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Kathleen Glasgow Books In Order

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Publication Order of The Agathas Books

with Liz Lawson
The Agathas(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Night in Question(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Girl in Pieces(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
How to Make Friends with the Dark(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
You'd Be Home Now(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Permanent Vacancy(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Glass Girl(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Anthologies

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Kathleen Glasgow is a published author of fiction.

She is the writer of the novel Girl in Pieces, which was a best selling novel with the New York Times. It has been named to the top of many best of lists by BN Teen, Teen Vogue, Goop,, Refinery 29, and others.

She currently resides in Tucson, Arizona. She has lived in New Mexico, Arizona, Minnesota, and Pennsylvania. She attended the University of Minnesota, where she graduated with her M.F.A. While she was there, she also coordinated the creative writing graduate program.

Glasgow also has written for The Writer’s Almanac. If you want to get a literary history anecdote, she could likely help you out. She enjoys cheesecake, chocolate, imagining Rick Grimes as her imaginary boyfriend, and going night swimming. She has a cat, four chickens, and koi as pets that all seem to get along.

Her favorite books when she was growing up were A Wrinkle In Time by Madeline L’Engle, J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye, and The Outsiders, by S.E. Hinton. She always wanted to be a writer when she grew up. Her favorite time to write in in the morning when she has already had some coffee and can look at the birds out the window. She likes to search for vintage prom dresses online from the fifties and really likes pepperoni.

Girl in Pieces is the debut fictional novel to come out from Kathleen Glasgow. It was published in 2016. This is a story that is about finding art, people, and figuring out how to fight back. It was named one of the best young adult books of 2016 by Amazon, noted as one of the best books for teens that year by the New York Public Library, and named one of 2016’s best books for young adults by Barnes & Noble.

This book introduces readers to Charlie Davis, the main character. She’s a young woman at 17 years old and is struggling in a big way. She’s been dealing with a lot of emotional issues for a while. Now she’s falling to pieces and trying to get through it all. She’s already lost so much that she’s in a state of deep emotional pain. One of the ways that she gets through it all is by cutting herself.

When she’s cutting, the reality of the pain is able to make all of the pain and sadness that she’s feeling go away. Cutting lets her get to the place where it’s all not bothering her and there’s nothing remaining but a calm feeling. She doesn’t focus on things that are too tough to feel but she still feels all the time. One of these things is her father, or that thing that happened under the bridge.

She doesn’t have to think about the fact that her closest friend Ellis is never coming back. Or that her mother just doesn’t have anything inside to give to her daughter anymore. When Charlie has to leave a treatment center because her insurance has run out, she’s out on her own. There she has to fend for herself in Tucson, Arizona.

There in the bright landscape she has to start what seems like the impossible. She has to try and put who she is back together once more. Can Charlie do what it takes to try and provide a life for herself? Or will all the weight that she is carrying and all of her demons end up taking her down instead? Read this book to find out!

How to Make Friends with the Dark is the second fictional novel to come out from author Kathleen Glasgow. This book was published in 2019. It’s the story of a girl’s battle to find clarity in a world that often seems unclear.

In this story, the main character is a young girl named Tiger. She’s just sixteen years old and is like any other girl her age. When it comes to her life, she’s always been close with her mother. She’s been her entire world for some time now. But things are starting to change slowly as she continues to grow up.

Sixteen is a time where you try to define yourself as a person. But now that Tiger is sixteen she’s finding that her mother has a ton of control over her. When it comes to her mother handling just about everything in her life, Tiger’s finding it to be suffocating in nature. She’s doing the best that she can to try and put up with it, but sometimes she just wants to be an individual and not have her mom running her life like a CEO or something.

Tiger is getting to the breaking point with how much control her mother has. She’s trying to put up with her mother’s management of her life, but it’s getting tough. Just when she thinks that she cannot handle it anymore, something happens unexpectedly that changes everything. Tiger’s mother passes away, and just like that, all of the control and her mother’s presence itself just disappears.

It’s a huge turn for life to take, and Tiger doesn’t know what to do at first. She’s just left to pick up the pieces and try to figure out how she’s going to live life without her mother there. She’s grieving for the loss of her mother, but she also has to start making her own way in the world while figuring out who she is.

Tiger does her best and finds that there are people out there that she can rely on. She makes her own type of family with people who are related to her and people who are not. They’re the ones that are going to be with her, and Tiger finds out that she has a lot more love around her than she imagined. They’re part of the journey moving forward along with her.

For the first time in her life, Tiger’s making friends when it comes to the dark. Will she make it through this tough time with the help of her family and their support? Read this book to find out!

Book Series In Order » Authors » Kathleen Glasgow

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