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Kathy Wang Books In Order

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Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Family Trust(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Impostor Syndrome(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Satisfaction Café(2025)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Kathy Wang is an author of fiction. She was born in northern California, where she was raised and grew up.

Kathy Wang was not always a professional writer. As a matter of fact, she attended the University of California at Berkeley and also attended Harvard Business School, graduating from there as well. She became an officially published author with the release of her first novel. It is titled Family Trust. The book came out in 2018.

Family Trust is the exciting debut fictional novel from author Kathy Wang. If you want to check it out, you can go online to buy it or check your local bookstore or even your local library to see if they have it!

The main character in this book is Stanley Huang. He’s a husband, a father, and also has a temper. In addition to being a husband, he is also an ex-husband and has tastes that could be classified as unpredictable.

He enjoys vacations that are all inclusive and also enjoys buying luxury goods– all the better if you can find them at a bargain. You couldn’t exactly say that Stanley enjoys life, but you could put out the statement cautiously that Stanley Huang does enjoy the finer things in life (above all else).

It’s been years now and Stanley has always told people that his worth adds up to what is essentially a small fortune. He’s always told his family members that the cash is there and that he’s worth a lot, but when the actual time comes to show the details of his estate and bank accounts, will they match up?

Stanley may have to show his real cards in the end because he has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. It will only be a matter of time before he passes away and now his family is anxious to see whether he was telling the truth about how much money and worth he had. They’re also nervous– it’s more than possible that he has been lying about it the whole time.

Stanley has always made quite a big deal about his money and told his son about the inheritance that he would receive. Fred has always heard a lot about what he would get from his father. If it is real, Fred will be able to receive the inheritance and it will go a long way to make up for the suffering that he has been through from years of being disappointed professionally.

He attended Harvard Business School and perhaps it’s true that he had unrealistic expectations about how his career would go. Fred fully expected to become a high flying figure in the tech world. Instead he is stuck in a career that is significantly less successful, a corporate firm that falls somewhere in the middle instead of being a shining star in the business world.

Fred is just a small investor in the firm and he doesn’t even get seated in business class when making trips abroad– the company won’t let him. Meanwhile, Stanley also has a daughter that is involved in the business world, and the contrasts are like night and day.

Kate works in Silicon Valley for one of the best tech companies in the area as a ‘middle’ manager. She is doing quite well in her field and even though her boss has name and face recognition around the world, she does okay managing their somewhat over the top demands on a regular basis.

Kate isn’t just a manager and a business woman but a mother too. So when she isn’t meeting the needs of her boss and all that they need done, she’s tending to her two children, both of whom are still quite young. She’s also doing her best to provide for the family and her spouse, as her husband is trying to get his own venture started.

Kate knows that she will just have to pull the weight and do her best to support her husband. It will just be until the start-up company finds its legs and she knows that the venture is likely to turn around soon and finally take off.

The only thing is that her female intuition has been incredibly off lately. She feels that something is off, even if she doesn’t know what it is. Just because she cannot put her finger on it does not mean that Kate is immediately wrong. It’s possible that she’s just being paranoid because when you have so much in life, it only seems natural to start looking for the bottom to fall out.

Meanwhile, her father is experiencing the perks of being newly married. Mary Zhu has become his official second wife, and she is a full 28 years younger than her new husband. Still, the age difference is definitely working in Stanley’s favor.

She’s quite traditional and is doing everything that she can to make sure that her husband stays comfortable. Whether this involves cooking him his favorite meals, or giving him a foot massage, or even building up his ego, Mary has always been the dutiful wife but the things that she always used to do are suddenly starting to slow down.

Caring for someone when they are dying can be tough. It’s a position that Linda Liang will not find herself in as she is the first wife and freed of that burden. She knows him inside and out and worked hard as a wife to make sure that their family would be financially cared for. She wants to be sure that her children will get what they deserve from him in the end.

A single Chinese woman at 72 years old, Linda has also been wanting to find a boyfriend. Will she be able to find true companionship in California and track herself down a companion at last?

As the death of a father comes to them, the Huangs must come to terms with this situation. In the process, the challenges may end up giving this Californian family a chance to find out what is most important to them in life. Read this amazing novel from Kathy Wang to experience the story for yourself!

Book Series In Order » Authors » Kathy Wang

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