to fear that this baby is not her daughter at all and, despite her best efforts history has been repeating itself.

Before long, images of a black haired woman plague Olivia’s own nightmares, pulling her back to the well which almost claimed her life, tying daughter and mother together in a desperate cycle of violence and fear which has to be broken if Olivia has got any hope of saving her child. Or herself.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Katrina Monroe

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